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Episode 6 High-Level Summary

On Day 13 of the Survivor game, the two tribes, Ancha and Kallpa, merged into one new tribe, the Pachamama Tribe. To kickstart the merge, Xander and Abraham won Individual Immunity, ensuring their safety for the next Tribal Council. Despite this promising start, the tensions from the old tribe dynamics carried over into the new merged tribe, resulting in a complex web of strategic conversations, shifting alliances, and palpable uncertainty.

Sarah and Jean-Robert (JR) consolidated their alliance, planning to rope in Erik for future endeavors. They also shared their frustrations with an unnamed person, who they felt was trying to control the game. Sarah and Leslie, on the other hand, found themselves bewildered by a revelation that someone might be voting against Sarah. They decided to consult Heather for insights on this matter. Amid these intricate strategic discussions, the bond of friendship remained strong between Abraham and Sarah, as well as Abraham and Xander, with Sarah and Abraham even considering a pre-vote against Jaime.

Moving into Day 14, the tribe members were engaged in a flurry of communications, each trying to decipher the others' intentions and align their strategies accordingly. Some of the crucial exchanges included Shan suggesting Jaime as a potential target to Leslie, Sara reassuring Evvie about her neutrality, and Deshawn informing Erik and Jean-Robert about the majority's inclination to vote out Jaime.

This hectic day was also marked by the participants' anxiety and anticipation regarding the upcoming Tribal Council. However, this Council carried an unforeseen setback for Xander, who lost his vote due to a screenshot penalty incurred earlier. When the votes were finally cast, Jaime was sent home with six votes against her, followed by Heather with four votes and Leslie with one vote.

In their confessionals, each Survivor laid bare their thoughts and strategies, revealing their hopes, doubts, and plans for navigating the game. From Erik's openness to forming new alliances to Jaime's doubts about Jean-Robert's strategies, Xander's decision to align with Abe but uncertain about Evvie, and Shan's contemplation of joining forces with the opposing tribe, each confession painted a vivid picture of the game's dynamics.

Sara, Leslie, Jean-Robert, Heather, Evvie, Deshawn, and Abraham also shared their strategies, ranging from Sara's reliance on social connections and the Ancha tribe, Leslie's hopes pinned on Jaime, Jean-Robert's potential alliance with Sara against Heather, Heather's reliance on Abraham, Evvie's decision to stick with her original tribe, Deshawn's intention to find hidden idols and target real threats, to Abraham's commitment to his original plan and emphasis on a strong social game.

These two days of the merge were riddled with tension, strategic maneuvering, and evolving alliances. As the Survivors grappled to navigate the game and protect their positions, the unexpected twists and turns hinted at the dramatic episodes to unfold in this high-stakes game of Survivor.

Alliance Summaries:
  1. Sarah and Jean-Robert (JR): Sarah and JR have confirmed their alliance. They also seem to have roped Erik into their strategic circle.
  2. Sarah, Leslie, and Heather: Sarah and Leslie seem to have an understanding, as they discussed someone potentially voting against Sarah and decided to consult Heather for insights. This could suggest an alliance or at least a working relationship between the three.
  3. Sarah and Abraham: Sarah and Abraham reassured each other of their alliance, planning to talk the next day to resolve any issues that might have arisen.
  4. Abraham and Xander: The pair seem to have a strong friendship, and both expressed appreciation for each other. The strength of their bond is further emphasized by the fact that Xander stated he wouldn't vote Abraham off, viewing him as a vital ally.
  5. Shan and Leslie: Shan revealed to Leslie that she voted for Jaime, indicating a shared target and possibly a tactical alliance. Furthermore, Leslie expresses a hope to work with Shan.
  6. Deshawn and Jean-Robert (JR): Deshawn shared strategic information with JR about the likelihood of Jaime being voted out, indicating a level of trust between them.
  7. Sarah, Xander, and Abe: Sarah reaffirms her alliance with Xander and Abe in her confessional. Despite the screenshot incident, Sarah's desire to align with Xander remains unaffected.
  8. Evvie and Xander: Despite Xander's uncertainty about Evvie, their communication suggests a continued alliance. Evvie reassured Xander about his safety and they discussed timing of votes, indicating a certain level of trust.
  9. Evvie and Shan: Evvie and Shan discussed the timing of posts and Shan confirmed voting for Jaime, indicating a shared target and possibly an alliance.
  10. Heather and Abraham: Heather considered Abraham's loyalty and plans to rely on him for protection, indicating a close bond or alliance.
  11. Jean-Robert (JR) and Sarah: JR considers working with Sarah to target Heather, which may lead to a new alliance formation.

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Day 15

Messages Summary:
  • Heather suspects Sara flipped on her during the vote.
  • Abraham and Deshawn are surprised by the vote and wonder who voted for Leslie.
  • Leslie seeks reassurance from Jean-Robert and Evvie about the vote against her.
  • Shan is upset about the vote and unsure who threw their vote.
  • Sara suggests a Kallpa tribe member voted for Leslie to predict the majority vote.
  • Evvie and Shan speculate about the Leslie vote and potential perpetrators.
  • Heather suspects Sara of flipping and voting against her.
  • Jean-Robert appreciates Deshawn's support and is happy to still be in the game.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss the chaotic voting situation and deviation from the plan.
  • Leslie confides in Evvie about Erik wanting to vote her out and asks for secrecy.
  • Sara confirms she voted for Heather and shares her vote comment.
  • Shan reveals Evvie denied knowledge of the vote but said everything went as planned.
  • Abraham and Heather are confused about the Leslie voter's identity.
  • Shan apologizes to Jean-Robert, suggesting she didn't vote for Leslie.
  • Shan shares Evvie's response, indicating no knowledge of the vote.
  • Players discuss the surprising vote and try to figure out who voted for Leslie.
  • Speculation arises about a Kallpa member throwing a vote on Leslie to predict the majority vote.
  • Evvie mentions Erik asking her about the vote but keeps it a secret.
  • Heather wonders why someone flipped without informing JR about the tribe voting out Jaime.
  • Idols and potential twists are discussed, and it's speculated there might not be idols this season.
  • Players share their post-vote feelings and express relief for being safe.
  • Leslie expresses nervousness about being the next target but is satisfied being in the jury.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss the whispering during tribal council, and Erik's push for a Heather vote.
  • Speculation arises about a potential twist or separate game, but it remains speculation.
  • The castaways discuss the chaotic events of the previous tribal council and the whispers during the vote.
  • They discuss players' sneaky and manipulative behavior and jury dynamics.
  • Sara shares information about the jury and potential twists.
  • Players talk about their feelings heading into the next day and potential targets for the next vote.
  • They consider alliances, dynamics, and trust levels among the remaining players.
  • Xander and Abraham express confidence in reaching the final three together.
  • Erik and Leslie discuss targeting JR and the importance of their alliance.
  • Sara, Xander, and Abraham strategize about future votes and framing the vote.
  • Abraham and Xander contemplate the jury's perception of the players.
  • The castaways discuss their plans for future votes and potential endgame scenarios.
  • They discuss gameplay, trustworthiness of players, and potential alliances.
  • Abraham and Jean-Robert banter and discuss their alliance.
  • Heather expresses vulnerability after the vote flip attempt.
  • Sara shares information about JR's interest in Heather.
  • The castaways discuss ongoing dynamics and potential alliances.
  • Sara, Abraham, and Xander discuss voting patterns and players' intentions.
  • Shan, Leslie, and Xander discuss potential vote flips and their dislike for Heather.
  • Abraham and Sara analyze voting comments to determine who voted for whom.
  • Sara shares conversations with Shan, Heather, and Evvie, raising suspicions about their votes.
  • Abraham and Sara discuss voting patterns and analyze players' intentions.
  • Shan and Abraham suspect Evvie of flipping the vote against Leslie.
  • They discuss their positions in the game and potential alliances.
  • Shan expresses distrust towards Sara and Xander, considering them central players.
  • Jean-Robert expresses interest in working with Shan and targeting Heather and Deshawn. • Abraham reassures Evvie of his trust and desire to work together.
  • Leslie, Jean-Robert, and Sara engage in lighthearted conversation about their backgrounds and stereotypes.
  • Abraham expresses his preference for targeting Jean-Robert in the next vote.
  • Evvie expresses her lack of confidence in the upcoming challenge.
  • Abraham discusses the current state of the game and the potential target of Sara.
  • Abraham expresses concern about Heather suddenly being okay with Sara.
  • Evvie and Abraham discuss the danger of keeping Sara around and the need to target Kallpa.
  • Jean-Robert mentions the challenge delay and questions the reason.
  • Abraham discusses Deshawn's point about the potential risk of targeting Sara if she wins immunity.
  • Evvie and Leslie talk about their daily routines and eating before challenges.
  • Abraham discusses the need to break the alliance between Sara and Jean-Robert.
  • Sara and Abraham discuss severing ties between Sara and Jean-Robert.
  • Sara expresses trust in Abraham's judgment and agrees to target Jean-Robert next.
  • Abraham and Sara discuss potential fallout if Sara is targeted later in the game.
  • Evvie and Abraham discuss the difficulty of getting rid of Sara once she gains power.
  • Abraham and Evvie agree that breaking the alliance with Sara would lead to chaos.
  • Heather shares her observation about people planning contingency plans with the other tribe.
  • Abraham and Heather discuss the next target, with Abraham suggesting Jean-Robert.
  • Jean-Robert mentions the challenge delay and his curiosity about the reason.
  • Abraham suggests targeting the person who cast the rogue vote.
  • Sara expresses confidence in her ability to handle the challenge and discusses her upcoming absence due to a wedding.
  • Abraham reassures Sara about the plan to vote out Jean-Robert and promises to keep her updated.
  • Abraham and Heather discuss Heather's paranoia and the need to trust the group's decision.
  • Abraham reassures Heather that Jean-Robert will likely be voted out.
  • Leslie expresses excitement about becoming a first-time mom.
  • Shan expresses her nervousness before the challenge.
  • Sara expresses her readiness to be done with the challenge and the anticipation of meeting her baby.
  • Abraham and Sara discuss the challenge and their preference for puzzles or trivia.
  • Evvie and Shan discuss their readiness for the challenge and express their desire to win.
  • Sara asks if anyone has had weird cravings during their pregnancy.
  • Abraham expresses hope for a strong alliance between him, Evvie, and Xander.
  • Shan expresses exhaustion and anticipates a long challenge.
  • Sara discusses her mom's craving for Burger King before she was born.
  • Abraham asks Xander about his whereabouts, as the challenge is about to start.
  • Deshawn suggests that Abraham wanted to know if he and Evvie had discussed the Leslie vote.
  • Xander mentions that the challenge can be done on mobile but warns Sara not to text and drive.
  • • Xander and Abraham express skepticism about Shan's ability to sway all of Kallpa to her side.
  • They debate the risks and potential outcomes of various voting scenarios involving Shan, Jean-Robert (JR), and Kallpa.
  • Abraham shares a message from JR, indicating his willingness to work with Xander if given the opportunity.
  • They consider the idea of manipulating Evvie's perception by informing her that Shan may target her.
  • Xander and Abraham discuss their plan to convince Evvie to vote out Shan.
  • They consider lying to Evvie about their alliance and propose different strategies.
  • They discuss the potential order of eliminations, including JR, Sara, Erik, Leslie, Heather, Shan, and Deshawn.
  • Xander suggests appealing to Evvie's logic and emphasizing Shan as a challenge threat.
  • They consider the possibility of working with Kallpa to vote out Shan.
  • Abraham expresses concern about Erik and Kallpa's willingness to work with them.
  • They discuss the difficulty of convincing Evvie and the risks involved in voting out Shan.
  • Xander and Abraham agree that Shan needs to go sooner rather than later.
  • They acknowledge the importance of their upcoming votes and the need to find a way to eliminate Shan.
  • They conclude the conversation and plan to continue discussing the strategy the following day.

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Day 16
Message Summary:
  • Evvie is pleased that Deshawn also achieved a victory and finds Sara's approach to her surprising.
  • Evvie, Xander, and Abraham have a discussion about various topics including the weather, an unfortunate decompression incident with the US Navy shared by Xander, and a new album release.
  • Xander and Evvie also talk about celebrating Pride weekend, with Xander planning to stay at home due to a threatening situation at an event. They share concerns over the situation and the weather.
  • Abraham and Xander discuss a conversation Xander had with a moderator about previous night's events, leading to mixed reactions.
  • There are conversations regarding the distance between states, game talk, and a group chat that they are cautious about including others in.
  • Jean-Robert has a conversation with both Abraham and Evvie, discussing alliances, game plans, dinner plans, and their trust in each other.
  • Xander, Abraham, and Evvie express concerns about their fellow players Shan and Sara, while also feeling positive about their conversation with Jean-Robert.
  • They stress the importance of securing Evvie's trust and maintaining their alliance while Abraham advises Xander to keep Evvie updated about others' conversations.
  • Abraham and Xander also strategize about diminishing Shan's influence and bringing her closer to their alliance, even as they repair relationships post a disagreement.
  • There's a conversation about a missing cat between Abraham and Shan, along with discussions on the Leslie vote and suspicions about other players' loyalties.
  • Abraham and Shan have a general chat about their day and express concerns over Shan's missing cat.
  • Evvie and Shan discuss being blamed for the Leslie vote and Shan's possible loyalty gauging tactics.
  • Abraham, Evvie, and Shan discuss perceptions about players, Evvie's pregnancy, and strategic game plans. They also discuss the presence of women and "femmes" in the game.
  • There's a lot of speculation about potential alliances and voting strategies, with Shan expressing frustration over the lack of openness among players and Abraham suggesting a plan to take control by targeting Kallpa members.
  • Abraham, Evvie, and Deshawn discuss end game strategies, potential voting orders, the importance of maintaining a majority alliance, and their concerns about other players.
  • Deshawn and Abraham consider forming a final four alliance with Evvie and Xander. Deshawn admits to being the one who voted for Leslie.
  • The pair further discuss their plans to target Erik and try to sway Shan to vote with them, with Deshawn also planning to talk to Jean-Robert about potential collaboration.
  • Abraham shares a personal anecdote about his father-in-law getting a deal on a grill. Jean-Robert agrees to work with Deshawn, who later confirms Jean-Robert's support to Abraham.
  • They contemplate whether to inform Sara about voting plans given her potential late return.
  • Abraham and Deshawn plan to solidify their alliance for the Final 4 and discuss their concerns about potential alliances flip and the timing of their strategies.
  • They also express worries about being targeted due to high post count, with Abraham opening up about his anxieties and being cautious.
  • Abraham and Jean-Robert share casual conversations about insomnia, music preferences, and recent experiences with marijuana, in addition to discussing potential voting strategies.
  • The two reflect on their experiences with the game and how it reflects social dynamics within their tribe, also discussing their personal lives outside of the game.

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Day 17 

Messages Summary
  • Evvie and Abraham discuss Leslie's pregnancy and the weather.
  • Shan and Jean-Robert mention updates to be discussed later.
  • Leslie and Evvie talk about their plans for painting.
  • Abraham and Leslie have a casual conversation about their day and pregnancy.
  • Deshawn and Erik greet each other.
  • Abraham and Leslie discuss their relaxed day and lack of activity.
  • Abraham and Leslie chat about their plans for the weekend and upcoming trip to Vegas.
  • Abraham mentions his first-time visit to Vegas and Leslie shares that she's never been despite being close.
  • Abraham and Leslie talk about their limited travel due to budget constraints.
  • Abraham and Leslie mention the high cost of living and traveling.

