By Danni Boatwright
I'm gonna pipe up more cuz... fuck it, you were great. The best thing about you JR, is that you always had a great attitude. Wether your plan was working or not, you never held it against anyone who didn't go along with you. Just constantly trying different things and moving on to the next. Great attitude, that's what makes you unique.
must be that alpha in him

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By Danni Boatwright
Danni Boatwright" wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:35:52 am
 We just need to try to separate ourselves from JR because he is imploding. Idk why she decided to go to JR and tell him he needed to fix bonds with Kallpa. That shows me that she has more loyalty towards JR. Because otherwise why would she say that I am trying to distance myself. UGH. Distancing does not equal voting someone out. That was probably the most frustrating conversation I have ever had other than talking with JR who said well Im going down swinging, like okay, but can you not be stupid please? This is not "creating a divide" it is making you the target, and we need to lay low and have them decide to take shots at each other. UGH.
anyways leslie is gonna be the last yellow standing whether she wins or loses. that's how i see it playing out at least.
get me another draft psychic badge for my very obvious and normie take

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By Danni Boatwright
OK so I kinda want to do a retrospective on this season and center my thoughts before final tribal starts, because i don't want some of my opinions tainted by the ultimate outcome. Regardless of who wins this season, i think there are some lessons to be learned here both as a host, and as player/viewer of ORGs.

For years we've seen the take that it's time for survivor to do a back to basics season and throw the players off their game with no idols or advantages on the island. The issue with this kind of a format change is that it relies super heavily on good casting, and it also relies on the viewers understanding the risks that come with the original format of survivor. Without advantages, without idols, the game heavily favors the majority alliance and limits the game moves players on the bottom can make. In an ideal world, we would be able to see those players on the bottom be able to swing some votes to their side (think Sean/Vecepia/Kathy/Neleah/Paschal from marquesas) and take control over their enemies. However, that requires the majority alliance to be sloppy with their social game, letting players know that they're on the bottom and incentivizing them to flip. That brings me to my reflections on this game.

In my opinion, we had a colorful cast of characters that could stand up to the no twist format of the season. I think every player delivered some great TV moments throughout the game, with the exception of our inactive. Where the season started down a bad trajectory was the absolute decimation of Kallpa in the premerge. Losing every challenge really puts them at a strong numbers disadvantage, and makes the merge game that much more difficult for themselves. An added layer to this is that the Anchas had never voted by the time merge rolled around, and every game i've ever played the first vote is where players are the most cautious. It was a perfect storm to put our game on a path to a pagonging. 

One thing that i think really worked against the second half of the game is the viewers investment in the Kallpa tribe. We saw blindsides, we saw strategy, we saw OTT personality at those early Kallpa tribals, so when they wound up as our lovable underdogs at the merge it made the straightforward Ancha v Kallpa narrative hurt that much more. Now, as we saw the game was more complex that green vs yellow, but those first two rounds of the merge really made the chances of any sort of flip or uprising that much more difficult. The stranglehold the stoners had over the other Anchas at this point in the game stopped all moves in their tracks. Think how exciting that first vote would have been if Shan knew deshawn was throwing his vote and was able to flip as she had wanted to? Think about the fallout we would have seen from Abe if everything didnt go his way? already we're looking at a more intense and interesting season. But that's not what we got.

As those opening merge rounds played out, the hosts did our usual bit asking the players if the game was as simple as it appears. Is it a basic pagogning? should the Kallpas just pack up now? And in confessional all the Anchas were telling us no, it wasn't that simple. but they werent willing to be the ones to hop off the bandwagon and make a move yet. That is, until JR won the final 9 immunity and started stirring shit up with heather and sara. This round was incredible, and in my opinion this is where the season peaked. Sara learned the hard way that Abe was immediately spilling any information she shared with him. he got caught by shan AND heather doing the same thing that round. He was a mess, and JR saw his opportunity. He gathered numbers in Shan/Leslie, Heather/Sara, and himself. Now the problem here was JR had tried to get numbers on previous votes as well and got played, which led Leslie and Shan to think he was bluffing here. And when Abe came around (more calmly now) and lured Shan back in, it convinced her and Leslie to vote for Sara at 9, essentially neutering any chance the outsiders had to make a move without the help of Xander and Evvie. It was devastating to watch all that work get flushed down the drain, but was also a thrilling spectacle.

