Okay well I wanted to start this earlier, but I slept in. Whoops! 😅

Anyways for this season since we are going BACK TO BASICS I am going old school and rather than doing episode summaries on a google doc, we are going to do them RIGHT HERE! My PLAN (we will see if I follow through) is to post an update EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. with the major event updates and summaries as well as confessional quotes that highlight what's going on in the game. So if you ever miss a day or two (or five) with lurking, come check out the major updates here instead of getting overwhelmed by all the unread topics you've missed!! 

We have a great cast of 16 people, all of whom have LOGGED IN at this point (even if one hasn't messaged/confessed yet) and when messaging opened up last night, they hit the ground running! How are they feeling about each other after their first night of socializing? Time for me to find out! - your Day 1 update will be up later today! 
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Loveita Adams

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First of all - quite a few of our players showed up before the game kicked off and wrote INCREDIBLE Day 00 confessional updates to introduce themselves and their strategy going into this. I highly recommend taking the time to check those out and get to know the players through their own words.

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: In the first 25 hours, players sent 486 messages through their tribe chats and 4117 private messages.
  • All 16 players have logged in, but only Danny has not sent any messages or posted in his confessional yet. 
  • The first task was for each tribe to designate a leader. Deshawn and Aaron both volunteered.
  • The Ancha Tribe is more focused on 1-on-1 conversations. Evvie seems to be the most universally loved by others, Danny hasn't made any connections, and Sara and Heather are the other two who are the most on the outs. Instead of the group chat, Ancha introduced themselves through icebreakers
    • A stoner's alliance headed by Xander and also including Evvie, Abraham, and Deshawn, might be forming. 
  • The Kallpa Tribe spent most of Night 1 in their tribe chat, with Leslie making sure to have everyone join in as they appeared online. Aaron's volunteering has put him in a good spot, but Jean-Robert's current travel plans and Sherea's lack of willingness to share personal information might hurt them both. 
    • I see a budding duo between Jaime and Leslie forming, as well as a tight trio between Aaron, Frosti, and Denise
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is not until DAY 4 - SUNDAY, when the first IMMUNITY CHALLENGE will be taking place. 

Over on Ancha
Abraham sees the majority as including himself, Evvie, and Xander, and then Deshawn and Shan, with Sara, Heather, and Danny on the outs, but he wants others to make the groups and not be seen as the instigator: 
right now I think my closest relationships are Evvie and Xander. I also had some great conversations with Shan and Deshawn but when it comes to being able to talk freely about whatever, it's been quite effortless with Evvie and Xander. We're starting to talk about a Day 1 stoner alliance, which I'm in love with.
Deshawn, however, feels closest with Abraham and Sara (the Canucks), and is more on the fence about Shan, Evvie, and Heather. His mom's birthday is this weekend! He also only volunteered for tribe leader because no one else was going to:
I was really torned on wanting it or not because being Tribe Leader definitely goes against my original plan coming into this game but it was becoming obvious that no one wanted it and I did genuinely feel bad dumping it on Sara  and since we don't know what's going on with Danny, I decided to bite the bullet and step up for it.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little worried of the impact it can have but so far the reaction seems to be positive. I don't know if people are happy that I took it as much as they're happy someone took it because it was pretty obvious that no one wanted to do it. And hopefully it gives me some traction at the start of the game just by being in people's good graces. 
Evvie's first pick for tribe leader wasn't Deshawn, but they don't mind being his faithful servant if they need to. Xander or Abraham would have been their preference, even if Shan is their favorite person on the tribe so far:
I'm vibing with Shan for sure, she just seems fun and my type of person with a sassy personality. IDK, there was an interaction we had and when she said "bitch you started it" as a response, I was like 'oh this is my type of person' and my walls were down. 
Heather and Shan have already told each other they have the other's back, and she is building relationships with Evvie, Abraham, and Xander too, seeing them as the center of the tribe, even if Deshawn is tribe leader:
So, as of right now, I putting on my best, sweet nice girl team player performance and making sure my relationships with everyone on my team are solid. Current strategy: Never say how I feel outright. Wait for somebody else to mimic similar sentiments and then pounce. 
Sara thinks that the tribe leader will get a target on their back and stayed away as a result. She is forming her own relationships across the tribe as well:
So far I like chatting with Xander, Abraham, Shan and Deshawn. Those are who I have talked to the most, and just get good vibes off the intiial convo.
Shan does NOT understand what people like Evvie see in Xander, but is happy that Deshawn stepped up and volunteered to be tribe leader. She's ready to stop the small talk and get into the game: 
Some people truly enjoy and excel at small talk, and I am not one of them. 😂 I am an introvert through and through, if it requires expending energy thinking of what to say to you then I probably won't say much lol.  This is for sure a flaw of mine and something I struggle against in every org I play, and my success often comes down to how many people are like me or not.  If I'm on a tribe with other "gamer" types who are ready to hit the ground running, then we band together and take out the non-substance players.  But sometimes the majority of the tribe LIKES people like that and then I just look like an overplayer and end up at the bottom.  Unfortunately I think this tribe likes the superficial chit chatters, plus we have an inactive, so these are the times I get myself into trouble by going too hard lol.  I'M JUST IMPATIENT I'M SORRY! 
Xander is full stoner team ahead and thinks Sara seems a little sketchy. He has a long confessional going through his impressions of each of his tribemates (with gifs!), so check that out if you want some fun reading: 
I'm happy Deshawn took one for the team. Now Everyone is gonna want to get down on their hands and knees and unzip Deshawn. I guess i'll need to stock up on Chapstick and get in line myself. Did the other tribe even stay on long enough to elect their leader? 
Over on Kallpa
Aaron feels closest with Denise and Frosti so far, and thinks Jean-Robert could be an easy first target. He quickly volunteered for tribe leader:
Honestly have no idea what being the tribe leader means, but in my mind I was like ok I want to have as much influence in the beginning as possible and I want to take risks. I think if I lay a solid quick social game, people will support me as being the leader and not someone who is just power hungry. I could tell off the bat that people were being a little hesitant about volunteering to the the leader so I was like hell let’s take the bull by the horns and do this. I feel like everyone has been supportive. No one wants to stick their neck out too early in the game I think. 
Denise, likewise, feels closest with Aaron and Frosti. She's wary of Leslie for being too friendly though - is it fake?
I don't really know what to make of the whole leader thing because Poody decided to be a lil mystery boy and not tell us what becoming leader entailed. Overall, I'm pretty happy with our decision to go with Aaron. He seems like a very likeable person and someone I definitely plan on working with if the stars align.
Erik had absolutely no desire to volunteer for tribe leader, and is a little worried that his time zone will keep him from building strong relationships:
I might have to message a bunch of people now and let them know I want to chat later.
In the tribe group people seem to be interested in me. I told them about performing on stage with Green Day which seemed to go down well. I thought about lying about my job but I'm worried I won't be able to keep track of lies. We'll see how we go. 
Jean-Robert is traveling through Greece, but making sure to make allies along the way and buddy up with Aaron as tribe leader:
Made some “allies.” Really doesn’t mean anything yet, just need to do this so I’m not the first target. Figured it would be smart to talk to Aaron, don’t know what power he will have, so I need to be on his good side for now. Leslie I actually do like, could see myself working with her, but still way too early to tell. Am hoping Frosti and some others who haven’t reached out do soon, I don’t wanna be too aggressive right now.
Leslie is our confessionalist for Kallpa, so keep an eye on hers throughout the season if you want live reactions and updates as things happen and change. Jaime is her #1 ally and it isn't even a close race:
Jaime - I LOVE HER! I feel like we 100% get along and are probably similar players. Definitely want to be careful with the information I share. I shared a bit about Aaron because that isn't huge. Curious if it will get back to him. A bit of a test to see if I can trust her. I don't want to let her know how much research I have done or too much information. She is definitely someone I could see myself going with until the end for the most part. I really think we are super similar. She is someone I would love to go along with as long as I can. I definitely couldn't take her until final three though most likely. Because we are so similar I want to try to get her to share the ideas so it seems like it is her idea. I definitely feel bad for not sharing everything with her, but it is definitely night one and I don't want to be stupid.
Sherea hasn't updated her Episode 1 Confessional yet, but her Episode 00 was a great (and short) read. Just go read it
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Loveita Adams

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Friday has come and gone and with it, the second day of the game! Even though we didn't have any events, players continued to chat and some of our later stragglers started to make some connections. Because it's the weekend, we don't have as many updates, but there is a lot happening!

