You are one of two people that could win this whole thing! Victory is now up to you, with your FTC speech, but much more importantly the Jury, with their questions.

No formal questions from me this time. Maybe a Fallen Comrades would be a nice writeup to do, to look back on who has had to leave in order for you to be in this privileged position and give them some respect. Maybe a bit telling the lurkers your last thoughts before you think of a speech, maybe about who you're sitting next to, etc. It's been great to see active confessionals this season, I thank you for that! I recommend looking back at said confessionals to help jog the brain to remember how you got to this spot, to guide you with crafting your FTC speech and to help you with answering what the Jurors will ask you.

Tinkunanchiskama, see you all in a couple days when we have ourselves a winner!
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Dean Kowalski

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Fallen Comrades
  • Sherea: I never got to meet you, but i heard you really wanted to be here. Im sorry you couldn't stay longer
  • Danny: Wish we got to talk dude! you threw out that Lost reference then dipped. 
  • Denise: I will always remember spending nights trying to figure out who was in Chevy Malibu. I had written your name down as being in a few alliances
  • aaron: I hear you were a force of nature and got blindsided, mad respect dude wish you made it farther than JR
  • Frosti: I lived for how messy you were. Always stay you.
  • Jaime: I enjoyed our conversations and your bright energy. You always stayed genuine. I wish we kept you over leslie. 
  • Erik: I spoke a total of 4 words with you. "Hi how are you". Got left on read...
  • Sara: Sara, Oh Sara. I know you hate me now, and i hated you when the game began. But i really liked you by the end and the hardest day in this game was when you got voted out. I really wish you and I had made it here. I may have started off with you being fake but by the end i was 100 percent distraught when you left. I tried my hardest, my damn hardest to keep you in.
  • Heather: You were always so insane to talk to in the best way. But you were always deluded and never had any idea what was going on. 
  • Shan: Since your so good at being a frigid condescending bitch, You should ignore people that tell you to be yourself Shan. Its better for everyone. 
  • Deshawn: You are the  human equivalent of a golden retriever, loyal sweet non threatening. But i never feel like you let me in. I know next to nothing about you, you are kinda a beige wall in my mind. I wish we talked more. 
  • JR: You played your ass off. You were explosive and fun and i hope you get to come back. But i was so happy the day you got voted out so i didnt have to be pestered by you anymore
  • Leslie: The true goat of the season. I can actually prove that i made moves. You were a piece of wallpaper. You were a sweet lady and i wish you all the best. 
  • Evvie: Crushed. im totally crushed you're gone. I wish i was here with Evvie. You and i played our parts perfect. My Honeymood Homie


  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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In order to sway the jury I'm going to need to cast a few things about Abe in a bad light. His insane paranoia, the fact that he flat out dragged the rug out from underneath people who thought they were his ally, didn't even consider playing an idol on them (just figured out about that). 

I always had the harder road. I had to be scrappy and work to stay in the middle sway vote position. My social game had to be stronger cause and was never perceived as being in the in group until literally the end.

You all may call it a Scooby-Doo reveal, which hey it probably is. But I was always in the decision making for every vote. I swayed both Abe and the people voting against us. If I was not around sowing my discord, the perceived all mighty Abe would have been overcome by everyone. I kept the tribe scrambling around unable to organize against him. 

Fuck you JR for saying I'm a zero vote finalist. Im gonna prove your wrong you smarmy frat boy. 

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  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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Of course Abe's jury statement includes visuals and flowcharts hahaha. He's such a "Pick me girl" 

I mean damn I'd vote for the guy if I could. 4 mins before the statements were due the text editor did that thing were at mashes all the paragraphs together like it did in my first confessional the season. So I had a mini little panic attack trying to reseparate all the paragraphs in 2 minutes.  

My formatting is awful compared to Abe. Hahahahha. But I will say he sounds a little bit more robotic and condescending in his statements then I do. 
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  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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I GOT ABES GOAT (no pun intended). 

He just fell flat on his face in =19.5pxthe =19.5pxJaime thread. He is coming off as totally arrogant and Jaime just lapped it all up. I =19.5pxstrangely feel like my chances just =19.5pximproved


  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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Xander wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:57:15 pm This is gnarly guys. Like I need therapy after this shit gnarly. Abe and I are taking potshots at one another and then reconciling in the PMs. 
Welcome to your first Final Tribal Council! <3

Seriously though, they're a stressful slog of people who've been pent up in their feelings for awhile finally getting to express some of what they haven't been able to say for, in some cases weeks. I've played games before where I'd rather get voted out as the final juror right before the end just so I don't have to go through this hellish experience they call Final Tribal. 
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Loveita Adams

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Hellish is a great way to describe it 😆 people have alot of things to say that have been weighing on them. It's hard to give everyone the same level of energy and focus that they want while still being genuine and sincere. I am counting down the mins until 5pm PST when the interrogation will be over. 

Thank you for your kind words Loveita. 
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  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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