From here the next few votes were straightforward. Heather had been on the outs at old Ancha beach and gets knifed for being a flipper. Shan follows shortly after when Abe realizes he doesnt need her vote anymore and knifes one of his soldiers that saved his life at the final 9. All this time the prevailing narrative is that the power structure of the game is Abe/Evvie/Deshawn, and because of this a lot of people hone in on deshawn as the one playing the cleanest game. The stoners decide to knife him before he can become a real winner threat, and we're left at the final 5 with the stoner alliance and the two leftover Kallpa members who have been pretty much dragged around by the majority alliance despite their best efforts to make a move.

Now, the endgame tends to be where we see loyalties disintegrate because players are self interested and want to take the crown and cash prize for themselves, but this season despite JR and Leslie's best efforts, Evvie and Xander stay loyal to the stoners despite being aware that the perception of the game is that Abe has controlled the entire merge. On top of this, as JR/Leslie called out multiple times, Abe had been the strongest consistent challenge competitor all game and could likely win out. This warning was not taken by Xander and Evvie, and lo and behold Abe wins out to the final tribal. It's hard to say whether the two of them would have been better off in the final 4 with JR (who is also a good challenge competitor), but there was probably a higher chance of them beating him than they had of beating Abe. Leslie, while an angel, was not going to be a threat to either of them in the challenges. Based on how the discussions around votes are going, Evvie will likely leave and Xander will be dragged to the final 2.

So here we are, looking down the barrel at the final 2 of Abe and Xander, and there is a very clear distinction between their games despite being together from day one. Abe has been visible, controlling, paranoid, and aggressive. Xander has been more social, more kind, and more passive to the point where many people on the jury think he has done nothing. Really this vote will come down to whether the jury can stomach giving Abe the win, and he isn't doing himself any favors with how he plans to show them his fake idols. IF Xander wins, I think it will be because Abe alienated almost the entire jury in his quest for complete control. If he loses, well thats just expected based on his agency in the game. The jury seems to recognize the disparity between both of their games, but their emotions are also making it very difficult to accept an abe win.

So what did we learn? Early game domination without a swap really kills momentum in a season like this. Without powers and advantages for the underdogs, we need to rely solely on social maneuvering, which can be difficult to pull off. It also really highlights how crucial it is to find the moment to make a move. In this case, the final 11, 10, and 9 votes set this game on a course for stoner domination. Once in control, Evvie and Xander really only had the final 5 vote to decide whether they wanted to risk letting JR any closer to the end, or if they take their chances with Abe. Other than those few inflection points, the game was dominAbed by the tightest trio in the game.

All in all, I had a fun time watching this season, even if the strategy and trajectory of the game got stale and predictable around the final 8. As far as stranded seasons go it would probably be near the bottom of my rankings since I've been part of the community. I think a lot of this cast would do much better on a second time out, especially given how few of them had any kind of previous ORG experience. Top of my list to return would be JR, Jamie, Shan, Sara, Leslie, and Deshawn. All of them showed promise to me, and I think would shine even brighter on a second chance.

As for the stoners? I hope they smoke a fat bowl and calm the fuck down post season. I think a less aggressive version of their personalities would probably be pleasant to interact with on the stranded discord. 

Thats all for now. 
Danni 💋

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By Dean Kowalski
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Danni Boatwright" wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 4:22:43 pm As far as stranded seasons go it would probably be near the bottom of my rankings since I've been part of the community. I think a lot of this cast would do much better on a second time out, especially given how few of them had any kind of previous ORG experience.
It's definitely near or at the bottom for me as well as far as Stranded seasons go, but I've only been around here a couple years. Also I'm gonna say something here for the merge cast to see if they read this since I said it in the lurker server before, but I don't think this is a BAD season, moreso it's just extremely, extremely average. And because most of the past modern/recent Stranded seasons have been major successes, this one really pales in comparison, at least for the hosts and lurkers who have been around longer. I do also agree that almost everyone on this cast would probably do really well on another season, I think most have great strengths that could be used again and have a better chance to shine in a different playing field than on this one. Casting is always good with Stranded.