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: In the second 24 hours, players sent 80 messages through group chats and 3524 private messages. 
  • Danny popped in, answered his tribe's icebreakers, and was guided by Abraham in how to sign the rules. 
  • Watch out for the Ancha triangle - Shan and Xander both love Evvie...but they hate each other! 
  • Jean-Robert got into game talk quickly, scaring off Leslie and Jaime. Those two might give Aaron some competition for true leader of the tribe.
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is not until DAY 4 - SUNDAY, when the first IMMUNITY CHALLENGE will be taking place. 

Over on Ancha
Abraham's strongest allies are Evvie and Xander, and he's worried about getting too close to Deshawn. But he does see Evvie as competition down the line: 
 I'm really recognizing how smart Evvie is. She's got some really good ideas and great to volley plans with. Xander said it as well to me. I'm hoping this can turn into something with me and Xander down the road, should we need to get rid of her before F3. I honestly think Evvie is my biggest competition in the game right now, but she's a great person to work with for the long term.
Deshawn is lowkey hoping Ancha loses the first challenge, just so the fun can start. He isn't content just forming a majority and going with it, making sure to look at all options:
I'm still the most intrigued by Shan and Sara in terms of what role they can have into the grand scheme of things and I really need them to be active this weekend so I can get a better read on them. Everyone seems to vibe well with Shan (and I understand!) and barely anyone mentions Sara at all. I know she showed up late on Thursday and wasn't here yesterday so it definitely doesn't help. I like them both though and I know they can both help my game in different ways.
Evvie thinks they are doing smashingly and they do say so themselves! Xander and Shan are their favorites, with Heather and Danny at the bottom of their list:
I love Xander so much and he may be that ride-or-die that I was looking for when I started this game. I do feel like the relationship I have with Xander is mutual and we seem to have a lot of similarities in personality plus we found out that we both have the same tattoo which is absolutely fucking WILD. His is the one I feel the most secure with so far and we've deemed ourselves the 'Honeymood Honies'. The word honeymood is a portmanteau of the words honeymoon + mood = the feeling of being on a honeymoon. 
Sara is bonding with the boys more so than anything, but Shan and Heather both had a more easy going Friday:
Feeling really solid with Xander and Abraham especially, Deshawn a little less, but the other two seem solid with him so that makes me think I can trust him as a 4th to take control of the tribe. Assuming Danny stays inactive and goes, I think Heather will be the obvious choice next, and then it will get verrrryy interesting from there. 
Over on Kallpa

Aaron has been trying to lay some groundwork, sees Sherea as the first obvious target, and is forming an alliance with the boys:
Jean Robert said he was looking for people to work with so of course I JUMPED at the opportunity. I came into the game already hating JR but now he may be my closest ally!? I then proposed bringing in Frosti bc I’ve gotten good vibes from him. I then told Frosti I was looking for people and he was down which was perfect. I wanted a 4th person to join us. Frosti already said he got weird vibes from Denise which was a bummer bc I like Denise but I wanted to go along with Frosti so it unfortunately looks like Denise isn’t going to make the cut. I didn’t to appear too controlling so I wanted to allow Frosti to suggest who else we should bring in. He suggested Erik which is fine. So I’m pretty sure I’ve got a solid 4 now with JR, Frosti, and Erik. 
Jaime is posting videos. I'm not going to quote them. Go watch - it's only 7 and a half minutes and 100% worth that time! If you really want the TL:DW? She loves Leslie, doesn't like Sherea (oh boy does she not), and is wary of JR. 

Jean-Robert has no targets yet, but was hard at work building relationships with Leslie and Aaron yesterday, making sure to understand who they like and want to work with:
Leslie seems dope, would love to work with her, but she talked up Denise and her and I have barely talked. Jaime and Shere seem really sweet but haven’t gotten to talking much game with either of them yet. Made sure to get on Aaron’s good side. I don’t want the tribe leader wanting me out of the game. Then Frosti and Erik seem to be who Aaron wants to work with alongside me. I have to be careful because talking to everyone could come back to bite me if I say too much to multiple people.
Leslie and Jaime spent hours chatting yesterday, and realized that Aaron and JR could pull in the boys. She sees JR as a big risk to her game:
Oh! I HATE lying! I feel so bad. Jean-Robert asked to work together. What am I going to say, no?! Sure, JR. I'm interested! He does seem kind of nice, but SUPER strategic. I REALLY need to keep an eye on him because it was super random and totally sus. Sure he has talked to Erik and probably Aaron so far. Idk I'm not here for this. Hopefully we will not need to send anyone home soon, but damn if I won't do everything in my power to have it be JR if it continues this way. I'll definitely want to ask Jaime and see if he or anyone else suggests a alliance. It might be stupid to share with her this early, but I think she is someone that I can trust. I just feel like it would be a waste to get rid of someone like Sherea just because she is closed off/troll like... 

Loveita Adams

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It's Sunday morning and the first time I'm actually doing this in the morning so far! Once again, not a whole ton in the way of daily weekend updates, but both tribes seem eager to get to their first challenge today!  

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: For Day 3, players sent 23 messages through group chats and 3494 private messages.
  • Group chat fever is spreading as the cast starts planning alliances and tinkering with the chat capabilities. None of the four player created chats (lurker, Lurker_test, The boys, and 1987 Chevy Malibu) have any messages in them yet though. 
  • Ancha is still looking at Danny as an easy first boot, and the dynamics haven't shifted much, except for people getting more and more suspicious of Sara for basically no reason. 
  • Kallpa is so far setting up to be guys vs gals and should have some power struggles if they have to go to an early tribal. 
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is TODAY!!!!!!!! DAY 4 - SUNDAY, when the first IMMUNITY CHALLENGE will be taking place at 8C/9E PM. 

Over on Ancha
Abraham is gathering information from his tribemates and carving out a path for himself. He also helped Danny sign the rules and helped Xander make memes. This guy has his finger on the pulse of the tribe!: 
Deshawn mentioned that Xander and Evvie are close and that us two (Deshawn and Myself) as a F2 and them two as a F2 could come together. Kind of perfect how that worked. I have this little idea brewing in my head that maybe Xander and Deshawn next to me at the F3 would work pretty well. I think I could string Deshawn as a good partner that doesn't do too much game on his own. Xander will definitely be more of a threat at the end, especially with us working so close. But I think I can do way better speaking to a jury against them compared to Evvie.
Deshawn is busy trying to figure out how to idol hunt in an idolless season, and is getting wary of Sara:
I'm starting to get super weird vibes from Sara, I feel like she's being so agressive and I'm starting to feel like I might want to do something about that sooner rather than later. It's fine for now because she's aligned with the Danny vote (and the Heather vote if it comes to that) but she's being very direct and assertive about it compared to everyone else and I'm not sure I can have that. 
Xander also spent his day gathering information - mainly from Sara (who sees him as a potential close ally). Then he spent the rest of his day spreading that information to anyone else he talked to:
Sara is totally a veteran. She is incredibly sharp, gnarly and all around freaks me the fuck out. Homegirl tried her damnedest to throw me off the scent but she talks game way too hard. And somehow seems to know exactly what she is doing  I decided to share all this info with Abraham and we decided to tell Evie. I feel comfortable knowing that Sara is divulging all of her secrets to me because it really does show me that she is a snake-y bitch. The plan is to maintain my connection with her and keep her involved for two or three votes then get rid of her.
Here is the meme that Xander posted but Abraham might have made - artist's credit is important and all that! First meme of the season? There's room for improvement. 
Over on Kallpa

Erik probably has talked to Sherea more than the rest of his tribe mates, but he gets weird vibes from her. He's officially been invited to and accepted the boys alliance offer, but he's keeping his eye out for other alliance opportunities:
Good vibes from most people. Frosti has invited me to be the 4th with him, Aaron and Jean-Robert which is a positive start. I'm obviously trying to have more than one alliance which I'm sure they are too, so I'm sussing out what the girls have been saying. I don't love the idea of the guys getting together and taking out the girls (is it safe to assume the male avatars are males and females are females?) but I'll do whatever it takes to avoid being first out.
Jaime posted another video. It's under ten minutes and there aren't many other updates to read so take the time to watch it! She feels a little bit better about Sherea after a longer private chat, and sees Aaron and Jean-Robert as her biggest competition early on. 