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Day 18 

Message Summary:
  • Abraham and Jean-Robert discuss low activity and speculate about the upcoming tribal council, considering potential strategies and voting options.
  • Shan and Jean-Robert discuss the possibility of voting out Erik, Xander, or Sara, while expressing frustrations about trust issues within the group.
  • Abraham discusses the possibility of voting out Erik with Shan and Deshawn, revealing inconsistencies and trust issues within the group.
  • Heather's name is brought up in relation to the Sara incident, and the tribal council's ongoing discussions continue, revolving around voting strategies and potential alliances.
  • Abraham, Deshawn, and Evvie share a desire to reach the Final 4 together, demonstrating mutual trust.
  • Jean-Robert, Leslie, Deshawn, and Evvie discuss the possibility of voting for Erik or Xander while considering the safety of their own positions.
  • Abraham and Deshawn plan to inform Heather about the Erik vote later, discussing potential dynamics within their group.
  • Sara inquires about the vote consensus, and Abraham informs her that the majority are leaning towards Erik.
  • Xander is updated on the potential vote against Erik and the group's strategy, including attempts to avoid any blowback on Shan.
  • Erik and Leslie agree to go with the majority vote, despite the plan involving Erik being targeted.
  • Abraham, Deshawn, and Xander discuss the unanimous vote against Erik and the possible next target, Leslie.
  • Leslie and Jean-Robert agree on voting for Erik despite their concerns about the potential risk.
  • Abraham gives Xander a tutorial on using the whisper feature, and both discuss their concerns and uncertainty.
  • Xander, Evvie, and Leslie confirm their votes for Erik, hoping this will stabilize their positions in the game.
  • Jean-Robert shares his anxiety with Shan about the vote, emphasizing the need for trust and expressing hesitancy about voting for someone.
  • Leslie and Jean-Robert strategize over different voting options, discussing potential risks and even considering targeting Heather.
  • Jean-Robert and Shan discuss their anxiety about the vote and future plans.
  • Deshawn and Abraham express surprise and concern over the sudden change in voting plans.
  • Leslie continues to communicate with various players, informing them of her voting intentions and expressing hope that her cooperation will help her stay in the game.
  • Jean-Robert and Abraham share their uncertainties and concerns about the voting process and its potential consequences.
  • Evvie joins the conversation, confirming her vote for Erik to Xander, and expressing a desire to keep the situation under control.
  • In the end, the majority of the group appear to agree on targeting Erik in the upcoming vote, while maintaining open lines of communication and exploring potential alliances for future rounds.
Confessional Summary:
  • Abraham acknowledges the importance of jury management but mentions that he has to disregard it for now in order to stay alive in the game. He expresses frustration with the shift in alliances and the difficulty of being in the minority. Abraham focuses on the need to align with strong players like Shan and strategizes on how to make it further in the game.
  • Erik discusses the significance of jury management but notes that being in the minority makes it hard to prioritize at the moment. He finds it challenging to actively engage in the game due to his timezone. Erik expresses his distrust towards Jean-Robert (JR) and Leslie, seeing them as targets for elimination. He aims to work with others to improve his position in the game.
  • Evvie mentions that she's not focused on jury management and is primarily concerned with her own survival. She identifies the alliance between Jean-Robert (JR) and Evvie and plans to target them. Evvie discusses her distrust towards Heather and her desire to work with players like Shan and Abraham.
  • Deshawn expresses his frustration with the current state of the game and the unity of the Ancha tribe. He acknowledges the importance of jury management but believes that his current situation requires him to prioritize his own survival. Deshawn discusses potential alliances and strategizes on how to make moves to improve his position.
  • Shan mentions the importance of jury management and expresses trust in certain players like Leslie, Abraham, and Jean-Robert (JR). She discusses the challenges of working with Abraham and the difficulty of navigating the game. Shan aims to make strategic moves while maintaining alliances and attempting to control the direction of the game.
  • Sara expresses her uncertainty about the significance of jury management for her game. She discusses the difficulty of merging into one tribe and the lack of unity among the Ancha tribe. Sara provides her trust rankings and strategizes on potential targets. She expresses frustration with Abraham's communication and seeks to make alliances and gain control.
  • Heather acknowledges the poor state of jury management for everyone, including herself. She discusses the shifting alliances and the need to align with the majority. Heather strategizes on how to deal with the alliance between Evvie and Jean-Robert (JR) and expresses her distrust towards Evvie. She provides a trust ranking and reflects on the recent vote.
  • Leslie expresses her uncertainty about the importance of jury management but emphasizes her efforts to be kind and avoid being mean. She discusses the challenges of merging into one tribe and the unity within the Ancha tribe. Leslie provides her trust rankings and reflects on the recent vote, expressing sadness about Jaime's elimination.
  • Jean-Robert discusses the importance of jury management and expresses confidence in his own game. He mentions the challenges of being in the minority and the need to make moves to improve his position. Jean-Robert strategizes on potential targets and alliances, aiming to gain control and secure his place in the game.

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Episode 7 High-Level Summary

In the world of strategic gameplay and shifting alliances, four crucial days of intense conversations, strategic planning, and nervous anticipation unfolded, marking a key turning point in the journey of the contestants.

Day 15 started off with the jubilation of Deshawn's victory in the Numbers Immunity Challenge, with him securing a much-needed respite from the looming elimination. The day was rife with a blend of casual chit-chat and crucial game-related discussions. In one of the pivotal moments, Deshawn admitted to being the lone vote against Leslie in the previous council. The revelation sparked a ripple of conversations about trust and alliance. It led Deshawn and Abraham, two of the stronger players in the game, to discuss the formation of a final four alliance with Evvie and Xander. This move was intended to solidify their standings and lay down a strong foundation for their journey forward.

On Day 16, the winds of uncertainty blew stronger. Conversations were dominated by concerns over Shan's growing influence in the game. Abraham and Deshawn strategized over the possibility of reining in Shan into their alliance, a move intended to dilute her control over the game. In a significant development, Jean-Robert consented to join forces with Deshawn. The day ended with Deshawn and Abraham meticulously crafting a strategy for the Final 4, underscoring the gravity of the threats posed by potential alliance flips and the timing of their maneuvers.

A tranquil Day 17 served as the calm before the storm. Casual conversations revolved around the players' day-to-day lives and future plans. Yet, the underlying tension was palpable. Abraham and Leslie found common ground in their discussions about the prohibitive cost of living and traveling, hinting at the stark reality outside the confines of the game.
Day 18 marked a day filled with trepidation and strategic maneuvering as the Tribal Council loomed. The day began with whispers of Erik being the potential target. As discussions gained momentum, the majority seemed to concur on the plan, albeit with a few reservations about possible repercussions. The players, in an attempt to safeguard their standings, engaged in deliberations over various voting strategies and potential alliances. Amidst the last-minute frenzy, Erik and Leslie agreed to go with the majority vote, even though it was Erik who was in the crosshairs. By the end of the day, the contestants had cast their votes, leaving their fates to be revealed at the Tribal Council.

As the contestants congregated for the Tribal Council, a wave of apprehension swept over them. The votes were revealed one by one, and it soon became clear that the whispers had materialized into reality. Erik, with 9 votes against him, was declared the 2nd member of the jury. Heather and Xander received one vote each, narrowly escaping elimination.

Meanwhile, the confessionals during these days provided a window into the contestants' psyche, reflecting their concerns about survival, their views on jury management, and their evolving strategies. Trust issues surfaced repeatedly, with several players voicing their frustrations and distrust towards their fellow contestants. While all players were strategizing on their next move and potential alliances, a shared sentiment was the desire to align with the majority or influential players to better their positions.

Thus, these four days painted a vivid picture of the high-stakes game. Tensions escalated as contestants grappled with the challenges of survival, shifting alliances, and the looming threat of elimination. As Erik bid goodbye to his fellow contestants, the game's reality became starker – the journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty and risk. It was survival of the fittest in its truest form.

Alliances Summary

Based on the information provided, here are the apparent alliances and groupings:
  1. Deshawn, Abraham, Evvie, and Xander: The most explicit alliance is between these four. Following Deshawn's immunity win, he and Abraham seriously discussed forming a final four alliance with Evvie and Xander, reflecting a strong mutual trust among them. They aim to consolidate their position in the game and strategize to advance further.
  2. Jean-Robert and Deshawn: Jean-Robert agreed to collaborate with Deshawn, signifying a potential alliance. It is, however, unclear if this is a long-term plan or a tactical move for the immediate rounds.
  3. Abraham, Shan, and Deshawn: While Abraham and Deshawn voiced concerns over Shan's influence, they were also contemplating ways to bring her closer to their alliance. Their strategy appears to be one of containment - neutralizing a potential threat by integrating it into their alliance.
  4. Leslie and Abraham: Although not explicitly an alliance, Leslie and Abraham shared multiple casual conversations about personal life and plans. Their conversation could indicate a mutual comfort level and potential for future cooperation.
  5. Jean-Robert, Shan, and Leslie: In the complex web of relationships, Jean-Robert, Shan, and Leslie discussed voting strategies and potential targets, possibly indicating a tentative alliance.
As the game unfolds, the alliances are subjected to constant changes. Players remain open to shifting their loyalties based on the game's dynamics, and alliances often form or dissolve based on immediate threats or opportunities.

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Day 19 

Messages Summary:
  • Xander, Deshawn, and others discuss the vote outcome, suspicions, and future strategies.
  • Abraham, Heather, and Leslie express frustration about the unknown flipper's identity and desire for unity.
  • Evvie and Leslie discuss suspicions and alliance dynamics, while Heather and Evvie talk about their experiences at tribal council.
  • Abraham, Xander, and Deshawn question the motives behind the vote and speculate on the flipper's identity.
  • Jean-Robert, Leslie, and Abraham discuss trust, vote round-up, and their favorite anime shows.
  • Abraham, Xander, and Leslie discuss voting patterns, potential alliances, and share memes.
  • Shan, Deshawn, and Abraham discuss potential targets and the dynamics of the game.
  • Evvie, Leslie, and Abraham discuss trust, voting strategies, and potential future moves.
  • Sara, Abraham, Shan, and Deshawn discuss personal activities and potential targets for the next tribal council.
  • Xander, Shan, and Sara discuss Shan's attempts to flip the votes and the need to address her behavior.
  • Abraham, Sara, and Jean-Robert discuss potential targets, alliances, and the dynamics within the tribe.
  • Shan, Leslie, and Abraham talk about the flipping conversation and Shan's concerns about trust.
  • Heather, Xander, and Jean-Robert discuss being targeted and potential voting strategies.
  • Evvie, Deshawn, and Abraham discuss their nervousness about challenges and upcoming votes.
  • Heather, Evvie, and Leslie talk about their impressions of the vote and the challenge questions.
  • Shan confronts Abraham about Jean-Robert spreading information about her vote for Xander.
  • Sara, Jean-Robert, and Abraham discuss potential targets and working together.
  • Evvie, Leslie, and Abraham discuss the challenge, perceptions, and their voting patterns.
  • Xander, Sara, and Abraham discuss voting strategies, Shan's influence, and potential flips.
  • Jean-Robert, Heather, and Shan discuss potential targets and forming a group to make a move.
  • Deshawn, Evvie, and Xander discuss their nervousness and feelings about the challenge.
  • Heather, Shan, and Jean-Robert discuss the benefits of having the challenge answers.
  • Leslie and Shan discuss a conversation about flipping that allegedly involved Xander.
  • Sara and Xander share their conversations with others and express concerns about being targeted.
  • Evvie, Leslie, and Jean-Robert discuss potential targets and the dynamics within the tribe.
  • Abraham, Deshawn, and Heather discuss their concerns, trust, and potential voting strategies.
  • Xander, Heather, and Evvie discuss their impressions of the vote and the challenge.
  • Shan, Leslie, and Heather discuss conversations, trust, and potential targets.
  • Jean-Robert, Sara, and Xander discuss voting strategies, perceptions, and potential flips.
  • Deshawn, Evvie, and Abraham discuss their answers in the challenge and perceptions of others.
  • Shan and Heather joke about funny quotes and reality TV shows.
  • The tribe engages in multiple discussions about the challenge, vote outcomes, and potential targets.
  • They discuss their performance, perceptions, and speculate on others' motivations.
  • Humorous moments occur, and some clarify their intentions or apologize for missing information.
  • Shan tells Jean-Robert that he is not the one he thinks is a loose cannon idiot.
  • Abraham informs Shan about Sara targeting her.
  • Evvie and Abraham discuss the possibility of idols in the game.
  • Sara expresses worry about her position and the lack of trust from others.
  • Abraham tries to convince Shan to trust him and target Sara.
  • Evvie shares her suspicions about Xander and the confessional questions.
  • Heather talks about the messages she's receiving and her uncertainty about the vote.
  • Leslie discusses the potential plan to vote out Heather with Jean-Robert.
  • Sara discusses her trust in Jean-Robert and her concern about being targeted.
  • Abraham and Sara discuss the possibility of being voted out.
  • Shan expresses trust in Abraham and willingness to vote for Sara.
  • Jean-Robert talks about targeting Deshawn and the power dynamics within the alliance.
  • Leslie confirms the plan to vote out Heather.
  • Heather expresses confusion about the conversations she's having and the uncertainty of the vote.
  • Abraham tells Shan that Deshawn doesn't believe their plan to vote out Heather.
  • Deshawn suggests targeting Shan instead due to her potential to flip people.
  • Jean-Robert expresses the need to crack the tribe.
  • Abraham mentions hearing five different names: Deshawn, Abraham, Heather, Shan, and Sara.
  • Shan tells Jean-Robert that Heather is revealing their conversations to Abraham.
  • Evvie and Shan express confusion over who to believe and who is targeting them.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss Jean-Robert's inconsistent information and the chaos he is causing.
  • Heather expresses frustration and fatigue with the game and personal issues affecting her.
  • Leslie and Jean-Robert discuss the difficulty of breaking up the opposing alliance and the need to be cautious.
  • Abraham suggests voting Leslie to prevent Jean-Robert from causing more trouble.
  • Evvie expresses uncertainty about the situation and the need to sleep on it.
  • Heather and Jean-Robert discuss their fractured trust and the possibility of working together.
  • Shan expresses uncertainty about who is targeting her and who to believe.
  • Abraham expresses frustration with Jean-Robert's influence and the desire to vote him out.
  • Sara reassures Abraham that she wants to work with him over Jean-Robert.
  • Evvie and Shan discuss the possibility of voting out Deshawn based on Jean-Robert's influence.
  • Jean-Robert asks Heather not to reveal their plan to Abraham and Deshawn.
  • Abraham expresses frustration with the situation and considers leaving the conversation.
  • Deshawn and Leslie decide to take a break and let the chaos settle.
  • Jean-Robert asserts that there is a method to his madness.
  • Sara recalls a previous conversation about Jean-Robert's statement.
  • Jean-Robert claims he is not just a loose cannon idiot.
  • Deshawn jokingly comments that they are all losing it.
  • Sara denies mentioning anything to anyone.
  • Deshawn suggests catching up tomorrow.
  • Leslie agrees.
  • Heather asks who they are voting for.
  • Deshawn plans to talk to Heather tomorrow.
  • Jean-Robert asks Sara if she wants to make a move with him and trust him.
  • Sara expresses her frustration that Jean-Robert threw her trust back in her face.
  • Abraham agrees to catch up tomorrow.
  • Leslie asks Evvie what she has heard so far.
  • Abraham points out that Sara didn't say the same thing as Jean-Robert.
  • Sara admits to saying it to Abraham.