I don't think this F3 outcome and this season's lower ranking is 100% the fault of this being a back to basics season, though. Like, where we casted people on starting tribes factored in, we unknowingly gave Ancha amazing comp beasts and Kallpa none lmfao. If Ancha went to at least one tribal council (post-Danny removal) pre-merge, I think that could have been enough to wake Ancha up enough to change them for merge (or at least be more serious about it), along with Kallpa having one additional number during early merge. We've seen in jury the amount of people that wish they'd have done something different. That hypothetical season likely will still have a similar outcome to what we have now, but the journey I think would be very different from the merge period we got. Ultimately I think this wasn't a guarantee this would happen, but the biggest non-game factors why it did were Ancha being challenge beasts (with the likes of Shan and Abraham) in the pre-merge and Kallpa being shit, and of course, the Stoners being annoyingly loyal to each other in their never ending circlejerk. I'd still take a season like this over one that's overly abundant with several idols and powers and a twist every round.

Final Nine was definitely THE defining moment of the season, and the biggest "what if". The moment that had potential to flip the entire season on itself. Abraham wasn't just part of the Stoners Alliance, he was a huge reason why Ancha was so solidified thru the merge. That could have opened many opportunities had he left, especially depending on who would win F8 afterwards.

I think my boredom of this predictable late game is making me type this rambling nonsense out lmao. All I know is, no matter who wins 1st place, this is gonna be one of those seasons where I play "what if" a lot in my head, more than any other.
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By Danni Boatwright
Dean Kowalski" wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 5:40:59 pm
Danni Boatwright" wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 4:22:43 pm As far as stranded seasons go it would probably be near the bottom of my rankings since I've been part of the community. I think a lot of this cast would do much better on a second time out, especially given how few of them had any kind of previous ORG experience.


I don't think this F3 outcome and this season's lower ranking is 100% the fault of this being a back to basics season, though. Like, where we casted people on starting tribes factored in, we unknowingly gave Ancha amazing comp beasts and Kallpa none lmfao. If Ancha went to at least one tribal council (post-Danny removal) pre-merge, I think that could have been enough to wake Ancha up enough to change them for merge (or at least be more serious about it), along with Kallpa having one additional number during early merge. We've seen in jury the amount of people that wish they'd have done something different. That hypothetical season likely will still have a similar outcome to what we have now, but the journey I think would be very different from the merge period we got. Ultimately I think this wasn't a guarantee this would happen, but the biggest non-game factors why it did were Ancha being challenge beasts (with the likes of Shan and Abraham) in the pre-merge and Kallpa being shit, and of course, the Stoners being annoyingly loyal to each other in their never ending circlejerk. I'd still take a season like this over one that's overly abundant with several idols and powers and a twist every round.
Oh I agree it's not all due to the back to basics idea, but it really reminds you why idols and advantages were added into survivor. A well timed idol play or a a stolen vote opens up the game for the minority alliances. It means planning split votes instead of piling all of them on one target, meaning less numbers needed to make a move. I think this cast likely would have played a similar game no matter what happened, but the lack of game mechanics to cause bumps in the road for the majority alliance meant we had little to no chance for a shake up from final 8 on.
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By Danni Boatwright
This may be one of the more frustrating final tribals I've witnessed in Stranded. For the first time in a long time I am completely indifferent about who wins. The last time I felt this way was Victory, when I would have been happy with any of the three players taking home the crown because they all played variations of the same UTR game to varying degrees of success. In this case, I don't care for either finalist so the winner will be disappointing (to me) either way!