Jean-Robert isn't sold with the boys alliance, but anything to get him further as he hears people start to bring up Sherea's name:
So there are chirps about an alliance which would consist of the four males on the tribe: Me, Aaron, Frosti, and Erik. It’s not official and there’s no chat yet, but I feel that will come soon. I don’t really feel much allegiance to it yet, but it’s good to be a part of it for numbers and allies early. All three other guys seem cool and I don’t want to rock the boat too early. Frosti mentioned that Sherea is a good initial target. I’m fine with that, we haven’t talked much and she’s been a little weird in conversations.
Leslie still sees Sherea as a wildcard, but is most worried that voting her out would give the boys majority:
Erik is wanting Sherea gone, but I don't think that's the right move. I think that Jaime is close with Frosti and I guess JR thinks we are close, so if we lose, Jaime can go to Frosti and drop Erik's name, and I can go to Sherea and say, "hey, Erik is saying he wants you so let's vote him" I think she would go along with it, and we could get Erik out. I could even go to JR and mention the plan. JR said that Erik is a cool dude, but I don't think JR is loyal to anyone but JR. I think if we lose, that would allow us to get Erik out, have a lead with the girls, and get either JR or Sherea out next. I think that might be the best move for Jaime and I, but honestly so much changes in a day so who knows. I think Erik might need to be the first move because its the easiest. After that we can worry about the wild cards or bigger threats. UGH
Sherea's BIRTHDAY was yesterday!!!!!!! Go wish her a late happy birthday!!! Even though she thinks the tribe picked Leslie to be leader when they picked Aaron, she's acclimating to the game while talking to people a little bit more: 
I think there's many here I haven't spoken to, and from chat I don't think I'm missing too much there. Seem like average people to me, which I personally appreciate: at least the one's I've had chats with. I did see on the first night that some said they had some pretty big issues with the initial challenge: that might be a problem. 
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Well we had our first challenge and both tribes put in a strong showing by getting all of their puzzle pieces posted within 10 seconds of each other. However, Ancha took the win through an incredibly fast composition by Shan, earning themselves a full day off as we ease them into the season. 

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: For Day 4, players sent 585 messages through group chats and 2936 private messages. 
  • The 1987 Chevy Malibu group chat is the only one actively messaging and is composed of all four of the Kallpa boys. 
  • Ancha gets not just the night off, but Monday night too. Not that Danny would know, since his lack of activity continues to be an issue. Thankfully it isn't changing the activity levels over on that tribe, who continue to chit chat at all hours.
  • Kallpa is attending tribal council tonight, and even though she might be the most technically savvy among them, Sherea is in trouble for the vote. 
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is TODAY! DAY 5 - MONDAY, when the first TRIBAL COUNCIL for KALLPA will be taking place at 9C/10E PM. 

Over on Ancha
Abraham has made sure to do paranoia/anxiety checks on his tribemates to ensure everyone is always okay and being a calming presence for people like Evvie, Xander, and Deshawn:
Deshawn was another short anxiety/trust test as well. What I really liked was that Deshawn came to me first thing in the morning and brought up discussion with Sara. I'm thinking he truly believes we can be a potential F2. I brought up the idea of maybe people playing us and he said he genuinely believes in the Evvie/Xander/Myself/Deshawn F4. We also had a long discussion about Sara. I think Xander's witch hunt has made everyone a little weary about Sara. Deshawn mentioned that he wants to be able to trust her but she talks too much game all the time. (Funny, because I thought I was doing that. I guess Deshawn has an easy time volleying ideas with me?) Deshawn also mentioned Sara talking about the same tribe swap / merge scenarios and possible tribe swaping powers the leader might have. So it does sound like Sara is honest about sharing info with the F4 we discussed (Deshawn/Myself/Sara/Xander) and we're all getting generally the same info.
No other quotes to pull from Ancha today, but they won! They get the night off! And they have an easy first boot for when they DO need to go. Susie left them some questions in confessional that they will probably get to at some point today, so expect more updates on the Ancha side of things tomorrow. 
Over on Kallpa

Aaron tried to lead his tribe to victory from his phone, which he felt pretty useless about, but doesn't expect anything to happen for the vote other than Sherea: 
Right now most everyone is talking Sherea which is great. Leslie and Jaime were a little hesitant because they said she was good in the challenge. Leslie said Frosti was the one to “blame” but I’m definitely not losing Frosti, he’s my #1 currently. They were both down to go with the majority so it’s going to be Sherea. I also mentioned to the guys to casually push Sherea to the other girls over the next couple days so I think we’re golden. 
Denise also felt the lack of connectivity in the tribe when it came to challenge preparation, but doesn't feel like she did badly. She feels okay for tonight and closest with Aaron:
I have built the strongest bond with Aaron so far. We seem to have a lot of similar ideas about the game and I think we compliment each other well. I also have built a strong bond with Jaime because right now she seems to be out of the loop. and she's the type of person I can bring far into the game with me. On top of that Iv'e built strong connections with Frosti and Leslie because I have been talking with them a lot as well.
Frosti has enjoyed getting to know everyone and shooting the shit. Even though he's in an alliance with the boys, he's talked more with Leslie and Jaime. He's not a fan of Sherea, especially how she responded to their challenge loss:
Fuck Sherea and her catty in friendly ass. I hope she gets a C- in her labs and sweats a little. still want her to pass though. she seems like her mom never hugged her and told her to do better. that person has no warmth. 
Guys, I'm just going to keep posting the links to Jaime's videos. I won't get tired of doing it. You won't get tired of watching them. She's playing up a dumb blonde role of being on the outs, and hiding how close she is with Leslie. 

Jean-Robert had a plane to catch during the challenge, but is working around his schedule to make sure his social game doesn't suffer:
 I’m definitely getting after it with my social game. I know there’s a possibility I sound like a fool right now, but I’m currently pretty content with where I stand on the tribe. Great individual relationships with Leslie and Jamie. Leslie and I openly say to each other we’re working together and Jamie and I just kind of seem to want to keep each other around. Then I have a chat with the other guys on the tribe, feels like Frosti is in charge of that “alliance” but I think that’s also good to have for numbers. Obviously, never know what’s going on behind my back, but I feel like I’ve had a solid start and can survive until I return to the states.
Leslie was a little paranoid after chats named "lurker" and "the boys" popped up after she and Jaime had similar conversations (unrelated, I promise). She's worried that the tribe will keep losing if Sherea is the first to go:
I am closest with Jaime. I think JR and Aaron are popular though, so I am trying to throw out the idea in a way that is like I don't care because I am not close with her, but also I checked and while the puzzle was solvable, Frosti messed it up. It sounds like Aaron is still thinking Frosti and so if they are saying Sherea I guess that is what I will do. UGH. But yeah, makes sense. Lets vote out someone who did well. I feel like it would also just be better for my game if I could continue forming the bond with her because not many people are trying I don't think. Just super frustrating.
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We are down to 15 with Sherea unfortunately taking the first boot of the season in a 7-1 vote (she voted for Erik). Every boot is going to hurt, people! Except maybe Danny's, since he hasn't been online since Saturday night. 