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Day 20 

Messages Summary:
  • Participants discuss preparation and readiness for any situation.
  • Deshawn informs Sara about their availability for a conversation.
  • Deshawn agrees with Abraham's suggestion.
  • Jean-Robert asks Deshawn for a later talk.
  • Evvie and Abraham discuss Shan's behavior and potential strategies.
  • Evvie feels overwhelmed by conversations and potential betrayals.
  • Evvie and Xander discuss timing, apologize for falling asleep, and evaluate conversation dynamics.
  • Jean-Robert expresses mixed feelings, stress, and being misunderstood.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss voting out Deshawn and working with Shan.
  • Evvie and Abraham evaluate voting dynamics and strategies.
  • Jean-Robert expresses interest in working with Evvie and Abraham after the vote.
  • Abraham updates others on discussions about voting Shan or Leslie.
  • Evvie, Jean-Robert, and Leslie discuss plans, alliances, and trustworthiness.
  • Participants discuss uncertainty, distrust, and potential vote targets.
  • Shan and Jean-Robert plan to target Abraham and Deshawn.
  • Shan, Leslie, and Jean-Robert discuss plans, alliances, and trust.
  • Deshawn and Abraham discuss uncertainty and names being thrown around.
  • Sara, Xander, Leslie, and Abraham discuss trust and potential votes.
  • Participants express frustration with Jean-Robert's behavior and false claims.
  • Shan and Leslie express their willingness to work together and consider voting for Sara.
  • Abraham and Shan discuss trust, alliances, and uncertainty.
  • Evvie and Deshawn discuss feelings and concerns.
  • Shan and Leslie discuss plans, communication, and trust.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss potential vote targets and frustration.
  • Participants discuss voting plans, alliances, and communication.
  • The group discusses JR's actions, chaos, and potential targets.
  • Participants agree on voting for Sara and express relief.
  • Shan and Leslie express hope for the plan's success.
  • Abraham, Evvie, and Shan discuss managing their alliance.
  • Participants engage in light-hearted banter.
  • Sara, JR, and Leslie discuss the plan and secrecy.
  • Abraham, Evvie, and Deshawn discuss staying low-key and hidden alliances.
  • Shan and Leslie discuss pregnancy experiences.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss targeting Sara and trust.
  • Abraham and Leslie express excitement to work together.
  • Sara joins the conversation, expresses nervousness, and discusses potential targets.
  • Abraham and Sara discuss voting options and a consensus.
  • Evvie and Sara discuss connections and uncertainty.
  • Shan reassures Abraham about trust and openness.
  • Abraham, Evvie, and Shan discuss relief and the plan.
  • Participants discuss the challenges of online gameplay and trust.
  • Abraham and Shan discuss trust and mutual goals.
  • Sara asks Abraham to convince Evvie to vote for Leslie.
  • Abraham expresses frustration and worry.
  • Jean-Robert expresses a desire to vote out Abraham and talks with Sara about an alliance.
  • Abraham, Deshawn, and Evvie target Jean-Robert.
  • Sara and Jean-Robert discuss their alliance and gathering numbers.
  • Heather expresses distrust towards Xander.
  • Abraham, Deshawn, and Evvie plan to tell Heather the truth about the vote.
  • Jean-Robert discusses his plan with Heather and expresses doubts about her loyalty.
  • Leslie and Jean-Robert discuss potential votes and the possibility of going against each other.
  • Abraham and Deshawn confirm they haven't cast their votes yet.
  • Leslie expresses willingness to vote differently from Jean-Robert if it benefits their games.
  • The group discusses JR's changing plans and lack of trustworthiness.
  • They consider voting out Leslie or Shan as potential targets.
  • Xander expresses discomfort with JR's plans and Shan's presence in the game.
  • The group plans to break up JR and Leslie's duo.
  • Abraham and Deshawn plan to vote for Leslie.
  • The group discusses the importance of having numbers.
  • Whispers and uncertainty about the voting plan are mentioned.
  • Shan and Evvie joke about the length of tribal council and the possibility of confusion.
  • Sara discusses frustration with JR's lack of communication.
  • Heather tries to rally support for their voting plan and expresses confidence in their numbers.
  • Abraham and Shan mention sticking to their voting plan and seeing what happens.
  • Xander discusses the uncertainty of the situation and the possibility of their game relying on Heather's decision.
Confessional Summary
  • Abraham: Abraham wasn't surprised by the guesses in the Numbers challenge. He voted the way he did to maintain trust with the majority and gain control in the future. He enjoys solving mysteries with Sara and Xander. His best move next round is uncertain, and he reflects on the frustration of the tribe's reluctance to make big moves. Despite that, he doesn't regret aligning with Jaime and Leslie. Abraham trusts Sara, Xander, and Deshawn the most.
  • Deshawn: Deshawn also wasn't surprised by the guesses in the Numbers challenge. He voted to maintain trust with the majority. He enjoyed solving mysteries with Abraham. Deshawn is unsure about his best move in the next round. As a first-time player, he's surprised by his gameplay and feels good about his relationships with Abraham and Evvie.
  • Evvie: Evvie had no surprises in the Numbers challenge guesses. She voted to maintain trust with the majority. She enjoyed solving mysteries with Sara. Uncertain about her best move next round and her chances of making it, Evvie reflects on her surprising gameplay in her first season. She also feels a lack of trust within the tribe.
  • Leslie: Leslie wasn't surprised by the guesses in the Numbers challenge. She voted the way she did to gain trust and have more control in the future. Missing her teammate Jaime, she feels limited in her discussions with JR. Leslie hopes to get someone to flip and reflects on her frustrations with JR and the tribe's reluctance to make moves. Being the only female contestant left from Kallpa adds to her frustration. She hopes to gain the trust of certain players.
  • Jean-Robert (JR): JR plans to be low-key this round and let the Ancha players target each other. He wants to maintain his alliance with Leslie and gain control later. He is frustrated with the tribe's reluctance to make moves and wants to win immunity to execute his plans without consequences.
  • Shan: Shan also wasn't surprised by the guesses in the Numbers challenge. She voted based on being told Erik was the target. Facing challenges due to a storm, she misses power and basic necessities. Shan feels unsure about her trust in the tribe and the best move for the next round. As a first-time player, she's surprised by her gameplay and feels frustrated and lost with a lack of solid relationships. She reflects on her interactions with JR, Abe, and Evvie.
  • Sara: Sara wasn't surprised by the guesses in the Numbers challenge. Her vote was based on information from her alliance. She enjoys solving mysteries with Abe, Xander, and Deshawn. Uncertain about her best move next round and the trustworthiness of JR, she reflects on her surprising relationships in her first season. Sara believes the jury will respect her game once the pagonging stops. She refuses to use derogatory language against anyone.

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Episode 8 High-Level Summary

The 19th day on the island was filled with strife, suspicions, and strategy. The tribe had just endured a brutal vote-out, and whispers about who had flipped were rampant. Many of the castaways, like Abraham, Xander, and Deshawn, were trying to uncover the identity of the flipper, their conversations muddled with confusion and speculations.
Evvie was caught in the whirlwind of conversations, trying to navigate the undercurrents of alliances and trust. She found solace in Leslie, Heather, and Abraham. But the mystery of the flipper hung like a specter over their dialogues, overshadowing the light-hearted chats about personal activities and anime shows, and the sharing of memes.
Sara found herself feeling nervous and uncertain. She tried to gain ground by aligning herself with various members of the tribe, even as her name was being thrown around as a potential target. She shared conversations with Xander, Jean-Robert, and Abraham, trying to foster trust, but her faith in Jean-Robert seemed to falter when he seemed to spread information about her.
Jean-Robert, on the other hand, was busy strategizing, discussing potential targets with various players, but his game plan came under scrutiny when Evvie, Deshawn, and Abraham grew wary of his actions. His inconsistent information was causing chaos, leading Abraham to express his frustration and desire to vote him out.
The tribe, in general, was abuzz with whispers of voting plans, alliances, betrayals, and potential targets. Shan and Heather found themselves under scrutiny, their names being thrown around in potential voting strategies. While Heather remained confused and tried to rally support, Shan seemed willing to trust Abraham and agreed to vote against Sara.
As the day wound down, the fatigue and tension from the day's activities began to wear the tribe down. Players like Heather and Deshawn decided to take a break from the chaos, while others like Abraham and Sara found themselves discussing the possibility of being voted out. Jean-Robert remained steadfast in his strategy, continuing to approach others to form alliances, even as his actions came under criticism.
The Immunity challenge, "In-Crowd," revealed the tribe's opinions, and Jean-Robert emerged as the victor, winning the challenge handedly.

The 20th day was a stormy one, and the tribe awoke to another day of strategizing and forming alliances. The air was heavy with talks of voting strategies, alliances, potential betrayals, and whispers of uncertainty.
Evvie was once again pulled into the vortex of confusion and strategy. She found herself discussing Shan's behavior with Abraham and potential voting dynamics with Xander. Abraham emerged as a firm ally, as they weighed the possibilities of voting out Deshawn and working closely with Shan. Jean-Robert, despite facing criticism from various tribe members, expressed interest in aligning with Evvie and Abraham.
As the day wore on, alliances began to shift and crack under the pressure of upcoming votes. Shan and Jean-Robert began planning to target Abraham and Deshawn, while Sara found herself caught in the middle of trust issues and potential vote targets. Jean-Robert's behavior was increasingly drawing the ire of the tribe members, leading to a consensus amongst some to vote for Sara.
Shan and Leslie found common ground, discussing plans and their willingness to work together. As the day progressed, the focus began to drift towards the upcoming tribal council. Abraham, Evvie, and Shan found themselves managing their alliance amidst light-hearted banter and serious discussions. Sara, who was increasingly nervous, reached out to Abraham and Evvie, trying to ensure her safety.
With uncertainty still hanging in the air, Abraham, Deshawn, and Evvie were discussing the possibility of targeting Jean-Robert. Meanwhile, Jean-Robert was scheming to vote out Abraham, seeking an alliance with Sara. Heather, who had been keeping a low profile, expressed her distrust of Xander.
The tribe was fraught with discussions about trust, alliances, and voting plans, leaving everyone on edge. Even as the day drew to a close, the group was considering the possibility of voting out Leslie or Shan, discussing the importance of numbers, and joking about the length of the tribal council.
In the end, everyone agreed that the tribal council was going to be chaotic, with decisions possibly hinging on Heather's vote. As the tribe prepared for the night, whispers about the voting plan echoed in the camp, leaving everyone in anticipation of what the next day would bring. Sara had found herself uncertain about her best move for the upcoming round and questioned the trustworthiness of Jean-Robert. She had reflected on her surprising relationships in her first season and expressed belief that the jury would respect her game once the pagonging stopped. 
Sara was voted out at Tribal Council, with 5 votes to Abraham's 3 and Leslie's 1. Her exit was fiery and passionate: "Everyone can kiss my dick, gonna be a real pain having to vote for a winner out of this bunch. Hope to see some of you sooner rather than later. Deuces bitches."