Let's start with Abe, the king of contradictions. Reading his opening statement was nauseating, mostly due to the sheer audacity to rewrite game history and claim every single thing that happened as his own move. Watching him assign agency to himself when Deshawn/Evvie/Xander did ANYTHING made me feel a little gross, and I'm hoping more people on the jury call him out for it. ON TOP OF THIS. Abe has talked many times about how he thinks he's playing one of the best games in stranded history, yet then goes all in on this fake idol gambit at final tribal. MY DUDE. If you played the best game in stranded history you wouldn't need to lie about two shitty looking idols, you'd win off the merit of your game without them. Can't wait to hear him whine some more about Xander calling him out in FTC because watching his fragile ego implode by the slightest criticism is the only entertainment he gives me.

Now onto Xander, our scooby doo of the season. I really think he is blowing his shot to beat abe in his responses to the Kallpa jury members. All Xander needs to do is be agreeable and continue to poke holes in Abe's story, yet instead hes taking this time to coninue his "Holier than thou" approach to talking to Leslie ONE OF THE VOTES HE DESPERATELY NEEDS!! I understand the catty callout final tribal council when its clear you have no shot of winning, so maybe thats why Xander is acting this way? But then he hops in confessional and tells us he thinks he still has a shot, so it leads me to believe he has no idea how he is coming off to some of the jury.'

My prediction is that Abe is going to win 6-3, but this jury seems very fluid at the moment and depending on how some questions get answered today that could definitely change. For entertainment purposes, a Xander upset would be fun, but if we can't get that outcome at least we're getting a little bit of the deserved comeuppance for Abe at this tribal... I just wish more of the jury was comprehending how much he has contradicted his own statements about his game and were willing to call him out on it.

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By Michael Snow
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Now onto Xander, our scooby doo of the season. I really think he is blowing his shot to beat abe in his responses to the Kallpa jury members. All Xander needs to do is be agreeable and continue to poke holes in Abe's story, yet instead hes taking this time to coninue his "Holier than thou" approach to talking to Leslie ONE OF THE VOTES HE DESPERATELY NEEDS!! I understand the catty callout final tribal council when its clear you have no shot of winning, so maybe thats why Xander is acting this way? But then he hops in confessional and tells us he thinks he still has a shot, so it leads me to believe he has no idea how he is coming off to some of the jury.'

I think this is one of the weirdest things about Xander, he has called himself an empath a few times throughout the game. But really, he has been one of the cattier and more passive aggressive players. Especially to the people who have been nice to him. His reactions to Leslie and his general usage of the phrase 'pawing" have been really telling about his usage of empathy with others in the game.
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By Danni Boatwright
Michael Snow" wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:47:58 pm

Now onto Xander, our scooby doo of the season. I really think he is blowing his shot to beat abe in his responses to the Kallpa jury members. All Xander needs to do is be agreeable and continue to poke holes in Abe's story, yet instead hes taking this time to coninue his "Holier than thou" approach to talking to Leslie ONE OF THE VOTES HE DESPERATELY NEEDS!! I understand the catty callout final tribal council when its clear you have no shot of winning, so maybe thats why Xander is acting this way? But then he hops in confessional and tells us he thinks he still has a shot, so it leads me to believe he has no idea how he is coming off to some of the jury.'

I think this is one of the weirdest things about Xander, he has called himself an empath a few times throughout the game. But really, he has been one of the cattier and more passive aggressive players. Especially to the people who have been nice to him. His reactions to Leslie and his general usage of the phrase 'pawing" have been really telling about his usage of empathy with others in the game.
Don't get me wrong, I love a catty and passive aggressive confessionalist. I just think he's stuck in this mode where he's insecure about his own game, and then decides rather than fight for the merits of his own moves he can just bash the games of other people who didn't have the luxury of Abe and Evvie carrying them to the end. Like we see it over and over as he talks about stringing along the Kallpas throughout the merge. A real "empath" would understand how devastating it would be to be on the receiving end of that kind of relationship and see how that may not be beneficial in a final tribal.

anyways. long story short I just think he has bad reads on which jurors were open to hearing about his game and which jurors he was never going to win over. 

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