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: For Day 5, players sent 475 messages through group chats and 3544 private messages.
  • The 1987 Chevy Malibu group chat is all four of the Kallpa boys - Aaron, Erik, Frosti, and Jean-Robert. They are using it to talk about second boot on their tribe, but haven't come to a consensus yet. 
  • The Lurker_test group chat is now active from Ancha and is our core Stoner's alliance of Abraham, Evvie, and Xander. They racked up a few hundred messages in there while I wrote this, so keep an eye on the gossip in there. 
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is TODAY! DAY 6 - TUESDAY, with a double header of Immunity Challenge at 8C/9E and the second Tribal Council at 9C/10E PM. With Danny MIA, no guarantees on the excitement level though. 
Over on Ancha
Abraham, if you hadn't noticed, is our big Ancha confessionalist, and I'm not complaining. In today's update he's reminding himself to chill the fuck out because they still have an easy boot ahead:
Unfortunately, right now I think I'm a mix of strategic mastermind and social butterfly. I really shouldn't be playing this hard but it's really difficult not to when everyone else is playing such a quiet game. I'm hoping I'm just perceived as a super social / talkative person and that Sara or Xander are being pegged as the strategic masterminds. It's really hard to not worry about my place in this game when I've broken so many of my own rules already. I think telling Heather about Sara or pushing anything else but Danny will make me seem even more mastermind-like. Self-reminder to chill the fuck out and stop playing so hard.
Deshawn feels solid about his place in the tribe as the fourth along with Abraham, Evvie, and Xander, but is getting more and more nervous about Sara, even with an inactive Danny still on the board: 
It feels like no one wants to work with Sara and people are starting to question her / get scared of her and I fully agree with those feelings. She feels like the one person who is playing too hard too fast without having much of anything to back up that energy. I need to talk with people more to see how they really feel but to me Sara is QUICKLY moving towards the top of the list of who to vote out. 
Evvie is making more connections with the "outsider"s of the tribe, having formed stronger relationships with Shan and Heather than most of her other tribemates: 
There are definitely working relationships forming and I feel like my tiers of who to work with are shifting as each day goes by. I feel like I'm sweet on everyone in some way minus Danny and now, Sara. From what I hear through the grapevine of Xander, Sara wants to target me and Shan because she thinks that we will be gamers and she needs to keep an eye on us. But apparently, Sara threw Heather and Danny's name out as the first outs from our tribe, which originally I would have been fine with ...however, Heather and I had a very deep conversation today and she said she likes me and Shan so maybe that's another threesome that I can pump for information? 
Heather is worried that the guys might be banding together to protect each other if Danny goes first, and is happy to be talking strategy with Evvie: 
Evvie and I decided that we would try and have more game-related conversations with her focusing on Deshawn and me on Abraham. Hopefully, we'll be able to gain their trust and get a better sense of what's going on with the tribe.
We've informed Shan of what's going on but I think I may have been a bit too direct and wish I had gone about it more subtly. However, I'll take it as a lesson learned and hope my directness in my conversation with her isn't something I regret later down the line especially since I'm not entirely sure if I can trust Shan or not. I guess we'll see. 
Sara is watching the group chats and activity and is seen as a big gamer by the rest of the tribe, even if she herself isn't as aware of that: 
As the first round draws to a close, I see myself working good with a couple of people, and outside of them the only ones I don't vibe with are Heather and Danny, thats just due to lack of conversations so I think those two are in trouble if we lose tomorrow.
I/we know that on the other side there's a 4 person alliance with Frosti Aaron, Leslie and most likely Denise as the 4th, so that will be something to keep an eye on for their tribal tonight and beyond.
Shan led her tribe to victory in the first challenge, but isn't sure if that bodes well for Ancha moving forward. Strategically and socially, not a whole lot has changed for her: 
my main allies are still Evvie and Abraham with Deshawn right below them, and tonight Abraham pitched solidifying that four.  I felt like that was going to happen because I think the four of us are the strongest, or at least know what we're doing the most lol.  Heather is also trying to start a girls' alliance with Evvie and me, and Abraham said she wants an alliance with the four of us, but I really need Evvie to get online so I can figure out what she's thinking.
Xander has rallied basically his entire tribe against Sara and is proud of himself for it. He's itching to start getting rid of some people: 
Evvie tells me that there is a "Xander Fanclub" which scares the hell outta me. Everyone seems to think im super close with them which is both hilarious and troubling. It means i need to walk a fine line of not showing anyone how close i am with anyone else, while maintain a exhausting level of personal investment in everyone. I started the rumor that Sara was a veteran and now everyone is all wigged out by her. Deshawn, Sara, Evvie and Abe all think im their closest ally so i plan to eventually leverage one of them to take out the others,  Shan apparently loves me (which sounds like horseshit) and otherwise these are the only tribe members we have.
Yup no one else exists, just us 6. 
Over on Kallpa

Denise is feeling pretty good about Sherea's departure being what was best for her game, but isn't sure what happens next:
Y'know as much as I want to say i'm confident that we can come out on top, i'm really not. I'm still gonna try my best but I think if it's any challenge like the first, we won't have a shot in hell. If we lose another challenge the tribe will go into complete chaos while i'll just sit back and watch. I have literally no clue who I would target if we lose, but i'll have to find out soon.
Erik isn't sure why Sherea voted him but is happy she's gone as a result! He has the guy's alliance but isn't in love with it: 
I have a solid 4 with the guys. I don't feel amazing about it to be honest but I'll take what I can get. I like Jaime, Denise and Leslie as well so maybe I go with them for the next vote. I'm trying to have a relationship with everyone which I'm sure everyone else is doing as well.
Frosti thinks that he is safe until at least final 3 in the tribe, so he isn't too concerned about the tribe winning or losing except when it comes to moral:
 I am targeting the social butterfly. This might transform to strategic mastermind later in the game but that's just speculation. I think most see me as the social butterfly as I am finding many are surprised a am in close contact with so many people. I am hoping by coming off so honest they will trust me and not conspire against me. 
Jaime posted another video. SURPRISE! This one is actually longer though (about 17 minutes) so if you don't watch all of this one, I get it. But she wrote out some thoughts this time too:
Everyone seems comfortable, that is never a good sign. I will never be fully triple in this game because I want to be prepared for everything. At the same time I don’t want to be paranoid. Frosti said something interesting to be today. She told me that he’s trying to keep a few people looped into what he knows. And I am one of those people, but I don’t know who the others are. I believe him an aaron are trying to do with Leslie and I are. And that’s having an extremely strong duo and trying to loop in a few stragglers for your numbers. As of right now I feel frosti and Aaron are the biggest threats. Things change minute by minute here. 
Jean-Robert has tried to stay under the radar while he's finishing up his Europe trip but would prefer the buffer of a challenge win to give him time to get back:
I can definitely handle another tribal but would prefer not to lose the next challenge. I don’t want the other tribe to have a large majority at the merge if I get there, so that would mean we gotta win some challenges. I’ll be on my computer so I can give the challenge my all and we’ll see what happens. Going to have to figure out who to vote out today if we lose. For me, the choice is obvious, Denise. Have great individual relationships with Jaime and Leslie and then the Malibu “alliance” has the numbers already so getting out Denise would put me in a really good position to make the merge. 

Loveita Adams

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We are down to 14 after Ancha won the challenge by utilizing the reverse alphabet strategy for the 7 Deadly Sins challenge. However, instead of forcing Kallpa to their second Tribal Council, they willingly sacrificed their inactive, Danny, in exchange for a big advantage for tonight's challenge. Come see if pays off for them! 

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: For Day 6, players sent 830 messages through group chats and 4072 private messages.
  • On group chat watch, two new active group chats popped up! So did the Hive, but it has no messages.
  • The As are from Kallpa - Jaime, Leslie, and Jean-Robert. They mainly discussed targeting Denise (over Aaron as another option).
  • Andeez Nuts is another trio on Ancha, Abraham, Deshawn, and Xander. They are planning on how to tell Sara that Heather is targeting her to ensure the next boot is one of those two.
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is TODAY! DAY 7 - WEDNESDAY, with the third Immunity Challenge of the season at 8C/9E. Can Kallpa overcome Ancha's big advantage and pull out their first win?
Over on Ancha
Abraham is creating graphics of the tribe dynamics and they are getting more complicated by the day. His strongest allies remain Xander and Deshawn, but that could change if they become too threatening to his chances at a win:
I talked to Shan a decent amount about working together. She's finally opening up more and more. I'm going to guess this is turning into F2 territory. She's a great secret bond for me and I'm so down to keep it for as long as I can. She discussed how much she likes Evvie, but not really anyone else. I can see that I was correct in assuming that Evvie was trying to make that bond for her own long-term success. It's good that I've probably surpassed her now and have Shan in my pocket for the eventual Evvie vote-out. It also sounds like after Danny, Shan is perfectly fine with Heather or Sara going. This is perfect.
Deshawn is trying to find a balance between throwing him head first into this experience like he wants to, and not looking too socially or strategically intimidating to his tribemates: 
I think coming into this I may have started off a little too strong on the social / active side of things. I feel like I was just always on the first 3 days and I've been actively trying to hold back so that people don't get spooked by how active I am and assume that I'm constantly talking to everyone. I definitely want to fly under the radar for the time being because there's still a lot of uncertainty going around. That's why I'm trying to hold back on the strategy talks and bounces ideas off of people instead of just presenting them will a full strategy. It feels like that might be what's going to burn Sara pretty soon so I'm trying hard to avoid that happening to me. 
Evvie keeps Xander and Shan at the top of their rankings, and feels like overall they have pretty good control over the flow of information:
Xander seems to believe that Heather wants to come for the guys but that's not the vibe that I got. Heather wanted to work with the guys if they weren't aligned as a trio and like those three guys MAY be aligned but I know Xander and Abraham are with me and now Deshawn wants to make it the four of us which is perfectly fine because I'm already working with the other two. I truly can't help it that I'm so fucking popular. Evvie's charm strikes again! Like let's be real, I knew I wasn't going anywhere if I picked my feet up and actually talked to people and I'm glad I'm meeting people that want to work with me and seem chill. I do realize we have a bunch of fucking paranoid people on this tribe. Swear ya'll tryna send us to an early grave. 😅
Sara feels tightest with Xander and is unaware of how much shit he talks about her. But she wishes she hadn't gone with the majority and that they hadn't taken the tribe advantage:
I def would have liked to keep Danny, no fucking mercy on those losers over on Kallpa, but majority rules and I don't want to be a thorn in anyones side. And keeping him would have been an easy vote for us if we lose next immunity, but now it seems like Heather has just accelerated putting herself on the chopping block, which is fine with me! We've also proven we can win without an advantage so I don't really think we needed to do it, but literally everyone else wanted to so my hands were tied.
Shan is starting to get less confident in Evvie because she's worried there is a three person group between Evvie, Abraham, and Xander. She'll be cutthroat about that if and when she needs to be: 
honestly I think becoming a mom has made me MORE cutthroat.  I've always been pretty introverted and the go-along-to-get-along type, but as soon as you have a kid you have to start fighting for them.  After awhile I found it easier to fight for myself, too.  Making hard decisions that other people don't like is something that took practice for me, and now I feel perfectly prepared to be tucking my kid into bed at night with a lullaby, while simultaneously plotting which of these throats to cut next. 😘
Over on Kallpa