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Day 21

Messages Summary:
  • Abraham and Shan discuss Bible quotes and stray votes.
  • Xander mentions that Heather told Sara she was going, and Heather confirms it.
  • Abraham asks Deshawn if he told Sara she was going.
  • Confusion arises about who voted for Leslie, with speculations about Sara, JR, and Heather.
  • Abraham questions why he was targeted with Bible quotes.
  • Heather expresses frustration with the game dynamics and lack of control over the votes.
  • Xander reveals that he voted as a middle ground between conflicting alliances.
  • Abraham and Heather have a heated exchange about voting patterns and trust.
  • Leslie suspects Xander and Heather for the Leslie vote.
  • Shan expresses surprise at Heather and JR promising to have the numbers.
  • Abraham questions why he was singled out in the votes.
  • Deshawn reveals that he voted for Leslie during the Jaime vote.
  • Heather acknowledges Abraham's power in the game and that she's not upset with him.
  • Shan reveals that JR was whispering to her about voting for Abraham.
  • Abraham mentions the Romans 31:5 Bible quote against him.
  • Xander and Jean-Robert express disappointment about Sara's elimination.
  • Shan and Abraham discuss Sara as a sketchy player.
  • Abraham mentions Heather being upset with him.
  • Shan and Deshawn joke about idol clues.
  • Abraham suspects Deshawn voted for Leslie.
  • Deshawn jokes about sharing an idol clue if he had one.
  • The group analyzes past tribal council votes and attempts to decipher who voted for whom.
  • Confusion arises about the last vote, with speculation on intentional or producer mistake.
  • Speculation arises about the vote for Leslie, with Xander admitting his vote against her.
  • Abraham voices worries about being targeted and initiates strategic conversations to secure votes.
  • Leslie seeks clarification about the missing quote and its impact on her gameplay.
  • The group discusses potential alliances and targets, weighing options and voting strategies.
  • Abraham and Jean-Robert have a friendly conversation, praising gameplay and alliance.
  • Heather cautions Shan not to trust Abraham and implies he may not have their best interests at heart.
  • The group acknowledges the significance of the mystery vote for Leslie and its impact on future decisions.
  • Heather questions if Xander stirred the pot.
  • Leslie apologizes for the vote not going the way Heather wanted.
  • Jean-Robert clarifies he's not 100% against someone.
  • Evvie calls Heather insane.
  • Jean-Robert explains feeling rattled after the previous night.
  • Shan playfully guarantees she's the least annoying contestant.
  • Jean-Robert expresses his dislike for feeling hated.
  • Evvie mentions not hearing from someone.
  • Abraham and Xander discuss the Bible and a comment about Big Brother UK.
  • Leslie expresses excitement about working with the group.
  • Deshawn denies voting for Heather and explains his vote for Sara.
  • Leslie and Shan exchange humorous comments.
  • Abraham reveals Leslie was upset with someone.
  • Leslie asks about the last vote being blank.
  • Jean-Robert hopes for a healthier team dynamic.
  • Xander shares Shan pressuring him to vote for Abraham.
  • Leslie expresses concern about players' well-being, including a pregnant player.
  • Shan reassures Heather she's not a goat.
  • Evvie mentions Heather not speaking to her.
  • Abraham tells Deshawn Leslie will work with them.
  • Evvie suggests the next vote is clear.
  • Shan emphasizes the difference between perception and reality.
  • Evvie jokes about Heather's absence in the conversation.
  • Abraham suggests Deshawn wants to vote out Jean-Robert next.
  • Shan jokes about Heather saying her goodbyes.
  • Abraham mentions Xander wouldn't be happy voting out Shan Jean-Robert shares his precarious position in the game and the need to shift the target.
  • Leslie expresses interest in working with Evvie and Shan and mentions her concerns about Abe and Xander's dominance.
  • Evvie agrees and plans to talk to Shan to gauge her thoughts.
  • Discussions revolve around potential targets for the upcoming vote, including Abe and Xander.
  • Jean-Robert expresses frustrations and mischievous behavior, while Leslie seeks to figure out the dynamics with Shan.
  • The group discusses potential alliances and numbers for the vote.
  • Conversations shift towards confessional popularity, gas station laws, personal preferences, and experiences.
  • Evvie reveals Leslie's proposed plan to target Abe or Xander.
  • Jean-Robert expresses fluctuating negative emotions towards different players.
  • Deshawn mentions Shan's consideration of voting for Xander, leading to a potential four votes against him.
  • Discussions continue on gas station laws, personal preferences, and flipping votes.
  • Strategies and potential targets for the vote are discussed.
  • Jean-Robert announces his departure from the conversation, taking a break from the game.
  • Discussions continue on potential plans based on the outcome of the immunity challenge.
  • Abraham suggests misleading Shan about the target and potentially flipping Heather's vote.
  • Abraham suggests going to rocks if they can't convince Shan and discusses tie vote procedures.
  • Evvie suggests alternative targets and timing, considering Jean-Robert's impending departure and the stacking challenge.
  • Abraham expresses fatigue and his dislike for the stacking challenge.
  • Abraham shares information about Heather pushing for his vote-out and considers offering a final three deal.
  • Deshawn emphasizes the importance of the four of them sticking together and being comfortable with their decision.
  • Abraham suggests telling Shan they are a solid final four and by eliminating one of the others, they secure their majority.
  • The group discusses the upcoming challenge, difficulty of immunity, and need for a reset.
  • Leslie suggests taking out Abe to help Xander's game and discusses credit in the end.
  • Jean-Robert prefers targeting Abe, considering him a more powerful player than others realize.
  • Evvie and Xander discuss their initial negative impressions of Shan and the American imperial system.
  • Evvie reveals Leslie's proposed plan to target Abe or Xander.
  • Discussions revolve around negative emotions, potential targets, gas station laws, and personal preferences.
  • Evvie emphasizes the need to secure votes and discusses potential targets.
  • Jean-Robert announces his departure from the conversation, taking a break from the game.
  • Abraham suggests targeting Heather and Jean-Robert, going to rocks if needed.
  • Discussions continue on voting procedures and potential targets.
  • Abraham expresses fatigue and anticipation for the stacking challenge.
  • Evvie suggests discretion about discussing the challenge to avoid appearing too focused on it.
  • Abraham shares information about Heather pushing for his vote-out and considers a final three deal.
  • Deshawn emphasizes sticking together and the importance of getting four votes on the same person.
  • Jean-Robert announces his departure from the conversation, taking a break from the game.
  • Discussions continue on potential plans based on the outcome of the immunity challenge.
  • Abraham suggests telling Shan they are targeting Jean-Robert but voting for Heather instead.
  • Abraham discusses potential consequences if Shan wins immunity and suggests going to rocks if necessary.
  • Evvie suggests alternative targets and being discreet about discussing the challenge.
  • Abraham shares information about Heather pushing for his vote-out and considers a final three deal.
  • Deshawn emphasizes sticking together and avoiding complications
  • Evvie suggests discussing the situation with Shan and potentially targeting Deshawn to disrupt any perceived duo between Deshawn and Abraham.
  • Jean-Robert expresses his willingness to be flexible and make moves to stay in the game.
  • Xander mentions that Shan and Heather are working together, raising concerns.
  • Leslie suspects that Heather may have voted for her in the previous tribal council.
  • The castaways discuss potential targets for the next vote, including Jean-Robert, Heather, Abe, and Shan.
  • Deshawn plans to be absent until the evening but assures he will participate in the vote if necessary.
  • Evvie and Deshawn express excitement about the upcoming events and the need for a reset.
  • They discuss the unpredictability of the game and the hosts' withholding of information.
  • Leslie suggests that taking out Abe would help Xander's game and mentions the possibility of a male dominance perception in the game.
  • Jean-Robert prefers targeting Abe, seeing him as a more powerful player than others realize.
  • Evvie considers timing and potential repercussions of voting out Abe.
  • Xander and Jean-Robert share their initial negative impressions of Shan, which have since changed.
  • The castaways engage in lighthearted banter about the American imperial system and the metric system.
  • Evvie reveals that Leslie has approached her with a proposed plan to target Abe or Xander in the upcoming vote.
  • The conversation starts with Jean-Robert expressing his fluctuating negative emotions towards different players in the game.
  • Deshawn mentions that Shan was considering voting for Xander, and they might gather four votes against him.
  • Jean-Robert and Deshawn discuss the unusual law in certain states where it's illegal to pump your own gas.
  • Jean-Robert mentions having to pick and choose his battles as he can't hate everyone.
  • Leslie mentions feeling unwell and needing a break from the game to rest.
  • The discussion continues about gas station laws and personal preferences.
  • Evvie mentions the need to flip someone's vote to secure their position.
  • Xander and Jean-Robert discuss the potential target being Shan and the dynamics of the upcoming vote.
  • Evvie tells Leslie to get some rest and hopes she feels better soon.
  • Xander mentions the possibility of a tie vote and the importance of getting four votes on the same person.
  • Deshawn agrees and expresses a preference to avoid drawing rocks.
  • Evvie confirms that their main goal is to make it through the current vote, and they discuss potential targets.
  • Jean-Robert shares that he is moving to NYC soon.
  • The conversation veers towards personal preferences and experiences related to living in different states.
  • The group discusses the difficulty of the current situation and the need for immunity.
  • Abraham mentions the importance of talking to Shan and potentially misleading her about the target.
  • Evvie agrees to do whatever Abraham wants and mentions the possibility of flipping Heather's vote.
  • Xander expresses frustration with Jean-Robert's insistence on targeting Abraham.
  • Evvie discusses the inevitability of the current situation regardless of who is present.
  • Deshawn suggests that they should aim to have all four votes on the same person to avoid complications.
  • Evvie mentions that Xander may have a strong desire to vote Shan, and they need to consider that.
  • Jean-Robert announces his departure from the conversation, taking a break from the game.
  • The group continues discussing potential plans depending on the outcome of the immunity challenge.
  • Abraham suggests telling Shan that they are a solid final
  • Abraham suggests telling Shan that they are a solid final four (F4) and by eliminating one of the others, they secure their majority going forward.
  • Xander and Abraham discuss the difficulty of convincing Shan and the potential consequences if she wins immunity.
  • Abraham mentions Evvie's information about Leslie proposing a final three (F3) deal with Shan and herself.
  • Abraham suggests that they go to rocks if they can't convince Shan to vote incorrectly.
  • Xander expresses uncertainty about the voting procedure in case of a tie.
  • Evvie suggests saying that Jean-Robert is the original vote, and if not him, then Heather.
  • Abraham expresses fatigue from the game and mentions his upcoming trip to Vegas.
  • Evvie suggests being discreet about discussing the challenge to avoid appearing pushy or too focused on it.
  • Abraham shares that Shan informed him that Heather was pushing for him to be voted out.
  • Xander sympathizes with Abraham's fatigue and expresses his understanding.
  • Abraham considers the possibility of offering a final three (F3) deal to Shan, Evvie, and himself.
  • Deshawn emphasizes the importance of the four of them (Abraham, Evvie, Shan, and Deshawn) being comfortable with their decision and sticking together.
  • Abraham suggests a plan to tell Shan that they are a solid F4 and by eliminating one of the others, they secure their majority going forward.
  • Deshawn reassures Jean-Robert that people don't see him as a pompous asshole.
  • Evvie and Xander express their concerns about the upcoming challenge and its difficulty.
  • They discuss the possibility of a memory-based challenge or a stacking challenge, hoping for something doable.
  • Abraham and Evvie consider their options and the timing of their moves to not raise suspicion.
  • Abraham contemplates working on Leslie by revealing that Jean-Robert informed him about the vote against him.
  • Xander shares his insights after some sleuthing and mentions the possibility of a memory combination game.
  • Jean-Robert appreciates Deshawn's perspective and clarifies that he doesn't see wanting to play the game as being an asshole.
  • Jean-Robert and Heather discuss their trust and respect for each other, considering the possibility of working together.
  • Heather admits to voting with Jean-Robert to rock the boat, not necessarily out of trust.
  • Jean-Robert shares his hope that outside the game, people perceive him differently than his gameplay suggests.
  • Jean-Robert asks Deshawn about his thoughts for the upcoming vote and expresses his openness to working together.
  • Deshawn appreciates Jean-Robert's understanding and openness, stating that he is waiting to see who wins immunity before making a decision.
  • Jean-Robert and Deshawn discuss their uncertainty about the upcoming challenge and their preference for something other than a brain teaser puzzle.
  • Abraham inquires about Jean-Robert's current stance on targeting him, and Jean-Robert expresses his openness to working together and asks for Abraham's ideas.
  • Xander shares his hesitation and discomfort with making video confessionals.
  • Jean-Robert and Xander discuss their experiences with video confessionals and overcoming the awkwardness.
  • Abraham suggests targeting Heather due to her previous vote against him.
  • Jean-Robert expresses his openness to work with Abraham and mentions he wants to avoid being on the outside of their alliance.
  • Xander and Abraham discuss their concerns and the uncertainty surrounding the upcoming vote.
  • Abraham questions Jean-Robert's intentions and expresses his belief that he is at risk of being voted out.
Confessional Summary
  • Deshawn: Deshawn expresses his high level of stress and anxiety due to JR's actions and the uncertainty of the game. He reflects on his efforts to protect JR but acknowledges the need to learn from the experience. He also discusses the shocking revelations and predictable results from "The In Crowd" challenge, the intense conversations in the IMs, changing trust dynamics among the players, his feelings after tribal council, and his dislike for whispering.
  • Jean-Robert: Jean-Robert discusses his frustration with the current state of the game and his perception of being an outcast. He feels targeted by others and expresses his desire to make chaotic moves. He shares his thoughts on the "The In Crowd" challenge, the spicy conversations in the IMs, changing trust dynamics, his feelings after tribal council, and his intentions to stir up the game.
  • Evvie: Evvie records a video confessional, expressing her struggles with productivity and wanting to share her thoughts more openly. She discusses her alliance with Abraham and Xander, her doubts about DeShawn's commitment, her considerations for the upcoming vote, and her frustrations with Heather's inconsistent behavior. She also mentions changing trust dynamics, her feelings after tribal council, and her dislike for whispering.
  • Heather: Heather reflects on her frustration of being perceived as a goat and feeling like she's playing for others' games. She talks about her interactions in the IMs and her realization that she can't trust Abraham. She gives her thoughts on each contestant, including Xander, Shan, Evvie, Leslie, Abraham, Deshawn, and herself. Heather expresses regret at not being able to pull through for her supporters but vows to stop going along with the status quo.
  • Xander: Xander shares his confessional in the form of a poem, expressing his frustration with being seen as irrelevant in the game. He discusses the changing dynamics within the alliances, his concerns about his position, and his hopes of making a move to secure his spot in the game. Xander also reflects on the "The In Crowd" challenge, the spicy conversations in the IMs, changing trust dynamics, his feelings after tribal council, and his thoughts on the game.
  • Leslie: Leslie talks about her surprise at the tribal council vote and her thoughts on the players' perceptions of each other in "The In Crowd" challenge. She discusses her frustrations with Jean-Robert's gameplay and her efforts to separate her game from his. Leslie shares her thoughts on trust dynamics, her vote for Sara at tribal council, her feelings about whispering, and her hopes for making better moves in the game.
  • Abraham: Abraham reflects on his isolation in the game and the stress he experiences. He talks about his observations of the changing dynamics and the need to adapt. Abraham shares his thoughts on "The In Crowd" challenge, the intense conversations in the IMs, changing trust dynamics, his feelings after tribal council, and his determination to continue playing the game.

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Episode 9 High-Level Summary

 The Day began with a serene moment as Abraham and Shan shared biblical wisdom, drawing parallels to their current predicaments on the Stranded island. However, tranquility soon gave way to intrigue as the tribe navigated the web of whispers and subtle gestures that hinted at alliances and betrayals. Heather revealed to Xander that she had informed Sara about her impending vote-off, a piece of news that soon made its way through the tribe, adding an extra layer of uncertainty. Abraham sought answers from Deshawn, curious and a bit concerned about his role in Sara's foreknowledge.

 As the day progressed, speculation arose about the lone vote against Leslie during the previous Tribal Council. Sara, Jean-Robert, and Heather's names came up repeatedly, with no clear consensus emerging. Amidst the turmoil, Heather aired her frustrations about the ever-changing dynamics of the game. The tribe’s dynamics resembled a Rubik’s cube that Abraham couldn't seem to solve, making him feel targeted and unnerved.
 Xander revealed his own vote was a tightrope walk between alliances, sparking a spirited debate between him and Abraham. Leslie added her suspicions into the mix, speculating that either Xander or Heather was responsible for the stray vote against her. While this happened, Shan was taken aback by Heather and Jean-Robert's claims of secure alliances, adding to the mystery and tension. In a surprising reveal, Deshawn admitted he was the one who had voted for Leslie during the Jaime vote, leading to even more intrigue and speculation.
 Despite Heather's reassurances, Abraham felt isolated and targeted as the day concluded. Discussions about previous voting patterns and alliances continued into the night, with the tribe trying to decode the chaos of their situation. Shan and Abraham identified Sara as a sketchy player, her influence still echoing in the tribe's dynamics, even after her departure.
 Shan and Deshawn joked about idol clues. However, as the day progressed, strategic talks about allegiances and alliances crept back into the conversations. Abraham questioned Deshawn's loyalty, especially after his revelation about voting for Leslie. Leslie herself sought to understand the significance of the missing quote that had caused quite a stir within the tribe. The day had moments of lightness as Shan and Leslie exchanged playful banter, but these moments were fleeting as game strategies dominated most conversations. Xander confided in Abraham that Shan had been pressuring him to vote Abraham off, introducing a new twist to their game.
 Heather's skepticism of Abraham persisted, and she warned Shan against trusting him. Echoing Heather's sentiments, Evvie added to the tension by voicing her suspicions. The tribe acknowledged that the mystery vote for Leslie had significantly shaken their dynamics and could impact future decisions.
 As the day wound down, Leslie shared her concerns about Abraham and Xander's growing influence in the game. She expressed her interest in aligning with Evvie and Shan, seeing Abraham's strategic prowess as a potential threat. Jean-Robert, too, acknowledged his precarious position in the game and stressed the need for a shift in the tribe's focus.
 After the day's strategic conversations and alliance shuffling, the tribe was left with more questions than answers. But despite the uncertainty, one thing was clear: the game was in full swing, and the island's complex web of alliances and betrayals was just beginning to unravel.
 As day turned to dusk, the camp's atmosphere grew tenser. Jean-Robert was painfully aware of his unstable position within the tribe and expressed his intentions to cause a shift in the game's focus, desperate to dodge the chopping block.
 Day 21 dawned with more humor, lightening the mood, as the tribe engaged in a spirited challenge called "The In Crowd." This challenge was an assessment of how well the contestants knew each other. It was a shocker for many as players perceived as threats were highlighted and those seen as goats were revealed. Not surprisingly, Jean-Robert was singled out as a threat, while Heather was labeled a goat, a reality that didn't sit well with either of them.
 However, the tribe didn't let the challenge's revelations dampen their spirits, and they made the most of their day. Conversations still revolved around the challenge and its results, but they also discussed the game, their alliances, and their strategies. Despite the stressful circumstances, the tribe managed to find moments of peace and camaraderie, reminding them why they were there in the first place.
 Then came the moment of truth: the Immunity Challenge. Tensions soared as each contestant fought for their survival in the game. When the dust settled, it was Shan who emerged victorious, securing her safety at the upcoming Tribal Council. This development shifted the dynamics once more, and conversations steered towards the next vote-off.
 The tribe headed into the Tribal Council with mixed feelings. Some were secure in their alliances, while others felt the uncertainty of their position within the tribe. Despite the alliances and betrayals, the council's result was quite clear-cut. Heather, labeled as a goat during "The In Crowd" challenge, was voted off in a 7-1 vote, with Leslie receiving the one stray vote. Heather did not leave quietly, calling out her tribe on her way to the jury.
 After a tumultuous few days, the tribe returned to their camp, physically exhausted but mentally alert, with their game's next steps already being planned. Heather's elimination, while expected, still sent ripples through the tribe, reminding everyone that no one is safe in this game. Every decision, every whisper, every alliance was part of the larger game, and only the savviest would survive.