Aaron posted his first video confessional! In his mind, Denise, Jaime, and Leslie are sheep and pawns for the Dudes alliance to use long term. He's also telling people that the sins he assigned for the challenge were random (no private confirmation from him)

Denise is about 95% certain that Jean-Robert would be the next boot and trusts Aaron and Frosti the most on the tribe:
I'm pretty neutral about them giving us a night off. I think we would've lost the next challenge anyway so I guess I'm glad we're gonna lose 2 instead of 3. Either way, I'm surviving. JR dodged a massive bullet tonight and I don't even think he knows it. Anything could happen, but if I was a betting man i'd say Jean-Robert will be the 14th place finisher.
Erik thinks the other tribe made the right decision by delaying Denise's demise another day, but doesn't plan to stick with the men long term : 
Denise is the tribe target for the next vote for no real reason. I need to get through the next one and then I think Jean-Robert and I might flip on the other guys with Jaime and Leslie. I really like Jaime (maybe biased because I'm Erik) so I hope we can go far together. It's weird to me that the other girls just seem to be going along with voting out women so maybe something else is going on.
Jaime posted MORE VIDEOS! Like three of them, actually, and it's over 30 minutes to watch in total. The first one is the longest and unpacking how plans for the second vote were set up. The second video is about how Aaron thinks he's in control. The third is her reaction from after the challenge and how she's accidentally bonding with Frosti. 

Jean-Robert is finishing out his vacation in Switzerland, but feels like Leslie might become his true number 1 after hearing Denise told Aaron his name and he never heard back about it:
 I feel like the chirps of my name being out there have subsided. If we lose the challenge tonight, I definitely want to get Denise out. We’ve barely talked and because she is a part of the potential effort to vote me out, having her in the game is no good. As for Aaron, I’m playing the angle of playing up his relationship with Frosti, especially to Erik, so that 1. Erik feels a closer allegiance to me within the alliance and 2. I have the option to execute a blindside down the road to take one of em out. I secretly know which one I’d want to do, but I’ll leave it a surprise for now.
Leslie put in a lot of work with Jean-Robert, and even though she's targeting Denise in the short term, she's worried about Aaron in the long term:
Jaime and I are sitting in the middle with everyone thinking we have no connections other than whoever we are talking to in the moment. This is PERFECT! The only one who might be catching on to me would be JR, but I think he thinks I am just a bit crazy. So hopefully we win and don't need to deal with anything. But, if we lose, we get Denise out and after we can decide whether JR or Aaron would be the bigger threat at that point. It just depends on how much he starts to know. But I think he believes I am with him 1000%. I need to keep this balance because it could really mess it up. I don't think they will mention me because they all think I am one of their hidden numbers. Hopefully it goes well.

Loveita Adams

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Another day, another breakdown over here in the Strandedverse! 

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: For Day 7, players sent 680 messages through group chats and 2264 private messages. We are tiring them out! 
  • Active group chat summary: Kallpa has 1987 Chevy Malibu (all the boys) and The As (Jaime, Leslie, and Jean-Robert). Ancha has Lurker_test (Abraham, Evvie, Xander) and Andeez Nuts (Abraham, Deshawn, Xander).
  • There was much ado about nothing over on Ancha today muddying personal and game relationships. Even though they had a 3 word advantage in the challenge, they still almost managed to lose! Kallpa tried to get them disqualified for submitting the challenge publicly, but are headed back to TC today. 
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is TONIGHT! DAY 8 - THURSDAY, with the third elimination of the season at 8C/9E. Who will Kallpa send home next? 
Over on Ancha
Abraham had a rough day, spiraling over news that Evvie was building the exact relationships he wanted Evvie to build. In the end, I think it all worked out?:
I'm hoping I can mend this relationship with Evvie, but I'm thinking there's no way she trusts me 100% ever again. We also had to do damage control with Shan, and confirm that it was a misunderstanding. Shan accepted what we told her and she said she felt even more comfortable with us now. I'm not sure how, but I guess she sees that the three of us (Evvie, Shan, Myself) thought we had a strong bond with one another personally, and didn't consider that working as a group would have prevented all of this. So I'm pretty sure that's two relationships I've fucked up. Now if I were to ever vote out Shan or Evvie, this is a huge knock against me if they're on the jury. There's no way I ever get their votes. My clearest way to the end now is if Shan goes pre-merge and Evvie, Xander, and I do go to the end like the original plan. I'm not huge on it, but I think for now, it's all I got.
Deshawn is chilling back as leader, completely uninvolved in any of the Abraham/Evvie drama that went down and happy to just keep Heather and Sara as the main targets
I wasn't really planning on hanging around tonight but the girls are all still on and it's creeping me out. So I'm sticking around. Wondering if Heather will talk game with me or if I'm still out of her little plan lol. I can't wait to hear her logic at some point because it's just so weird to me. I get that she's playing the game and I respect that much more than I respect her lack of activity at the start but it feels to me like she's thinking way too big for the position she has in the game. I think she may have miscalculated the importance the first few days had in building relationships.
I could be wrong though, it could all be fake and maybe our first vote is gonna be a huge blindside but somehow I have a tough time believing Heather is going to be the mastermind. 
Evvie got hit with a 'we need to talk' today and had to put out fires that spontaneously combusted while they were out living life. But it's not changing their plans moving forward:
I don't have a desire really to vote anyone else out aside from Sara. If we had to do a second vote out that's a part of my tribe, right now it would be down to Heather just because of her not being around as much as the others. I do like her and want her to stick around, though. My petty button, would of course, want to vote out Abraham but I don't want to hurt his feelings. There's no way he's getting voted out any time soon unless what happened with me and Shan happens with the other tribe mates. I don't think he'll be able to escape that. I think we can come back from the bullshit that just happened and me voting him out isn't a part of my plan at all. It never has been and I don't think I have it in me to flip on him. Not anytime soon. Who knows what the next few rounds could bring, though? The next few hours? It feels like this game is about to start changing on a dime and I need to make sure that my ass is strapped in for the shit that's about to come.
Heather is keeping her same approach and feels pretty confident that Sara would be the next to go on their tribe. Her sights would set on Xander next:
Sara is my current target and from the conversations I've had she appears to be the team target. Apparently, the guys think she's too 'intense' further proving to me that I was right to downplay elements of my own personality with how I communicate with them.I'm still nervous that I may be a target as I'm not proving to be much of an asset in challenges which is why it is important for me to maintain good relationships with my team members. 
I'm hoping that after Sara's gone, I can pin the target on Xander. He's a nice guy and I really like him as a person but it's either him or me. Hopefully, it won't come down to that as the other team is doing horrible in the challenges. Seriously, I'm not sure if we're just that good or if they're just that bad. I think they're just that bad. Tragic. 
Sara got wind of Heather's plan to take her out next, so her trust ranking is now everyone not named Heather at the top, and Heather at the bottom:
 I hear from my little birdies that bitch Heather is trying to get ME out next?? Like motherfucker ive been nothing but nice to you, you do fuckin nothing all day and you have the unmitigated GALL to target me? Fuck I hope we go to tribal so I can vote this bitch out.
Shan was caught in the middle of Abraham and Evvie's misunderstanding and is worried she'll come out on the bad end of all of it. She's got a bunch of screenshots of the most relevant pieces of the convos if you want to catch up on the drama firsthand: 
I feel like I just got tricked into smashing both of my strongest relationships into pieces and now the rug has been pulled out from under me and I'm fucked.  So glad Evvie and Abe are dandy though.
I know y'all are SCREAMING at me for earlier lollllll.  Abe NEVER corrected my version of events, he let me go on thinking that Evvie told him and my dumb ass never even thought to question that??  I must be losing my touch.
Unless you're screaming at me for trusting Evvie again.  Idk man everything looks so obvious when you're viewing but I only have 1/14 of this pie and I can only guess at what the rest tastes like 
Xander might still be anti-Sara but hopes to weaponize her now instead of getting her out immediately, moving her up to 3 in his trust rankings. He also accidentally started all of the drama: 
Ugh shit hit the fan hardcore today. My Canadian Knight in shining armor Abraham had a rough day. Abe told Shan that he thought Evvie and I were a final 2. Which we are...
Then Shan told that to Evvie. Who told me about it. I thought Shan was just stirring the pot thinking Abe wouldn't say that. So I freaking told Abe that Shan may be onto our alliance cause she thinks Evvie and I are a final 2. That sent Abe into a spiral.
Gahhhh. Abe was concerned that Evvie was pulling a fast one and started getting really bummed. He thought Evvie divulged some personal information about him and possibly me. I think we both got caught up in the high emotions of it all
Over on Kallpa