Jeff Probst

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Day 22

Messages Summary
  • Jean-Robert, Evvie, Abraham, Shan, Xander, Deshawn, and Leslie are the main participants in the conversations.
  • They express excitement and disbelief over successfully pulling off a vote and discuss the reactions of the eliminated contestant, Heather.
  • They speculate about future votes and the potential for drama. Jean-Robert and Deshawn express gratitude for the alliance's support.
  • Leslie expresses frustration with Heather and discusses her deceptive behavior. Evvie wonders about the source of the information Heather is using against them.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss their interactions with Sara and the perception of their gameplay. They anticipate drama in the upcoming votes and discuss how certain players are targeting them.
  • Evvie wonders about the origin of the smear campaign accusation and who might be behind it. Abraham and Leslie discuss the tribal dynamics and their feelings about the game.
  • Deshawn and Jean-Robert say their goodbyes for the night, planning to catch up later. Evvie and Shan discuss their gameplay decisions and the suspicion surrounding certain actions.
  • Abraham and Evvie talk about Heather's comments and their plans to address them. They joke about the situation and the possibility of not responding to Heather's criticisms.
  • Abraham suggests that some players may be targeting them as perceived threats. Evvie agrees and believes their opponents are frustrated about being outplayed.
  • Xander joins the conversation and discusses Heather's reaction to the propaganda against them. Xander finds it interesting that Heather didn't explicitly name anyone in her comments.
  • The conversation starts with Xander and Abraham joking about Heather's departure and her love for Christina Aguilera's CD.
  • Evvie and Xander discuss their chat distractions and decide to sneak into their chat to continue their conversation. Abraham shares a screenshot of an issue he's facing with the website.
  • Shan expresses her relief that Evvie won and mentions her suspicion that someone might have been trying to vote her out in the previous round.
  • Evvie and Abraham discuss being caught up in writing confessionals and leaving some questions for the next day. Xander, Abraham, and Evvie decide to sneak into their chat and leave some questions unanswered. Abraham shares a link to a screenshot from their chat.
  • Jean-Robert asks about a mysterious box, and Xander agrees with the plan to vote out Deshawn. Abraham congratulates Xander on his challenge win, and Deshawn expresses surprise at Xander's quick solve.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss their progress in the challenge, with Abraham revealing the numbers he found. Abraham realizes that he made a mistake in his answer, and Deshawn reacts with surprise.
  • Abraham and Deshawn discuss the challenge and their answers. Xander congratulates Abraham on his win, and Abraham expresses his enjoyment of the challenge.
  • Leslie asks Shan if they are going for Deshawn, and Shan confirms her enthusiasm for the plan. Deshawn congratulates Abraham and asks what the plan is.
  • Xander mentions that Deshawn might be the target, and Deshawn questions Xander's intentions. Abraham shares his strategy of copying the puzzle into a document to solve it.
  • Shan expresses her admiration for Abraham's puzzle-solving skills and congratulates him. Evvie mentions her struggle with the challenge and the frustration of not being able to zoom out.
  • Jean-Robert discusses the plan to vote out Deshawn and leaves his pre-vote. Xander and Shan express their excitement and confidence in the plan. Jean-Robert confirms his pre-vote for Deshawn.
  • Abraham asks if they are going with JR, and Shan confirms her 200% commitment to the plan. Evvie discusses her thoughts on thevote and her willingness to go along with the plan. Abraham confirms his support for the plan and mentions the potential repercussions of flipping.
  • Xander asks if Jean-Robert is on board with the plan, and Leslie confirms that JR is on board. Jean-Robert and Abraham congratulate each other, and Jean-Robert asks if Abraham is still on board.
  • Abraham expresses his confidence in the plan and jokes about his puzzle-solving skills. Leslie mentions that they need to ensure that JR doesn't find out about the plan and ruin it.
  • Xander and Evvie discuss their willingness to go along with the plan. Deshawn confirms his support for the plan and jokes about Xander's change of heart. Shan expresses her nervousness about the plan but confirms her commitment.
  • Leslie discusses the importance of the other two voting with them to make it clear it's not Evvie, Jean-Robert, and others discuss the uncertainty and tension among the contestants.
  • Xander mentions the impact of Heather's message and questions his position in the game. Shan mentions hearing Xander's name but refrains from revealing her source.
  • Abraham informs Shan about their ongoing conversation regarding the vote. Deshawn expresses his willingness to target JR if Xander wants to vote out Shan.
  • Xander and Shan discuss Heather's antics and share some humorous moments. Evvie suggests waiting for the immunity challenge outcome before making a final decision.
  • Jean-Robert expresses his trust in Shan and his desire to work together. Abraham mentions the need to get JR out and shares his humor about the situation.
  • Shan discusses the possibility of targeting Deshawn and shares her fear of JR's challenge abilities. Deshawn compares JR's behavior to that of his small dog, jokingly.
  • Jean-Robert appreciates Shan's agreement and expresses his confidence in Evvie. Deshawn shares his perspective on Heather's message and her lack of involvement in his game.
  • Jean-Robert praises Evvie's gameplay and discusses the importance of trusting each other. Shan expresses her hesitation in mentioning Evvie's name to anyone.
  • Deshawn and Xander talk about Heather's message and the accuracy of her comments. Shan and Jean-Robert continue discussing their plans and their confidence in Xander.
  • Leslie expresses uncertainty about Xander's position and doubts JR's claims. Shan mentions JR's belief that he has Xander's loyalty but expresses skepticism based on past experiences.
  • The participants discuss the difference between strategic gameplay and being a sore loser. Deshawn expresses difficulty trusting someone and feeling frustrated with their behavior.
  • JR mentions that he disagreed with Evvie's actions and thinks she's a potential target. Shan clarifies that JR's first choice is Deshawn, but they need to be cautious of Evvie.
  • Leslie questions whether they should go after Evvie or tell her to vote for Deshawn. Xander finds Evvie's comment about Evvie being a snake amusing.
  • The group agrees that JR throws a lot of ideas around but is not taken seriously. Xander and Leslie discuss targeting the three biggest threats in the game.
  • Shan reveals that JR is pushing for Deshawn, but they should be concerned about Evvie. Jean-Robert thinks they need to vote out one of the three (Abe, Evvie, JR) to avoid them dominating the game.
  • Leslie suggests targeting Xander if Deshawn loses and Abe if Deshawn wins. Shan expresses a lack of relationship with Xander but wants insight into his thoughts.
  • Shan and Deshawn discuss their dogs and dog-sitting experiences. Xander mentions his interest in knowing if Evvie will discuss game strategy.
  • Xander agrees that Deshawn is likable but also dangerous- Shan proposes the idea of turning the game around and shocking the three threats. Evvie praises Shan's gameplay intuition and likability.
  • Abraham agrees with Shan's assessment of Jean-Robert and suggests voting him out if he is not immune. Evvie mentions that she hasn't seen seasons without hidden immunity idols, and they discuss the risk of an immunity run by Jean-Robert.
  • Abraham and Shan agree on targeting Jean-Robert if he is not immune. Evvie comments on Jean-Robert's potential to stir things up and disrupt the game.
  • Abraham suggests going along with whatever Jean-Robert says to maintain appearances. Shan asks Abraham if he has spoken to Deshawn yet, and he admits he hasn't.
  • Shan suggests targeting Jean-Robert and asks if Deshawn would protest the vote. Abraham clarifies that Deshawn wouldn't protest, and they agree to target Jean-Robert if he is not immune.
  • Leslie confirms her limited communication with Xander and expresses surprise at Abe's change of heart regarding Jean-Robert. Abraham acknowledges his lack of trust in Jean-Robert and his self-serving tendencies.
  • Abraham and Shan agree on voting against Jean-Robert if he is not immune. Evvie mentions that Jean-Robert is pushing for their votes against Deshawn.
  • Deshawn and Xander discuss their busy days and the long drives they had for work. Abraham expresses concern about someone potentially throwing Deshawn's name out.
  • Shan talks about feeling powerless in the game and mentions that everything went downhill for her after the Jaime vote. Xander and Abraham discuss their worries about Deshawn potentially flipping.
  • Leslie expresses openness to different options but mentions the need to make sense of the situation. Deshawn talks about his tiring day and expresses his readiness for the night to be over.
  • Abraham advises Xander not to mention Deshawn's name, fearing it would reveal their conversation. Xander asks Deshawn about his work drives and shares his own experiences.
  • Leslie asks Deshawn for ideas on how to proceed in the game. Abraham and Xander discuss their concerns about Shan and the possibility of her being the target.
  • Shan expresses frustration about her lack of power in the game and feeling like others already have plans in motion. Leslie mentions the importance of working together to counter the majority alliance and avoid being picked off one by one.
  • Jean-Robert greets Shan and discusses their opinions and plans. Leslie asks Xander about his stance, and he mentions his uncertainties due to Heather's goodbye message.
  • Shan discusses her lack of care for Xander's position and the need to potentially work with him. Deshawn shares his frustrations with JR mentioning his name and not trusting him.
  • Jean-Robert expresses his confidence in his alliance with Xander and shares his insights about Heather's message.
Confessional Summary:
  • Leslie: Leslie identifies Deshawn as the biggest threat to her game and is considering making a move against him. She believes her game is unique and that she needs to make significant moves to have a chance of winning. She also reveals that she was voted out pre-merge in her Ohio State survivor experience, which she believes her tribemates would find surprising. She expresses frustration about the lack of discussion about the game plan and feels she might need immunity to stay in the game.
  • Deshawn: Deshawn expresses surprise at Heather's unanimous vote-out and discusses his strategy for the Survival Sequences challenge. He identifies Leslie as a potential ally but also recognizes Evvie as a significant threat. He believes Xander, Abe, and Deshawn are threats to his survival, and he's considering various final three scenarios. He thinks Heather is likely to give a bitter jury speech and that his tribemates would be surprised to learn he has a child.
  • Shan: Shan discusses her strategy for the Survival Sequences challenge and her thoughts on the vote against Heather. She feels tired and mentions the difficulties of balancing the game with her work and caring for her toddler. She believes her tribemates would be surprised to learn about the extent of her strategizing and planning.
  • Abraham's Confessional: Abraham begins his confessional by discussing the dynamics of the game, his alliances, and his strategies. He feels secure in his final four alliance and has been working to reassure Deshawn of this. He also talks about his interactions with Jean-Robert and how he's been playing along with Jean-Robert's plans while keeping his own intentions hidden. Abraham also discusses his strategies for the immunity challenge and how he's been practicing for it. He also mentions that he's been planting seeds about Sara to Xander and Abe very early in the game and working hard on his relationships with Kallpa. He believes his tribemates would be surprised to learn about the amount of thinking, strategizing, and planning he does.
  • Xander's Confessional: In his confessional, Xander expresses his excitement about the possibility of working with Shan, who he refers to as "the witch herself". He seems to be enjoying the idea of voting her out and is looking forward to writing his vote. He also mentions that he's been thinking about his voting strategy all day. Xander also takes ownership of the idea to vote out Heather.
  • Evvie's Confessional: Evvie discusses her alliances and potential threats in the game. She mentions that she would have liked to work with Shan and Jean-Robert, but she sees Xander, Deshawn, and Abe as threats. She also mentions that she would like to see one of them or Abe out. Evvie also talks about her moves in the game, such as using information from Aaron and JR to flip Aaron to voting Erik instead of Jaime and getting Sara out because she was not sharing any information. She also discusses the potential final three setups and the need to have Evvie on the jury.
  • Jean-Robert's Confessional: Jean-Robert discusses his strategy for the Survival Sequences challenge and how it didn't work out as he hoped. He also talks about the vote to get Heather out, which he was happy about because it meant he wasn't on anyone's chopping block. He mentions Leslie as his ride or die and discusses his flexibility to make any move to advance in the game. He sees Deshawn as the biggest threat to his torch and is considering making a move on him. He also mentions his experience in Ohio State survivor where he was voted out pre-merge.

Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Episode 10 High-Level SummaryDay 22 of Survivor commenced with an air of cautious optimism. The recent tribal council vote had resulted in Heather's surprising elimination. Her exit, dramatic as it was, gave the remaining contestants - Jean-Robert, Evvie, Abraham, Shan, Xander, Deshawn, and Leslie - a moment of unified disbelief and excitement. Over morning discussions, they speculated about future votes and potential drama brewing within their ranks.The talk of the camp was Heather's unexpected departure and the subsequent reactions. Leslie expressed particular frustration with Heather's behavior, considering it deceptive. Likewise, Evvie pondered the source of the information Heather used to antagonize them.As the day progressed, casual chatter shifted towards strategic discussion. Abraham and Evvie spent time dissecting their gameplay, particularly their past interactions with Sara, who was long gone but still influenced the tribe's dynamics. Meanwhile, Shan, who had managed to dodge the previous night's vote, expressed relief and shared her suspicion that someone might have tried to vote her out.Abraham managed to divert the spotlight from himself to the upcoming challenge. The tribe rallied around their jovial contestant as he won the Immunity challenge, much to everyone's delight. His quick thinking and problem-solving skills were evident, and even Shan, usually reserved, could not help but admire Abraham's prowess.Abraham's victory, however, turned the tide of the game. While the tribe reveled in the aftermath of the challenge, the strategic wheels were once again set in motion. Despite the celebratory atmosphere, whispers of the next potential vote began to circulate. Abraham, now safe from elimination, became the center of various conversations. Many wanted to align with him, while others saw him as a rising threat that needed to be subdued in the future. Deshawn in particular questioned Xander's intentions, wondering if he might become the next target.The time between the Immunity challenge and the Tribal Council was tense. As the day drew to a close, the tribe seemed divided. Discussions flared, alliances were tested, and plans were devised and then overturned. Jean-Robert suggested that Deshawn be voted out, while Shan and Abraham thought it was best to vote against Jean-Robert. The tension was palpable - everyone seemed unsure of where they stood.

While the plan to vote out Deshawn gained momentum, with Shan, Xander, and Jean-Robert expressing their excitement and confidence, the possibility of a flip brought tension into the mix. Abraham and Evvie candidly discussed their thoughts on the vote and their willingness to go along with the plan, acknowledging the potential repercussions of a flip.As night fell, it was time for the Tribal Council. The tribe convened around the blazing fire, their faces a mixture of determination, apprehension, and anticipation. Shan, feeling particularly targeted, confronted Xander about hearing his name and warned him that he might be next if he didn't watch his back.The council was heated, emotions ran high, and when the votes were finally counted, it was Shan who fell victim to the tribe's majority decision. In a close 4 to 3 vote, she was asked to leave. Shan's departure was as fiery as her gameplay. On her way out, she confronted Xander, expressing her frustration and warning him once again that his actions might lead him down the same path.Day 22 ended with a tense Tribal Council and a tribe that was more fractured than before. The day had begun with a sense of unity, but by the end, it was clear that the road to victory would be paved with deceit, tension, and endless strategizing.

Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Episode 10 High-Level Summary
Day 22 of Survivor commenced with an air of cautious optimism. The recent tribal council vote had resulted in Heather's surprising elimination. Her exit, dramatic as it was, gave the remaining contestants - Jean-Robert, Evvie, Abraham, Shan, Xander, Deshawn, and Leslie - a moment of unified disbelief and excitement. Over morning discussions, they speculated about future votes and potential drama brewing within their ranks.
 The talk of the camp was Heather's unexpected departure and the subsequent reactions. Leslie expressed particular frustration with Heather's behavior, considering it deceptive. Likewise, Evvie pondered the source of the information Heather used to antagonize them.
 As the day progressed, casual chatter shifted towards strategic discussion. Abraham and Evvie spent time dissecting their gameplay, particularly their past interactions with Sara, who was long gone but still influenced the tribe's dynamics. Meanwhile, Shan, who had managed to dodge the previous night's vote, expressed relief and shared her suspicion that someone might have tried to vote her out.
 Abraham managed to divert the spotlight from himself to the upcoming challenge. The tribe rallied around their jovial contestant as he won the Immunity challenge, much to everyone's delight. His quick thinking and problem-solving skills were evident, and even Shan, usually reserved, could not help but admire Abraham's prowess.
 Abraham's victory, however, turned the tide of the game. While the tribe reveled in the aftermath of the challenge, the strategic wheels were once again set in motion. Despite the celebratory atmosphere, whispers of the next potential vote began to circulate. Abraham, now safe from elimination, became the center of various conversations. Many wanted to align with him, while others saw him as a rising threat that needed to be subdued in the future. Deshawn in particular questioned Xander's intentions, wondering if he might become the next target.
 The time between the Immunity challenge and the Tribal Council was tense. As the day drew to a close, the tribe seemed divided. Discussions flared, alliances were tested, and plans were devised and then overturned. Jean-Robert suggested that Deshawn be voted out, while Shan and Abraham thought it was best to vote against Jean-Robert. The tension was palpable - everyone seemed unsure of where they stood.
 As night fell, it was time for the Tribal Council. The tribe convened around the blazing fire, their faces a mixture of determination, apprehension, and anticipation. Shan, feeling particularly targeted, confronted Xander about hearing his name and warned him that he might be next if he didn't watch his back.
 The council was heated, emotions ran high, and when the votes were finally counted, it was Shan who fell victim to the tribe's majority decision. In a close 4 to 3 vote, she was asked to leave. Shan's departure was as fiery as her gameplay. On her way out, she confronted Xander, expressing her frustration and warning him once again that his actions might lead him down the same path.
 Day 22 ended with a tense Tribal Council and a tribe that was more fractured than before. The day had begun with a sense of unity, but by the end, it was clear that the road to victory would be paved with deceit, tension, and endless strategizing.

Alliances Summary:
  1. Abraham, Xander, and Evvie seem to have a strong alliance. They discuss game strategy together, congratulate each other on challenge wins, and often collaborate on votes.
  2. Jean-Robert and Leslie have a bond. They often share strategic discussions, and Leslie refers to Jean-Robert as her "ride or die".
  3. Deshawn and Shan also share a bond. They frequently discuss their thoughts and plans, and Shan even expresses admiration for Deshawn's gameplay.
  4. Abraham and Shan have a strategic partnership. They discuss their common goal of voting against Jean-Robert if he is not immune, and they agree to target him.
  5. Evvie and Shan seem to have a bond. Evvie praises Shan's gameplay intuition and likability.
  6. Deshawn and Xander also share a bond, discussing their day-to-day lives in addition to game strategy.
  7. Abraham and Jean-Robert have a complex relationship. While Abraham acknowledges a lack of trust in Jean-Robert, he also suggests going along with whatever Jean-Robert says to maintain appearances.
  8. There appears to be a tentative bond between Shan and Xander. Shan expresses the potential need to work with Xander, despite her lack of care for his position.
  9. Jean-Robert seems to have an alliance with Xander, expressing confidence in their partnership. However, based on Shan's comments, this loyalty may be one-sided.

Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Days 23-25
Messages Summary:
  • The participants conclude their conversation with humor and anticipation for the challenge's release.
  • Evvie and Abraham discuss the challenges and how people's perceptions of each other reveal a lot. They mention that Jean-Robert won a challenge based on tribal dynamics and Deshawn was close to winning another challenge.
  • They discuss upcoming challenges involving animal symbols and predict Deshawn winning one of them. They agree that Deshawn might be a threat in the next round due to his ability to perform well under pressure.
  • They contemplate whether to involve Leslie and Jean-Robert in their plan or keep them in the dark. Abraham suggests that Leslie and Jean-Robert will target JR regardless, so there's no need to tell them anything.
  • Evvie expresses concern about the potential fallout if they don't maintain a strong relationship with Leslie and Jean-Robert in the jury. Abraham believes it puts them on equal footing and strengthens their position if they don't involve Leslie and Jean-Robert in the plan.
  • They agree to proceed without informing Leslie and Jean-Robert. Abraham and Jean-Robert discuss the challenge instructions and express confusion about the order of colors.
  • They debate whether to follow Jeff's words or the example given, fearing that the rules might be changed to create drama. Abraham expresses frustration with the lack of clarity and worries about his performance being affected by rule changes.
  • Abraham considers taking a break from ORGs due to the anxiety and strain it puts on his mental health and relationships. He shares his challenges practice results with Xander and expresses his concerns about server lag.
  • Abraham mentions that he made mistakes while practicing when others were online and plans to practice when no one is online. He thanks an admin for giving him a clear answer about the challenge rules and acknowledges the stress he's experiencing.
  • Abraham discusses his mental state and the toll it's taking on his well-being and relationships. Deshawn mentions JR's move and his upcoming move, indicating that he has been busy.
  • Abraham confirms Deshawn's move and notes that JR has been staying at his girlfriend's place. Xander congratulates Abraham on his impressive challenge practice score.
  • Abraham informs Xander that he submitted his official score and got 100, hoping it's enough to secure his position. Jean-Robert reaches out to Leslie, and they discuss their weekends and health.
  • Jean-Robert plans to talk with Evvie about their future game strategy. Leslie informs Jean-Robert about her resting and recovering from exhaustion but feeling better.
  • They talk about the paranoia, anxiety, and stress they have experienced throughout the game but express their loyalty to each other. Evvie jokingly suggests that two of them should be proven to suck while the other is not so bad.
  • They discuss the possibility of all of them being amazing in their own ways and acknowledge that everyone has their own strengths. They engage in lighthearted banter, joking about their personal characteristics and experiences.
  • Evvie mentions her negative conditioning and how it affects her perception of herself. They briefly mention the upcoming Final Tribal Council and how each person will present their case for why they should win.
  • They discuss Jean-Robert's personality and his association with the show "Jersey Shore." Evvie mentions that they didn't get to know the Kallpa tribe members well when they merged, as they didn't learn much about their backgrounds.
  • They continue joking about Jean-Robert and compare him to a character from "Jersey Shore." They discuss potential plans for the upcoming votes and mention the possibility of targeting Jean-Robert or Leslie.
  • Evvie expresses her uncertainty about the decisions and wants to wait and see how theimmunity challenge plays out. They discuss the dynamics of the game and the challenges of dealing with paranoia.
  • Abraham acknowledges his insecurities and how they sometimes affected his game. They reflect on the game being ugly and the inner circle causing stress and anxiety.
  • Evvie mentions how the perception of time has been distorted during the pandemic. They express appreciation for each other's support and mention the challenges they faced as a group from the beginning of the game.
  • They anticipate that viewers and jury members may not appreciate their loyalty to each other and view it as a simple, uncomplicated strategy. They speculate about how the jury might view their games and the potential for bias based on personal relationships.
  • Abraham mentions that Deshawn believes they are tight, and they discuss his worries about Xander flipping. They mention the possibility of a unanimous vote if Deshawn doesn't win immunity.
  • Abraham expresses his concerns about being targeted if he doesn't win immunity. Evvie points out the potential voting scenarios and whether Jean-Robert and Leslie would vote for Deshawn or Abraham.
  • They talk about the perceptions and biases based on gender roles in the game and how it might influence the jury's views. Evvie mentions that Leslie is trying to play on emotions and stir things up.
  • They discuss Jean-Robert's lack of effort in getting to know them personally and his focus on self-preservation. Xander briefly joins the conversation and compares Evvie to Amanda Kimmel and Abraham to Parvati from past Survivor seasons.
  • Leslie expresses frustration and disbelief towards certain players. Evvie and Deshawn discuss a tense vote and express relief at the outcome.
  • Jean-Robert questions Xander's loyalty and honesty. Abraham comments on the use of Bible quotes during the game.
  • Evvie and Xander share lighthearted moments and jokes. Leslie and Jean-Robert express their disappointment in Xander's actions.
  • Evvie explains her decision-making process and assures Jean-Robert of her commitment. Xander reveals his strategy of targeting Shan to protect himself.
  • Participants discuss the dynamics of the alliance and potential jury reactions. Abraham shares his experience of being disliked by another player, Sarah.
  • Evvie and Jean-Robert appreciate each other's gameplay and strategizing. Leslie reflects on his decision to vote for Shan and the potential repercussions.
  • Xander defends his actions and expresses his frustration with Shan. Participants discuss the likelihood of certain players being targeted in the future.
  • Evvie and Leslie discuss past interactions and the impact of their votes. Jean-Robert emphasizes the importance of remaining united against the dominant alliance.
  • Leslie and Xander acknowledge their close bond and potential vulnerability. Participants reflect on the strategic implications and potential jury votes.
  • There is a discussion about whether the final vote will be a Final 2 or Final 3. Participants speculate about the dynamics between certain players and their alliances.
  • The conversation touches on past votes and potential alliances for future votes. Leslie mentions that someone spoke harshly and negatively about the other players.
  • Abraham and Deshawn comment on their mutual dislike for each other. Jean-Robert mentions that he knew about an alliance between Xander, Abraham, and Deshawn.
  • Leslie asks Xander if he voted for her during a previous vote, and Xander confirms it was his vote. There is discussion about the stress and tension during past votes.
  • Participants discuss the upcoming challenge and speculate on its nature. Leslie explains her voting strategy and reasoning for not targeting certain players.
  • Jean-Robert and Deshawn express their appreciation for each other despite their differences. Abraham shares his distrust of Jean-Robert and his perception of his loyalty.
  • The conversation shifts to celebrating their progress in the game and joking about post-game interactions. Participants discuss their plans for staying in touch after the game ends.
  • Abraham jokes about Xander's behavior after winning. Leslie expresses concerns about the remaining players and their potential threat level.
  • Xander mentions Abe's paranoia and the possibility of the remaining three turning on each other. Abraham suggests creating a group chat after the game ends.
  • Xander expresses his distrust of the remaining three players and his desire for them not to win. Abraham thanks Leslie for her support and assures her that he has a good explanation for everyone regarding his gameplay.
  • Xander agrees with Abraham about Leslie's comments being rude and dismissive of his game. Leslie reiterates her belief in Abraham's gameplay and expresses her hope that the jury won't be bitter and will appreciate a good game.
  • Abraham mentions that he has talked about his gameplay in his confessionals and emphasizes the importance of good gameplay over jury management. Xander jokes with Abraham and shares his plans to write a bitter jury speech.
  • Leslie wishes Abraham good night, and he expresses his appreciation for her support. Abraham discusses his past experience in ORGs, mentioning that he played his first one arrogantly and got voted out early.
  • Xander asks Leslie to compare their season to a season of Survivor, and Abraham shares his past placements in ORGs. Abraham suggests that their season is comparable to Wendell's season.
  • Leslie shares her concerns about the final three and believes that if the jury is bitter, Deshawn and Evvie might have a better chance at winning. Abraham mentions that he hopes the jury is composed of real fans of the game and not bitter.
  • Leslie expresses her doubts about anyone being bitter and mentions that people usually respect good gameplay over jury management. Abraham confirms his determination to try his hardest and mentions that he has discussed it in his confessionals.
  • Leslie mentions her intention to continue playing but states that she won't share anything with Deshawn. Abraham shares a link to a write-up about his immunity win.
  • Xander and Abraham joke about Leslie's attempts to sway their opinions and mention the Bible verses being thrown at them by players. They discuss their favorite Survivor players and seasons.
  • Abraham talks about his and his wife's professions, mentioning that she is a lawyer. They joke about the players left in the game, and Abraham talks about the expenses of their vacations.
  • Abraham shares his uncertainty about the future and having kids. Xander and Abraham discuss the upcoming challenge and express their preferences regarding the type of challenge.
  • Leslie chats with Jean-Robert and shares updates about Abraham's statements and his preference to lose rather than vote out one of them. They discuss the need to target Evvie since Abraham and Deshawn are unlikely to turn on each other.
  • Evvie informs Abraham about Leslie's attempts to create divisions between them and her plans to vote for the other person if either Abraham or Deshawn loses. Evvie and Abraham acknowledge Leslie's strategy and the difficulty of their positions in the game.
  • Abraham jokes about being "Xander'd" and Evvie responds humorously. They discuss the nicknames they have for each other and their plans to watch Big Brother and discuss it later.
  • Abraham asks Deshawn about the challenge's timing, and Deshawn mentions not knowing the exact time but assures Abraham that he'll have all weekend to complete it. Abraham and Evvie comment on the surprise outcome of a lip sync performance in a show they were watching.
  • Abraham discusses the weather forecast for Las Vegas, mentioning the excessive heat warning and his plans to adapt to the high temperatures. They talk about gym routines and physical fitness, with Abraham mentioning his recent increased gym visits before their trip to prepare for extensive walking.
  • Abraham mentions going to Las Vegas for five days. Abraham and Evviecontinue discussing the lip sync performance and the challenge that hasn't been posted yet. They express their excitement for the challenge and anticipate its release, with Evvie suggesting it might be posted the next day.
  • They comment on the unpredictability of the challenge and the uncertainty of the voting results. They discuss Evvie's wife and her awesome qualities.
  • Jean-Robert joins the conversation and mentions his anticipation for the challenge's release. They discuss the lack of a challenge post and express their frustration.
  • Abraham mentions his ongoing practice runs and shares his high scores, including one of 159. Evvie mentions not having started the challenge yet and wanting more clarity before attempting it.
  • Abraham jokes about the high number of bricks in his run and the difficulty of counting them accurately. They discuss their strategies for the challenge and their expectations.
  • Abraham asks Jeff Probst about the emoji limit and clarifies his confusion about the brick count. They realize their mistake in subtracting their own posts to calculate the brick count and acknowledge the issue.
  • They discuss their different approaches to the challenge and practicing for it. Abraham shares his practice run scores and reiterates his confidence in winning.
  • They mention the forum statistics and Abraham's high post count, jokingly suggesting Leslie might catch up to him. Evvie comments on the rapid increase in Abraham's post count and doubts anyone will surpass him.
Confessional Summary:
  • Abraham's Confessional: begins by using the metaphor of "Cryptic Plumage" to describe Deshawn's loyalty, emphasizing the need to vote him out. Abraham reveals that he practiced the challenge extensively to ensure his safety and gain control of the vote. He had discussions with Xander and Evvie, and they agreed that eliminating Deshawn would be beneficial for their long-term game. Their plan was to make JR believe he was the target, hoping to exhaust him for future challenges. Abraham submitted his challenge score of 100, feeling confident based on previous seasons' scores. Before Tribal Council, he considered switching the vote to JR but ultimately stuck with voting out Deshawn. Abraham acknowledges the impact of this vote on the jury, leveling the playing field for the remaining players. He assesses his chances in the finals against each person, expressing confidence in defeating Xander and JR, a 50/50 chance against Evvie, and dismissing Leslie's chances. Abraham reflects on his intended player type and believes he needs to eliminate JR to prove his strategic and challenge abilities. He speculates that lurkers might root for JR, Evvie, and Xander, although some may dislike his gameplay due to his anxiety and paranoia. Nonetheless, he remains determined to prove to himself that he can win the game.
  • Evvie's Confessional: they reflect on reaching the final six and acknowledge their gameplay strategy of relying on others in challenges while building strong relationships. Despite not winning individual immunity yet, Evvie believes their strategic gameplay will be respected by the jury. They address the perception of being closely aligned with Abraham and Deshawn but understand that targeting them first would require the right players to make the move. Evvie contemplates their approach for the remaining week, wanting to prioritize playing for themselves and defining their endgame. They analyze the recent tribal council, noting the lack of whispers and Jeff's pointed questions. Evvie mentions being left out of the plan to vote out Deshawn, which could have been a potential move but would have strained their alliances. They express disappointment in having to vote out Shan but feel it was necessary to secure their allies and align with Xander. Evvie assesses their chances in the finals, identifying Xander as their preferred opponent and recognizing the threats posed by Abraham, Deshawn, Leslie, and JR. They rate their winning game at a 6 and aim to maintain their social connections while strategically positioning themselves for the upcoming votes. Evvie shares their trust ranking, with Abraham at the top, followed by Xander, Deshawn, Leslie, and JR. They express curiosity about JR's potential as an ally and contemplate making moves to increase their personal agency. Evvie concludes by expressing their determination to navigate the final stretch of the game with caution and hopes for Deshawn's elimination if he doesn't win immunity. They acknowledge the possibility of viewer boredom due to their dominant alliance with Abraham and Xander.
  • Leslie's Confessional: She expresses frustration and disbelief at Xander's middle-playing strategy, as she had thought it was Heather all along. Leslie reflects on the missed opportunity to build trust with Evvie and hopes that Xander would see the obvious move. She is disappointed by Shan's departure and regrets not swapping when Xander voted for her. Leslie acknowledges that making a move against the dominant trio was crucial for her endgame but feels unsure about her chances now. She rates her winning game as low, considering the difficulties in breaking up the three. Leslie shares her updated trust ranking, with JR at the top, followed by Xander, Evvie, Deshawn, and Abraham. She contemplates the possibility of convincing Evvie to flip and discusses the challenges of working with JR while acknowledging his support. Leslie expresses excitement about successfully flipping the votes and remaining hopeful for the future.
  • Xander's Confessional: he expresses his disdain for Shan, finding her arrogant and unengaging. He reveals his satisfaction with her elimination and discusses his strategy to make a noticeable move in the game. Xander considers Deshawn as the biggest threat and believes he would win if he reaches the end due to his likability and strong social connections. He rates his winning game as a six or seven and emphasizes his social skills and ability to navigate the game. Xander contemplates the potential jurors' votes and provides an updated trust ranking, placing Evvie at the top, followed by Abe, JR, Deshawn, and Leslie. He reflects on his plans for the final tribal council and the need to make a big move. Xander acknowledges the uncertain nature of the jury votes and discusses his relationship dynamics with other players. He concludes by expressing his readiness to throw anyone under the bus to reach the end with Abe.
  • Jean-Robert's Confessional: he expresses frustration and disappointment with Xander's decision-making, feeling let down by him once again. Jean-Robert acknowledges the need to work with Xander to break up the power trio but admits his dislike for him. He contemplates the challenge performance, noting that his internet connection issues may have cost him immunity. He reflects on the split vote at tribal council, Jeff's questions, and Shan's departure. Jean-Robert emphasizes the importance of his endgame, aiming to exist and stumble his way to the final three. He believes his jury management has been effective and that the jurors are rooting for him as an underdog. When asked who he wouldn't want to sit next to at the final tribal council, he mentions Abraham due to his strong challenge performance and loyalty to the majority. Jean-Robert rates his winning game as an 8 and recognizes the need to establish control and make a power move to solidify his case. He speculates on potential jurors' votes, expecting support from Jaime, Erik, Heather, Shan, Sara, Leslie, and Abe. Finally, he provides an updated trust ranking list, with Leslie at the top and Xander, Deshawn, Abe, and Evvie at the bottom. He hints at a plan to convince others to flip and suggests the possibility of an idol being played on Deshawn.
  • Deshawn's Confessional: he reflects on the previous tribal council, expressing mixed emotions about Shan's departure. While he didn't want her to leave personally, he acknowledges that it was necessary for his endgame strategy. Deshawn is optimistic about the final six and expects smooth sailing if everyone stays true to their alliances. However, he admits to being worried about Evie's potential to win and considers her the person he least wants to sit next to at the final tribal council. Deshawn believes his personal relationships and jury management give him a winning game, particularly if he reaches the end with Abe and Xander. He speculates on potential jury votes, mentioning concerns about Eric's, Sarah's, and possibly Jean-Robert's support. Deshawn provides a trust ranking, placing Abe at the top and Leslie and Jean-Robert at the bottom, based on the level of trust he has developed with them throughout the game. He concludes by expressing confidence in his gameplay and connections but acknowledges the uncertainty of the jury's decisions.
Tribal Council:
  • Leslie mentions that she didn't have as much time to strategize due to being sick but hopes their efforts were enough.
  • Jean-Robert predicts a split vote between Deshawn and himself/Leslie, with potential rock drawing if Xander and Evvie disagree.
  • Deshawn acknowledges the uncertainty of the vote and believes his decision is best for his game.
  • Xander confirms he voted as planned, despite Jean-Robert's wild statements.
  • Abraham expresses concern about potential challenge threats and acknowledges Jean-Robert's competitiveness.
  • Evvie considers moves that could earn jury appreciation but is focused on reaching the end.
  • Leslie discusses the importance of making moves and gaining the jury's respect rather than blindly following others.
  • Jean-Robert makes a playful comment about Shan's affinity for Xander.
  • Susie asks Evvie about the jury's desired outcome, and Evvie suggests the jury might prefer an OG Ancha member leaving.
  • Whispers occur between Evvie, Abraham, Leslie, and Xander, discussing potential vote flips and idol plays.
  • Jeff Probst questions the possibility of a split vote or a unanimous decision.
  • Jean-Robert expresses that his brazen personality may be off-putting to others but is determined to survive.
  • Abraham embraces the whispers and the intense gameplay.
  • Votes are cast, and the jury members respond with emojis.
  • The votes are read, revealing a surprising outcome.
  • Heather and Shan post puzzled and disappointed emojis, while Jaime applauds the move.
  • Leslie remarks on the active gameplay, and Deshawn congratulates the others on a well-played move.