Aaron is a video confessional guy now, self proclaimed. He's still sticking with the guys for now and looking to take out Denise, but Leslie is on his radar too. He also live recorded his reaction to the challenge loss. Devasted.  

Erik is worried for the upcoming tribal, but trusting in the relationships he's built: 
The fact that Denise isn't talking to me terrifies me. I have no idea what others are telling her other than Frosti saying in the guys alliance group that he told her me. She said she hasn't heard my same which I can only assume is a lie. My gut is telling me to turn on the guys before they turn on me but I think I need to go one more vote at least. 
Frosti trusts Jaime the most and Jean-Robert the least, but none of that matters while he is rebelling against the system (not really) after the challenge results. I'm sure he'd love questions in his confessional:
Dear Admins and game overlords, keep your "Episode 4: Insert stupid fucking name post here" to yourself. My team is better than to be held over by your stupid lax rules and all that. If you ask questions you will be getting fuck you answers. Hope you all sleep poorly and wake up achey "not you loveita" hope you're doing well. But I will say, it is fun to play a mean person for the other tribe to see
Jaime has a pre-challenge video and a post-challenge video today! 15 minutes for the first and 10 for the second. Kallpa had a slower day in general, so there isn't a TON of new information in the first video, but her speculation about how to get idols in there is worth the watch. The second is definitely the one to watch for the main updates on Kallpa dynamics. 

Jean-Robert wasn't happy with the challenge decision, but is back in the US and ready to really run this game now. His trust is strongest with Leslie and Jaime:
 im weirdly cool with going back to tribal. Happy to vote Denise out if there isn’t much chaos amongst camp over the next 24 hours. However, there’s bound to be some, im also going to be idol hunting for a bit to try and ensure some extra security. As for my relationship building, I decided to tell Leslie I was traveling to build additional trust because I want her to know she’s my #1, even though Jaime and I are close and we’re all working together. This all could blow up in my face fast if they start to go against each other, or even worse, at me, so I have to navigate those waters carefully with my two close allies
Leslie is ready to vote Denise out after she didn't contribute to the challenge at all, and wasn't too happy with how Frosti reacted:
ALSO, why is my tribe not capable of losing with grace? We could have just asked, did they make a post to their personal tribe wall? After a yes, it was clear we lost. YIKES. Also, the fact that he was like trying to have a conversation with the other tribe after? What the heck LOL.
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Loveita Adams

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We wrapped up our first full week last night with Denise becoming the third boot of Stranded in the Andes in a 6-1 (JR) vote. Expect a slower weekend ahead - we've got a fully active cast of 13 left, but many are new to this and breakdowns are already happening, so they could use the time away. 

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: For Day 8, players sent 56 messages through group chats and 1223 private messages.
  • No chat room changes overall to report! If you want some fun chats to read though, check out Jean-Robert messaging every single host or lurker who pops up to see if they hold the secret to an idol! They don't.  
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is SUNDAY! DAY 11 - SUNDAY, with our first true challenge/elimination night all going on at once. The cast has an entire weekend to prepare, so you won't want to miss it! 

Over on Ancha
It's crickets over on Ancha. They worked themselves into a blow up all week and needed the day off today. Old plans still point to one of Sara or Heather being the probable target if they face tribal Sunday, but look towards updates this weekend to figure out exactly how that might lean. 

Over on Kallpa

📹VIDEO ALERT!! 📹Erik has uploaded his first video confessional! It's short, sweet, and Australian, so be sure to take the time to watch on this slower day! He's hoping to turn on Aaron and Frosti by pairing up with Jean-Robert, Jaime, and Leslie this weekend. 

Jean-Robert is ready to win the next challenge and finally net a victory over the other tribe to keep the numbers even for a swap or merge. He isn't particularly concerned about being in danger if Kallpa loses again though:
 On a positive note, I think my social and strategic game has been top notch. I genuinely think three people see me as their number 1 ally right now: Leslie, Jaime, and Erik. I’m probably being over-confident, but I feel really good about where I stand on my tribe. I have the numbers with the Dudes, I have the remaining females wanting to play with me, and I have Erik skeptical about Aaron and Frosti’s bond, which truthfully, I don’t even know exists to the extent that I’m pushing it. I feel like I can kind of do whatever I want in terms of my next move, I just need to nurture these relationships carefully, and make everyone feel like these are moves that will help them in order for them to feel powerful, in the majority, and most importantly, comfortable with JR.

Loveita Adams

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I took a page out of the players books to take a bit of a weekend break. Judging by the chat counts, I made the right decision! 

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS P1: For Day 9, players sent messages through group chats and 1107 private messages.
  • CHAT STATS P2: For Day 10, players sent 72 messages through group chats and 1490 private messages.
  • Kallpa is kind of a mess? It's technically boys vs girls, but I don't think any of the boys plan to vote out a girl if they lose. I'd probably describe the dynamics more as: Jaime/Leslie, Aaron/Frosti, Erik/JR?(weakest duo). 
  • Ancha seems to be set on Heather, even if Sara is public enemy number 1. They are still reeling from overexerting themselves into a tribe meltdown earlier in the week. 
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is TONIGHT! DAY 11 - SUNDAY, with our first true challenge/elimination night all going on at once. The cast has an entire weekend to prepare, so you won't want to miss it! 

Over on Ancha
Abraham did his best to smooth over everything that happened with the meltdown involving Evvie and Shan but is worried about them long term now as a result:
I'm trying my best to not allow my emotions to effect things, but I still can't help but see Evvie and Shan as targets after everything that happened. Evvie ended our talk saying nothing has changed and Shan ended saying she trusts me more now. I don't believe either of them to be honest. Heather even said a line to me after the challenge - "Please never get down on yourself in regards to this game because you're honestly amazing". The hell? How did she hear about what was going on? How did she get me being down on myself from 'the rain is making the day kind of depressing'? Sounds like she heard about what happened from someone else? Either Evvie or Shan. Anyway, my emotions did effect me for a little bit there and almost screw up everything I had built. I still don't think I have everything back to how it was, so I need to start building more with Deshawn and Sara.
Evvie needed the weekend break and time to reassess logically instead of emotionally. Wednesday's events are really going to test the dynamics if Ancha needs to go to tribal:
For the time being, I feel very up in the air after the way things were left on Wednesday. Like yes, it will be easy to just forget everything and move on, but I really think there's some scars with the relationship with Abraham, I feel like my relationship with Shan went up and down but ended on an up, Xander and I are still aligned pretty deeply as far as I think...I do think he's closer to Sara than he wants to let on and is projecting what he thinks we want to hear regarding her, Deshawn is a big question mark even though he's got me wrapped around his finger for the time being with the trust, and Heather pops in and out. 
Over on Kallpa

Aaron has another video for us, but it is from Friday, and so it might not be the most up to date info. He thinks the dudes are still strong and Leslie would be his vote, but later teased us with having more updates but hasn't delivered (chats suggest Leslie/Jaime are convincing him to target Erik??)