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Episode 11 High-Level Summary

 The episode of Stranded begins with the aftermath of the previous tribal council where Shan was voted out. The contestants are seen discussing the implications of Shan's departure and strategizing for the upcoming Immunity Challenge and tribal council.
 Abraham wins the Immunity Challenge with an impressive score of100 bricks, securing his position in the game. This win sparks various conversations among the contestants about potential voting scenarios and alliances.
 In the conversations, Abraham and Evvie discuss the challenges and how people's perceptions of each other reveal a lot. They mention that Jean-Robert won a challenge based on tribal dynamics and Deshawn was close to winning another challenge. They contemplate whether to involve Leslie and Jean-Robert in their plan or keep them in the dark. Abraham suggests that Leslie and Jean-Robert will target JR regardless, so there's no need to tell them anything. Evvie expresses concern about the potential fallout if they don't maintain a strong relationship with Leslie and Jean-Robert in the jury.
 Abraham and Jean-Robert discuss the challenge instructions and express confusion about the order of colors. They debate whether to follow Jeff's words or the example given, fearing that the rules might be changed to create drama. Abraham expresses frustration with the lack of clarity and worries about his performance being affected by rule changes.
 Abraham and Deshawn joke about Leslie's attempts to sway their opinions and mention the Bible verses being thrown at them by players. They discuss their favorite Survivor players and seasons. Abraham talks about his and his wife's professions, mentioning that she is a lawyer. They joke about the players left in the game, and Abraham talks about the expenses of their vacations. 
 Leslie chats with Jean-Robert and shares updates about Abraham's statements and his preference to lose rather than vote out one of them. They discuss the need to target Evvie since Abraham and Deshawn are unlikely to turn on each other.
 In the confessionals, the contestants reveal their true feelings about the game and their strategies. Deshawn reflects on Shan's departure and admits to being worried about Evvie's potential to win. He believes his personal relationships and jury management give him a winning game, particularly if he reaches the end with Abe and Xander. Evvie, on the other hand, contemplates their approach for the remaining week, wanting to prioritize playing for themselves and defining their endgame. They express disappointment in having to vote out Shan but feel it was necessary to secure their allies and align with Xander.
 The episode concludes with a tribal council where Deshawn is blindsided with a 5 to 1 vote. The council is filled with whispers and intense gameplay. Leslie mentions that she didn't have as much time to strategize due to being sick but hopes their efforts were enough. Deshawn acknowledges the uncertainty of the vote and believes his decision is best for his game. Xander confirms he voted as planned, despite Jean-Robert's wild statements. Abraham expresses concern about potential challenge threats and acknowledges Jean-Robert's competitiveness. Evvie considers moves that could earn jury appreciation but is focused on reaching the end. The votes are cast, and the jury members respond with emojis. The votes are read, revealing a surprising outcome. Heather and Shan post puzzled and disappointed emojis, while Jaime applauds the move. Leslie remarks on the active gameplay, and Deshawn congratulates the others on a well-played move.

Alliances Summary
  1. Abraham, Xander, and Deshawn: Jean-Robert mentions that he knew about an alliance between these three. They are seen discussing the challenges and potential voting scenarios. They also joke about Leslie's attempts to sway their opinions and mention the Bible verses being thrown at them by players. They discuss their favorite Survivor players and seasons. Abraham talks about his and his wife's professions, mentioning that she is a lawyer. They joke about the players left in the game, and Abraham talks about the expenses of their vacations.
  2. Leslie and Jean-Robert: Leslie chats with Jean-Robert and shares updates about Abraham's statements and his preference to lose rather than vote out one of them. They discuss the need to target Evvie since Abraham and Deshawn are unlikely to turn on each other. They also express their disappointment in Xander's actions.
  3. Evvie and Abraham: They discuss the challenges and how people's perceptions of each other reveal a lot. They mention that Jean-Robert won a challenge based on tribal dynamics and Deshawn was close to winning another challenge. They contemplate whether to involve Leslie and Jean-Robert in their plan or keep them in the dark. Abraham suggests that Leslie and Jean-Robert will target JR regardless, so there's no need to tell them anything. Evvie expresses concern about the potential fallout if they don't maintain a strong relationship with Leslie and Jean-Robert in the jury.
  4. Evvie and Xander: They share lighthearted moments and jokes. Evvie explains her decision-making process and assures Jean-Robert of her commitment. Xander reveals his strategy of targeting Shan to protect himself.
  5. Leslie and Xander: They acknowledge their close bond and potential vulnerability. Participants reflect on the strategic implications and potential jury votes.

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Day 26
Messages Summary:
  • Jean-Robert tries to convince Evvie and Xander to vote against Abraham, but Evvie expresses doubt about the plan. Jean-Robert questions if he has ever played Evvie in the game and asks if there's anything he can say to change Evvie's mind.
  • The participants discuss the previous vote and the departure of Deshawn. They express satisfaction with the outcome and optimism for the future. They reflect on the unanimous vote and express surprise at Abraham's alignment with them.
  • The group discusses the plan for the next vote and acknowledges the upcoming challenges. They express their eagerness to eliminate Jean-Robert and their desire to reach the final three.
  • The participants discuss the dynamics of the game, the importance of staying loyal, and the potential impact of revealing their alliance to Jean-Robert. They also discuss the potential impact of their actions on the jury's perception.
  • The participants discuss the upcoming immunity challenge, their individual chances, and joke about Abraham's superior performance. They speculate on the nature of the challenge and discuss their strategies.
  • The participants discuss their personal relationships with the jury members and how it could influence their votes. They also share personal updates, such as Abraham moving to a new apartment and Xander taking a day off to watch a movie with his husband.
  • The participants express nervousness about the upcoming challenge and their plan to beat Jean-Robert. They also discuss their health and well-being during the game.
  • The conversation continues with anticipation for the upcoming challenge and speculation about its nature. They joke about other players' skills and cryptic messages.
  • The conversation ends with some players discussing their performance in the challenges and joking about their answers.
  • Jean-Robert, Leslie, and Xander celebrate their accomplishment and express optimism for the future. Evvie thanks Leslie, Jean-Robert, and Xander for their support and expresses relief that the vote went according to plan.
  • Xander and Abraham share humorous reactions to the vote and Deshawn's departure. They discuss the plan for the next vote and acknowledge the upcoming challenges.
  • Evvie and Abraham discuss the success of the vote and their need to eliminate the remaining two players. Jean-Robert and Leslie discuss the challenges ahead and their hope to reach the final five.
  • Xander and Abraham comment on the reactions of Heather and Shan to the vote, joking about their bitterness. Evvie and Abraham express relief and happiness about the successful vote.
  • Xander, Evvie, and Jean-Robert discuss the dynamics of the game and the importance of staying loyal. Abraham and Evvie discuss the possibility of Heather and Shan having idols and their confidence in the alliance's strength.
  • Jean-Robert expresses uncertainty about how the jury perceives him. Evvie and Jean-Robert discuss the reception from the jury and the potential challenges ahead.
  • Abraham expresses his eagerness to eliminate Jean-Robert and his desire to reach the final three. Evvie and Jean-Robert express mutual appreciation for each other and their alliance.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss the revelation of their alliance to Jean-Robert and the potential impact on their game. Leslie mentions her concern about being targeted as a duo with Jean-Robert and their need to secure immunity.
  • Xander, Evvie, and Jean-Robert discuss the possibility of Abe winning immunity and their plan to reach the final three. Abraham expresses his dislike for Jean-Robert and his excitement about his potential elimination.
  • They discuss their individual chances in different types of challenges and joke about Abraham's superior performance. Evvie wonders what the upcoming challenge will be and suspects that Abraham already knows.
  • Xander and Evvie joke about Abraham already practicingand winning the challenge. They discuss their personal relationships with the jury members and how it could influence their votes.
  • They discuss the quietness in the chats and how it's different from before. Xander mentions that he took the day off and watched Avatar with his husband. Abraham mentions being stressed about moving into his apartment.
  • They discuss the plan to beat JR in the upcoming challenge. They mention the possibility of trivia-based challenges and recall Heather's cryptic message in emojis. Abraham suggests different challenge ideas, including finding past players around the forum.
  • They joke about JR's skills and Heather's cryptic message in emojis. Evvie, Leslie, and Jean-Robert discuss the plan if JR wins the challenge. Evvie mentions not being sure about the plan and wanting to talk more about it.
  • Xander jokes about waiting for Jeff to start the challenge and mentions an "Amber Alert." The conversation continues with anticipation for the upcoming challenge. The conversation starts with some players discussing their performance in the challenges and joking about their answers.
  • Jean-Robert, Leslie, and Xander celebrate their accomplishment and express optimism for the future. Evvie thanks Leslie, Jean-Robert, and Xander for their support and expresses relief that the vote went according to plan.
  • Xander and Abraham share humorous reactions to the vote and Deshawn's departure. They discuss the plan for the next vote and acknowledge the upcoming challenges. Evvie and Abraham discuss the success of the vote and their need to eliminate the remaining two players.
  • Jean-Robert and Leslie discuss the challenges ahead and their hope to reach the final five. Xander and Abraham comment on the reactions of Heather and Shan to the vote, joking about their bitterness. Evvie and Abraham express relief and happiness about the successful vote.
  • Xander, Evvie, and Jean-Robert discuss the dynamics of the game and the importance of staying loyal. Abraham and Evvie discuss the possibility of Heather and Shan having idols and their confidence in the alliance's strength.
  • Jean-Robert expresses uncertainty about how the jury perceives him. Evvie and Jean-Robert discuss the reception from the jury and the potential challenges ahead. Abraham expresses his eagerness to eliminate Jean-Robert and his desire to reach the final three.
  • Evvie and Jean-Robert express mutual appreciation for each other and their alliance. Abraham and Evvie discuss the revelation of their alliance to Jean-Robert and the potential impact on their game. Leslie mentions her concern about being targeted as a duo with Jean-Robert and their need to secure immunity.
  • Xander, Evvie, and Jean-Robert discuss the possibility of Abe winning immunity and their plan to reach the final three. Abraham expresses his dislike for Jean-Robert and his excitement about his potential elimination.
Confessionals Summary:
  • Abraham's Confessional: he acknowledges being under the influence, apologizes for the lackluster confessional, and expresses his willingness to make a video showcasing his gameplay if voted out or reaching the Final Tribal Council (FTC). He discusses his nerves about Jean-Robert potentially winning the challenge and influencing Evvie's vote, reflects on his preparation for the challenge, and admits underestimating the number of whispers. Abraham mentions receiving reassurances from Evvie and Xander pre-tribal council, relying on their information about Jean-Robert and Leslie. He describes Jean-Robert and Leslie's attempts to paint him as the biggest target and believes they may have convinced Evvie to some extent. Abraham emphasizes the need to win immunity or rely on Xander going to rocks with him at Final 4, considering the risky situation. He praises Evvie's gameplay and identifies his research abilities as a unique strength. Abraham admits to his paranoia as a weakness and acknowledges Jean-Robert's progress in painting a target on his back. He hopes Evvie would prioritize eliminating Leslie before him in the Final 3, and concludes by likening his gameplay to Mike Holloway's determined approach.
  • Evvie's Confessional: she mentions starting a part-time job and reflects on missing out on holiday festivities due to financial constraints. Regarding the challenge, she acknowledges Abraham's extensive practice and dominant performance, stating that she did not wish to be a challenge beast. Evvie discusses voting out Deshawn and expresses concern about her allies potentially turning on her, particularly due to Abraham sharing information about their alliance with Jean-Robert. She speculates on how Deshawn's presence in the jury might impact the winner's decision. Evvie rates her chances against the remaining players, perceiving herself as a social butterfly and an under-the-radar player. She speculates about the lurkers' preferences and contemplates whether to make a move against Abraham, weighing the risks and potential outcomes. Evvie shares her thoughts on trust in a final 2 scenario and evaluates her options for the upcoming vote.
  • Leslie's Confessional: she acknowledges Abraham's extensive practice for the challenge and regrets not practicing more herself. She expresses satisfaction with the vote-out of Deshawn, emphasizing that he would have been a strong competitor. Leslie speculates on how Deshawn's presence in the jury might impact the winner's decision and hopes it will provide insight into the power dynamics within the remaining three players. When considering her chances in the finals, Leslie is uncertain but believes she could potentially beat Xander. She reflects on her gameplay style, feeling that she played somewhat under the radar and focused on breaking up the dominant alliance. Leslie is unsure of how the lurkers perceive the game but suggests they might be rooting for Jean-Robert and Evvie. She mentions feeling nervous during challenges and expresses frustration over a mistake she made during one of them. Leslie concludes by hoping for Abraham's loss in the next challenge to avoid being targeted herself.
  • Xander's Confessional: In Xander's Episode 12 confessional, he reflects on Abraham's impressive performance in the Rack'em Up challenge and acknowledges that Abe's extensive practice paid off. Xander, on the other hand, didn't perform well and regrets not practicing more. He discusses the vote-out of Deshawn, describing him as a reliable but unremarkable player. Xander reveals that the perception of the final three being Abe, Deshawn, and Evie worked to his advantage, as he flew under the radar and wasn't considered a threat. He expresses uncertainty about his chances in the finals, believing he could beat Leslie easily but unsure about his odds against Evie and Abe. Xander contemplates his gameplay style, noting that he focused on his social game and aims to avoid being viewed as a goat. He speculates on how the lurkers might perceive the remaining players, suggesting that they may root for Jean-Robert (J.R.). Xander shares his thoughts on the jury and acknowledges that Deshawn would have been a clear winner if he made it to the end. He contemplates Abe's potential victory, suspecting that some jurors might be frustrated with Abe's perceived manipulation. Xander considers himself and Evie as potential underdog choices but wonders if he's viewed as a goat. He ends by discussing the upcoming tribal council and the possibility of blindsiding Abe, as he sees him as a strong contender to win.
  • Jean-Robert's Confessional: he starts by mentioning his busy schedule and his plan to vote out Abe if he doesn't win immunity, or possibly Xander if Abe is safe. He expresses frustration with Abe's impressive performance in the challenge and acknowledges that he didn't stand a chance against him. Jean-Robert admits to not trusting anyone in the game and solely focusing on surviving. He believes that Abe won't vote for him, but doesn't think it will have a significant impact. Jean-Robert considers himself a strategic mastermind and a wild card player. He concludes by stating that he hopes to be the winner of the game.

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Episode 12 High-Level Summary:

After the unanimous vote that led to the departure of Deshawn, the participants were left to discuss their future strategy. There was a mixture of satisfaction and relief in the air, a sense of optimism as each player considered their chance of making it to the final three.
 In the midst of all this, Jean-Robert was making his own plans. He tried to convince Evvie and Xander to vote against Abraham, but Evvie expressed doubt about the plan. This was a pivotal moment. Jean-Robert questioned Evvie's trust, wondering if he had ever misled her in the game. However, despite his pleas, Evvie seemed unswayed.
 The conversations then turned to the dynamics of the game, the importance of staying loyal, and the potential impact of revealing alliances to Jean-Robert. Leslie expressed her concern about being targeted as a duo with Jean-Robert, emphasizing their need to secure immunity. The participants also speculated about the upcoming immunity challenge, acknowledging their individual chances and joking about Abraham's superior performance.
 Abraham, meanwhile, was navigating a sea of uncertainty and strategy. In his confessional, he acknowledged being under the influence and expressed his willingness to make a video showcasing his gameplay if voted out or reaching the Final Tribal Council. He discussed his nerves about Jean-Robert potentially winning the challenge and influencing Evvie's vote. However, Abraham also emphasized the need to win immunity or rely on Xander going to rocks with him at the Final 4.
 Evvie also had her worries. In her confessional, she expressed concern about her allies potentially turning on her, especially with Abraham revealing their alliance to Jean-Robert. She was also worried about how Deshawn's presence in the jury might impact the winner's decision.
 As the immunity challenge approached, the group continued their discussions, joking about Abraham's skills and speculating about the nature of the challenge. During the competition, Abraham's practice seemed to pay off as he emerged victorious, securing his immunity. This win meant Jean-Robert's fate hung in the balance.
 With the immunity challenge concluded, the participants turned their focus to the upcoming vote. Jean-Robert and Leslie shared their hopes of reaching the final five, while Abraham expressed his eagerness to eliminate Jean-Robert and reach the final three. All the while, Xander and Abraham shared humorous reactions and discussed their plan for the next vote.
 When the moment came, Evvie, who had been expressing mutual appreciation with Jean-Robert throughout their conversations, held her ground. The vote was close, 3 to 2, but in the end, Jean-Robert was sent home. Despite his attempts to convince the others, his strategic mastermind gameplay could not save him. 
 After Jean-Robert's departure, Evvie, Leslie, and Xander expressed relief and celebrated their accomplishments. The vote had gone according to plan, and they were one step closer to the end. Abraham and Evvie also discussed the success of the vote and the need to eliminate the remaining players.
 The departure of Jean-Robert marked a turning point in the game, leaving the remaining players to reconsider their strategies and alliances. In the confessionals that followed, each participant reflected on their performance, their game strategy, and their chances of winning. The stage was now set for the final part of the game, the climax of a journey that tested their strategic, social, and survival skills.
Alliances Summary:
  1. Abraham, Evvie, and Xander: This seems to be a strong alliance with trust between the three. They've had numerous discussions about game strategy, challenges, and jury perceptions. Abraham and Evvie have also expressed mutual appreciation for each other's gameplay. However, there's been tension in this alliance due to Abraham revealing the existence of the alliance to Jean-Robert, which was a point of concern for Evvie. Despite this, they've managed to work together and were united in their decision to eliminate Jean-Robert.
  2. Abraham and Xander: Both players shared humorous reactions to the game's events and strategized together about future votes. They seem to have a good rapport and trust in each other. If Abraham had not won immunity, Xander was prepared to risk going to "rocks" at the final 4 to save him, indicating a deep level of trust.
  3. Evvie and Jean-Robert: This relationship was rather complex. Even though Jean-Robert was campaigning against Abraham (Evvie's ally), there was an underlying mutual appreciation between Evvie and Jean-Robert. However, when it came down to the vote, Evvie chose her alliance with Abraham and Xander over her bond with Jean-Robert.
  4. Leslie and Jean-Robert: Leslie was concerned about being targeted as a duo with Jean-Robert. She felt the need to secure immunity to safeguard her position in the game. Despite these fears, both were looking forward to the possibility of reaching the final five together.

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Day 27 + 28

Messages Summary
  • Xander and Leslie comment on Jeff Probst's behavior and express their hopes for the game.
  • Plans for the Final Tribal Council (FTC) and the possibility of answering questions are discussed.
  • Xander, Evvie, and Abraham share their thoughts on the game and the remaining players.
  • They discuss the chances of winning and losing votes against different jurors.
  • Frustration over being targeted and criticized by others is expressed.
  • Xander and Evvie discuss their feelings about the current situation and the viewers' opinions.
  • Abraham and Evvie talk about the decision not to flip on Abraham and their satisfaction with the outcome.
  • Xander and Evvie discuss Jeff Probst's attitude and his preference for big moves.
  • Abraham reassures Xander about not mentioning his name as a threat and offers support.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss their feelings after the vote and the approaching end of the game.
  • Leslie and Evvie discuss their trust issues and the dynamics of the game.
  • Abraham and Xander have a friendly conversation about the current events and the end of the game.
  • Abraham shares some confessional comments he made about other players with Xander.
  • Abraham asks for Xander's thoughts on the season and mentions following it closely.
  • The conversation shifts to discussing possible Final Two (F2) or Final Three (F3) scenarios.
  • Abraham shares his belief in an F3 based on conversations with Jeff Probst.
  • Xander agrees and suggests reassuring Evvie about the F3 to avoid potential conflicts.
  • Abraham confirms being asked about answering forum questions at FTC.
  • They speculate about the timing of the finale and discuss Abraham's upcoming trip to Vegas.
  • Xander asks about Abraham's plans in Vegas, and Abraham mentions attending a UFC event and staying at a new hotel.
  • The participants exchange positive comments and discuss their plans for the game's conclusion.
  • Abraham and Xander discuss the upcoming FTC and express concern about the jury's perception.
  • They talk about preparing documents and making lists of moves to mention at FTC.
  • They believe the jury may try to rattle them and create drama.
  • They discuss their gameplay and strategic partnership in reaching the end.
  • They mention the possibility of an F2 or F3 and the need for everyone to understand the format.
  • Xander expresses concern about Evvie potentially flipping her vote and aligning with Leslie.
  • They discuss possible scenarios if Evvie votes someone out or goes to rocks to improve her chances.
  • They speculate about the final challenge and their thoughts on different challenges.
  • They consider their chances of winning against Abraham at FTC and discuss potential jury votes.
  • Abraham shares his experience meeting past Survivor and Big Brother contestants.
  • They discuss the possibility of an F3 and analyze a forum post suggesting it's likely.
  • Evvie expresses uncertainty about her chances against Abraham in the final challenge and defending her game to the jury.
  • Xander shares insights into the jury dynamics and potential voting patterns, causing anxiety.
  • Leslie joins the conversation and discusses her interaction with Abraham and her voting plans.
  • They discuss the challenge and the importance of beating Abraham to secure their positions.
  • Abraham asks Xander about his feelings regarding the upcoming vote.
  • Evvie and Leslie discuss their day and potential jury votes.
  • Xander mentions his excitement about the challenge and speculates about the specific challenges involved.
  • Abraham asks if they have practiced for the challenge.
  • The participants discuss their feelings and perspectives on the recent vote, acknowledging its difficulty.
  • Xander and Evvie discuss their concerns about Abraham's potential performance in front of the jury if he reaches the end.
  • They speculate about Abraham's behavior and potential conspiracies leading to the final hour.
  • Evvie mentions Abraham's statement about quitting if it's not an F3, expressing disbelief.
  • They talk about their nerves and anxiety leading up to the challenge.
  • They discuss Abraham's gameplay and his ability to gather votes without strong relationships.
  • Xander, Evvie, and Abraham express hope to win the challenge and determination to do their best.
  • Xander shares his frustration with rewatching Final Destination 4 and finding it awful.
  • Evvie and Abraham discuss their anxiety and nervousness about the challenge.
  • Xander and Evvie mention playing coy throughout the season.
  • They express their intention to remain friends regardless of the game's outcome.
  • Evvie mentions that Abe didn't have strong connections, which could be an argument against him at FTC.
  • The participants share their worries about Leslie winning and potentially targeting them.
  • They discuss the importance of winning immunity and the potential consequences if Leslie wins.
  • Evvie mentions that she would consider voting out Abe if it becomes an option.
  • They speculate about different scenarios and potential tiebreaker challenges.
  • They discuss the tiebreaker rules and the possibility of a Final 2 or Final 3.
  • Evvie expresses uncertainty about their chances and suspects Abe will cut her.
  • Xander and Evvie discuss the tiebreaker challenge and its implications.
  • Abraham and Evvie express excitement about finishing the game.
  • Xander asks for a lurker chat, which they plan to have after the vote.
  • Evvie and Leslie discuss making it to the end and differentiating their games.
  • Evvie expresses her liking for someone, leading to playful banter.
  • Evvie appreciates Leslie's concern and explains her decision not to eliminate Abe, citing her conscience.
  • Evvie emphasizes treating the game as more than just a game because it involves real people.
  • Leslie reveals her plan to vote for Evvie, hoping it will gain her respect for playing her own game.
  • Evvie acknowledges Leslie's decision and expresses understanding.
  • Xander asks Leslie about her vote for Evvie, and she explains her reasoning.
  • Evvie explains being backed into a corner this round and how the conversation might have been different if she had immunity.
  • Leslie reassures Evvie and tells her she is her only hope, urging her to vote for her.
  • Xander shares that this is his first online reality game and recently discovered the community.
  • Evvie supports Leslie's decision and wishes her luck in the challenge if it comes to that.
  • Leslie respects Evvie and believes winning might benefit Xander's game.
  • Leslie and Xander discover they joined their first ORG together, expressing happiness about not being alone.
  • Leslie suggests that Xander voting against the remaining players would demonstrate his willingness to go against them.
  • Xander appreciates Leslie's point and recalls a move he made against Shan.
  • Xander expresses his tiredness of being called a goat and reassures Leslie about her own game.
  • The participants discuss the upcoming vote, tiebreaker scenarios, and their nerves.
  • They talk about the difficulty of practicing for the challenge based on a specific season.
  • Abraham asks if they are allowed to work together on the challenge, but Jeff Probst clarifies they cannot collaborate.
  • Abraham expresses doubt and considers giving up.
  • Abraham and Evvie celebrate Abraham's victory in the challenge.
  • Evvie mentions her low number of correct answers.
  • Abraham and Evvie discuss their votes and express excitement about Leslie's elimination.
  • Abraham feels upset about the possibility of not having a Final 3.
  • Xander celebrates and jokes about Abraham's winning streak.
  • Evvie asks if Abraham has finished, and he confirms
Confessional Summary:
  • Jean-Robert expressed his concern about Abraham being a threat to win and his plan to target him. He acknowledged Evvie as a strong player and believed she would win if he didn't make it to the end. He reflected on his pre-merge game focused on challenge wins and relationship building, but post-merge, he relied more on his early relationships. His greatest strength was his ability to connect with people, but his paranoia hindered him. He believed his research on past seasons gave him an advantage. Jean-Robert knew he was seen as a threat and worried about Evvie turning against him.
  • Evvie shared her nervousness about the upcoming tribal council and her thoughts on potential winners. She considered Abe and Xander as strong contenders, while also acknowledging herself as an equal. She reflected on her pre-merge game being affected by the screenshot incident, but she managed to adapt and play a strategic role. Evvie believed her social game was her greatest strength but felt she could improve in challenges. She mentioned the importance of visibility and optics and worried about being seen as a goat. Evvie expressed concerns about the season being perceived as boring but was enjoying the experience and wanted to prove her case.
  • Xander mentioned feeling nervous about tribal council and discussed potential winners, highlighting Abe's commitment to the game. He admitted to being worried about being perceived as a goat and wanted to avoid that by aligning with Leslie and Evvie. Xander reflected on his pre-merge game being disrupted by the screenshot incident and how he played more under the radar. He believed his social game was strong, but he wished he performed better in challenges. Xander recognized Jeff's prodding as a lesson for future games and expressed his determination to make it to the end.
  • Leslie's confessional focused on her nervousness about the upcoming tribal council. She recognized Abe and Evvie as strong players and discussed the difference between her pre-merge and merge game. Leslie considered her social game her greatest strength and admitted to struggling with challenges. She mentioned the importance of explaining her game to the jury and hoped she wouldn't be seen as a goat. Leslie expressed concerns about the season being perceived as boring and emphasized that she was having fun despite the emotional investment. She was unsure of the voting dynamics and hoped to make it to the end.

Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Finale High-Level Summary (Part 1)

 Planning for the final tribal council (FTC) emerged as a recurring topic, with the players contemplating potential question-and-answer scenarios. Speculation ran high as they pondered if the final showdown would include two or three players. Abraham felt confident it would be an FTC of three. The speculation about the finale's timing even incorporated Abraham's personal life, with him revealing plans for a Vegas vacation, including attending a UFC event.

 As the game drew closer to its climax, the contestants reflected on their journey. Abraham, Xander, and Evvie engaged in deep discussions about the remaining players and their gameplay. They weighed the odds of winning or losing against different rivals, with Abraham assuring Xander that he wasn't viewing him as a threat.

 A point of contention arose as they felt targeted and criticized by others. Particularly, Xander and Evvie voiced their concerns about Jeff Probst's preference for big moves and how it influenced his behavior towards the contestants.

 However, with the game nearing its conclusion, conversations started to gravitate more towards gameplay strategies and voting scenarios. Xander and Evvie debated the possibility of Evvie flipping her vote to Leslie, raising anxiety levels. Abraham, in response to these concerns, clarified that he would stick to their alliance and not flip on Abraham, expressing satisfaction with the current game status.

 One twist in the tale came when Leslie and Evvie discussed their trust issues and the dynamics of the game. Meanwhile, Abraham and Evvie also explored their feelings after the vote and the looming end of the game.

 As the game intensified, Abraham won immunity, putting him in a strong position.  This victory was celebrated enthusiastically by Abraham and Xander, who took the time to discuss the game's conclusion and the jury's perception of them. They speculated on potential jury votes and considered strategies to increase their chances of winning.

 Despite Abraham's immunity, Xander and Evvie expressed worries about Abraham's potential performance in front of the jury, speculating on his behavior and possible game conspiracies. Yet, Abraham, Evvie, and Xander maintained a hopeful outlook towards the upcoming challenge, showing their determination to give their best.

 In this reflective mood, Evvie and Abraham acknowledged their ability to remain under the radar throughout the game.

 Leslie's elimination brought up mixed feelings. While she accepted her fate and expressed respect for Evvie's efforts, she also suggested that Evvie and Xander differentiate their games from Abraham's to increase their chances of winning.

 However, the game was far from over. Evvie and Xander found themselves discussing the potential of a tiebreaker challenge, with the anxiety of the situation being palpable. Yet, even amidst these tense moments, they maintained their friendship and camaraderie, promising to remain friends regardless of the game's outcome.

 Abraham shared his thoughts and anxiety about the upcoming challenge, a sentiment echoed by Evvie.

 In the end, Leslie's departure was seen as inevitable, a casualty of the intense gameplay and strategic moves that had shaped the season. The remaining players found themselves in disbelief and excitement, looking forward to the game's conclusion while reflecting on the journey that brought them there. Throughout it all, the bonds of friendship remained strong, reminding everyone involved that beyond the game, real connections were formed.

Jeff Probst

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