Jaime has posted the most updates this weekend, with both a Friday week wrap up and a Saturday update. She also noticed Erik, Frosti, and Aaron online when three people were in the Chevy Malibu chat (which, btw, they were talking about voting her out in there at the time): 
We need to win Sunday because the tribe is divided in half me Leslie and JR and the other side Frosti Aaron and Eric
I am so glad I never told Eric about our plan to go after Aaron and Frosti I really hope JR didn’t tell him either I know Leslie didn’t 
Leslie also told me Eric asked her if she planned on working with me and JR so they think me and JR are a duo that’s good and bad really my duo is with Leslie bad because that means it’s probably me or JR next unless I can find a way out of this 
Leslie is scheming with Jaime about how to get the guys to all turn on each other and has been planting seeds for Aaron and Frosti to go against Erik:
Hopefully if we go to tribal, Erik will go home which leaves Frosti and Aaron on one side and JR on the other. Jaime and I would be able to pick where we want to go. Hopefully we start winning, but it is good to know that there are options if we do lose. I feel so bad for taking advantage of Aaron's paranoia, but also I haven't actually lied about anything in regards to the information other than the fact I am working closest with Jaime. So I guess that part is good. Now just to figure out what is best for Jaime and I. We definitely should be good to get one of the guys out. It was crazy when Jaime said there were only five people on including her and it was her, Evvie, Erik, Aaron, and Frosti and there were three people in the 1987 group chat. Can't believe they had a group chat for Erik, Frosti, and Aaron. Absolutely wild. Final statement for the night: can we please just win on Sunday?

Loveita Adams

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Later update today but a lotttttt happened...well, on one tribe anyways. Let's just get to the big picture!

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: For Day 11, players sent 422 messages through group chats and 2535 private messages. 
  • The Host group chat was also made - a fake cover on Kallpa across Erik, Jean-Robert, Jaime, and Leslie about voting out Frosti.
  • Ancha won immunity led by Abraham's skills with looking up code breaker strategies and using them to maximum potential. No real changes or updates over here. 
  • The action is all over on Kallpa. Aaron got voted out in a 3-1-1, with Erik blindsided into voting for Frosti for...some reason? And with Aaron voting for Erik. Frosti didn't show, busy celebrating Father's Day.
  • Earlier this morning, Frosti announced in his confessional that he is withdrawing to focus on personal life...which will bring us down to 11 people - Ancha with 7, and Kallpa with only 4. 
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is TONIGHT! DAY 12 - MONDAY, with...an immunity challenge? That's what's scheduled but with Frosti's quit yet to be announced to the cast, we will see what's in store. 

Over on Ancha
Abraham is looking at possible tribe permutations if there is a swap tonight. There isn't one, but king stays king bitch.

Deshawn doesn't feel great about his challenge abilities, but Heather is on the chopping block if they ever lose. He does feel good about his relationships with Abraham, Xander, and Evvie:
I think socially, there's not much I could do better than what I've been doing right now. I adapt to whoever I'm talking to and make sure to come off as whatever I feel they resonate with. I'll just have to keep fostering those relationships and building on the foundations that I've built in the early game. For the time being, that's the area I'm least worried about as I honestly feel like I've got a good grasp on it.
Sara noticed Abraham's performance in the challenge, and feels pretty comfortable about her spot with Abraham, Deshawn, and Xander:
so far my social connections are carrying me, I have relations with the guys and then think we can pull shan in as well so im not worried in that sense. challenge strength is prob the weakest for me as im just noon quick at the copying and pasting like some people are hahaha
Over on Kallpa

Erik was unnecessarily lied to about voting Aaron and is going to have to tell the rest he told them so when news of Frosti's withdrawal is announced to the cast:
Fuuuuuck well not sure what to make of that vote. On the one hand I was blindsided, but on the other I was protected by my new alliance and the person coming for me was voted out.
It's a net positive overall but I don't know why they think I wouldn't have voted Aaron with them. I'm trying to play it cool and chill but obviously I'm less trusting of JR and the girls now than I was before. 
Jean-Robert has COME THROUGH for us with a video confessional and you GOTTA watch it! These Kallpa boys love their car confessionals:
I am going to celebrate the epic move I orchestrated tonight. Everything went to perfection, I got out my target, got Erik to vote Frosti so the two of them don't come together against me, and Frosti didn't even show up, so he'll be grateful that I even decided to keep him in the game. Going to have to buckle in and consider longevity moving forward, but for now I'm just so proud of myself for leading the charge on the first major blindside of the season. My intuition was correct that I had utter command of my tribe and I will use this momentum regardless of whatever twists are thrown at me. 

Jaime's late night confessional videos are my personal favorites from her, and she serves the tea in this one giving us the updates in only 10 minutes about how things went down last night. 

Leslie got JR to turn on the boys completely by giving her the password to the 1987 Chevy Malibu chat, which is now officially dead:
HEHEHEHE I AM SO HAPPY WITH HOW THAT WENT! Honestly, I would have prefered to have made JR want to do Erik first, but Aaron did say Jaime's name and so I am cool with it. Clearly JR trusts me a lot. It sucks because I think Aaron trusted me more than Frosti, but it is what it is. I am so proud that Jaime and I were successfully able to flip Aaron and Frosti to doing Erik but were able to take Aaron out. Making it so we could pick would have been cool, but that could have messed up if Aaron and Frosti were able to talk JR into going for Jaime or me. So I think it was probably the best move. I am slightly nervous because Frosti sure probably saw Erik's question about Frosti being an easy vote and didn't even vote and just logged off, so that makes me a bit nervous. I think Aaron felt I was a lot closer to him than Erik feels about me, but it is what it is. Hopefully we can win a dang challenge. The best part is that JR thinks he really was the reason why we did it. Like he thinks we would have even if he hadn't shown us the groupchat. But we really could have picked between Erik, Frosti, and Aaron.
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With Frosti's quit, 11 are left, and our schedule moved up a bit with the Ambassador "twist" coming into play.

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: For Day 12, players sent 272 messages through group chats and 4544 private messages. 
  • Deshawn volunteered to be Ancha 's ambassador and was transferred to Kallpa for the day.
  • Jean-Robert volunteered to be Kallpa's ambassador and was transferred to Ancha for the day
  • Both tribe ambassadors are secretly allowed to talk to each other and took full advantage of that - talking more with each other than most of the new members.
  • Xander shared a SCREENSHOT to Sara about his conversations with Jean-Robert. He was publicly shamed and lost his vote for the next tribal council.
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is TONIGHT! DAY 13 - TUESDAY, with...an immunity challenge? That's what's scheduled but the ambassadors were both privately informed that tonight is...THE MERGE. Stay tuned! 

Over on Ancha
Abraham had the idea for Deshawn to be the ambassador and hopes that Jean-Robert's visit is ultimately meaningless:
It would BEHOOVE YOU to take FULL ADVANTAGE of this OPPORTUNITY. If that doesn't scream 'get info from the other tribe for tomorrow's challenge' I dunno what does. Anyway, I told everyone on our tribe (except JR) that we need to think about this and to not assume Deshawn is gone forever. Let's not give any info to JR and let him tell us anything he wants. This way, his visit here is meaningless. Evvie mentioned to a few of Ancha that we should just throw the challenge should JR stick around for the challenge and tribal, just so we could get him out easily and keep Deshawn safe. It seems like a good idea in theory, but Xander was also thinking that the game runners wouldn't set us up to want to intentionally throw a challenge just like that. I was also thinking, I don't think it would be fair to the great game Deshawn is playing if he were to just go home that easily without a real fighting chance. This is definitely temporary. All signs point to it being so
Heather has posted video confessionals!! She posted two pretty quickly back to back, covering both Episode 4 and Episode 5. Take the 10 minutes or so to get to know the player behind the alias! She's been playing UTR on purpose and trying not to let emotions guide her. Abraham and Evvie are her main allies.

Sara has her eyes set on Heather and Evvie. She might think Abraham is a huge threat challenge wise, but also thinks he's her strongest ally:
 I feel fine, cause Abe is my guy, might be a little intimidated when it comes to merge and he keeps beasting challenges, but for right now im not worried, hopefully I swap with him and we can continue to dominate immunity haha
Xander was thinking a swap could be coming, but the ambassador announcement threw him off his game to the point he shared screenshots. He accepts the consequences:
Ugh I'm the worst. 
That screenshot was so stupid. Sara wanted to compare verbiage that JR was sharing with us. I was driving to the grocery store and was thinking fuck Sara I don't wanna go up and copy and paste it one by one. So I screenshotted it. Gah I'm so stupid. 
I accept my public flogging. I'm sorry Jeff 
Abe keeps trying to console me and tell me it's fine and I hope he is right. But this game is full of judgmental people waiting for any reason to dogpile. Heather's gonna have a field day with this.
Over on Kallpa

Erik thinks his other three tribemates are all equal bottoms at this point in his trust rankings:
Hard to say, they're all equally sketchy to me at the moment! Everyone's acting all "yay we're such a tight four", and yes they did save me, but at the end of the day they all voted together and I was on my own.
Jaime is currently overcompensating by spewing word vomit at me about future scenarios. This is after Frosti called her a goat in his dramatic exit speech.
Jaime doesn't have a video update for us, but she did have comments about Frosti's exit:
So frosty saw everything that went down last night called out JR and Eric, for being an alliance with him and Aaron, which I already knew about he called me a goat and not as in greatest of all time basically just calling me useless because I don’t contribute anything to the tribe, and when it comes to challenges, he’s right, I am pretty useless, but when it comes to socially, I was clearly more in the loop than he was he also said he quit he straight up rage quit I called it so now there’s only four of us, JR, Eric, me and Leslie, which is exactly what I wanted so I’m content
i’m not hurt by anything he said about me I know my personal worth I know my honest connections I’ve made with JR and Leslie, which I’ve been more honest than any connection he’s made in this game and at the end of the day he’s the one that rage quit because things weren’t going his way
Leslie doesn't know what to expect with this Ambassador's shakeup but the last thing she wants is to lose another challenge:
Oh, I am so nervous about this. I don't trust Erik at all. It seemed like he would have prefered to go after me and not Jaime last vote in the chat. I am so nervous about this. Jaime is like, "it will be fine" but obviously it is fine for her. Erik started playing with her the MOMENT she was listed as the one who follows what people say. Now Erik wants to throw to get Deshawn out? WTF? Like why would we do that if we don't know merge is next? Yeah, lets throw a challenge. We can't even WIN a challenge? If we somehow can win, why would we purposefully throw it?!
Finally, the Tribe Ambassadors:

Deshawn's big confessional update happened before the Ambassador announcement, but he had some general things to say about what makes him cautious of others:
In terms of caution, I try not to be too upfront about my own strategy so I can understand people who don't just spit out their entire game every time we talk, but people who still don't seem to have any kind of game plan at all and are just "here to talk to people" make me kind of nervous at this point, too. I get the talking to people and making nice and I've been doing it since day 1 but if you're still telling me that's *all* you're doing then either you think I'm stupid or you're actually not here to play the game and in either case, that's not good for my end game.  
Jean-Robert hasn't given a big video update yet since the rule break, but jumped at this opportunity and is making inroads with everyone he can. How will Xander's rule break change his perceptions of the tribe, and also the information he's able to get?
I appreciate y’all having my back. Waking up to that rule break was super freaky, not going to lie. I obviously have a lot to talk about, so another unfiltered video is coming your way today. But wow.
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WE HAVE MERGED in to the Pachamama tribe!!!! Immunity challenge was last night with the first merge vote happening tonight.

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: For Day 13, players sent 330 messages through group chats and 9413 private messages.
  • OG Ancha created the "OA" group chat where they made an anonymous poll to decide whether to vote Jaime or Erik out first (results were 5-1 Jaime).
  • Abraham and Xander won immunity from tonight's vote. 
  • There was some drama about Heather and Jean-Robert's conversation getting spread around where Sara was targeted, taking up most of the Arrowchat conversation for the night. 
  • JURY HAS BEGUN. All eliminated players from here on out will be a member of the jury. 
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is TONIGHT! DAY 14 - WEDNESDAY, with the first merge vote of the season. Will Ancha just start a Kallpa Pagong, or might we see something else in store? 
Confessional Quotes
Abraham has decided that he and Jean-Robert will not be friends. He created the OA chat, he created the straw poll, and he wants a Kallpa pagonging down the line:
 I already severed ties with JR by telling him I'm not playing his mindgame and that I don't really have any intention to continue to talk with him. I know how he's trying to stir shit up, and I'm not buying what he's selling. I did enjoy talking to Leslie and Erik, however pretty brief. Jaime seemed nice enough, but all we talked about what how Heather's 'chevy malibooboo' group chat felt like kicking them when they were down. She said she appreciated that I didn't participate in that so...+1 jury vote?

That's basically it, I just want these Kallpa members gone. They'll only complicate things for us. I'm going to keep communication lines open (not JR) and try my best to have a good enough relationship with the Kallpa members (not JR) before we send them packing
Deshawn has started video confessionals, posting a two for one before the official merge yesterday!! They are each under 2 minutes, so definitely check them out! He hasn't minded being in the leader position, but has purposely been a more passive leader who steps up only when needed.

Erik has a 6 minute video update talking about his pseudo-blindside with Aaron's elimination, and then reactions to the merge. He expects Ancha to eliminate an OG Kallpa first, but thinks it should open up after that

Jaime does not have high hopes going into the vote

Jean-Robert absolutely hates Shan...for some reason. But he has more on his plate after he and Heather had a conversation gone wrong:
there’s an apparent civil war between Ancha, specifically Sara and Heather. Both reached out to me about wanting to get out the other, which was great because I had no reason to believe that the target was on my back. The safe play would have been for me to go along with Heathers plan to get out Sara and ride in the back seat of their game until they decided it was time to dump me and that my services were no longer needed. I’m not ever going to play that kind of game. Call me stupid or whatever, but when I’m sitting at home watching this game on television, I get mad at players for not playing the hardest that they can, so I’m not going to be a hypocrite. My play was to drop comments, mostly truthful ones to members of the Ancha tribe and see what was kept a secret. The conclusion I have drawn after tonight’s hysterics is that the answer is truly NOBODY. I trust none of them. 
Leslie does not want Jean-Robert to ruin her game. And because Jaime wants to stick with him, it makes her wonder whether Jaime has her back either:
I am so annoyed. I love Jaime, but she is not listening to me. I have no idea why she thinks that just because JR doesn't like someone we shouldn't talk with them or because Heather made a chat, we shouldn't talk with her. I feel like she is clearly questioning my loyalty which is annoying because I tried to restate it in about a million ways. Yes, I will vote with whoever we here is a target. We just need to try to separate ourselves from JR because he is imploding. Idk why she decided to go to JR and tell him he needed to fix bonds with Kallpa. That shows me that she has more loyalty towards JR. Because otherwise why would she say that I am trying to distance myself. UGH. Distancing does not equal voting someone out. That was probably the most frustrating conversation I have ever had other than talking with JR who said well Im going down swinging, like okay, but can you not be stupid please? This is not "creating a divide" it is making you the target, and we need to lay low and have them decide to take shots at each other. UGH.
Sara doesn't want a full pagonging, but thinks she will stay Ancha strong for at least the first vote or two:
I think for the time being, the best thing for me to do is to stay Ancha strong, then rely on my social connections and alliance of 4 (Abe, Xander, Deshawn)  to catapult me to the very end. Idk everyone seems nice enough, im not getting much from Jaime, and Heather I think was really hamming up the fact she didnt throw my name out so that just something sketchy.

I don't feel the need to betray just yet, I think these first two votes should go Kallpa and then we can make a move at 9 to go for something big.
Shan sees this merge as the opportunity to make connections to prevent a full pagonging, but she isn't super sure what paths are there for her to take:
 y'all, I was INFORMED who my choices to vote out are and only given two options.  Abe was like "Sara wants Jaime or Erik out and honestly I'm good with letting her run the merge."  Uhhhh congrats but I don't recall being asked how I feel about it?  I later found out from Evvie there was discussion about all four Kallpa, but I was not included in that part.  I'm not entirely sure who was, but I get the feeling it was everyone except me and Heather.  I would be pretty comfy with that position if we were still in tribes-- not threatening enough to be at the top of most people's hit list but taken slightly too seriously to put at the very bottom.  But I thought I'd have more options at merge.  I thought there'd be at least one less Ancha.  And I thought there would be potential to exploit Xander's lack of vote to hopefully get him out when he's vulnerable and powerless.  I see him and Sara as being my two biggest problems, because they seem to have a lot of control but no desire to loop me in on anything.  I DID want to come off as non-threatening, which apparently I did too well.  I feel like Evvie, Heather, and Leslie are my biggest tickets to making the endgame, but I'm not sure which combination of people with them will get me there.
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Jury has started! Jaime became the first member last night after a 5 - 4 - 1 vote, where OG Kallpa tried to move against Heather, and Deshawn threw a vote onto Leslie. She posted a goodbye video for us all. 

The Big Picture
  • CHAT STATS: For Day 14, players sent 234 messages through group chats and 5169 private messages. 
  • There is a second "Host" chat now made up of Abraham, Sara, and Xander, who all then added Deshawn. They are trying to plan for the long game and figure out when to target other Ancha members. 
  • The first Tribal Council of the merge did not have the most dramatic of outcomes, but that didn't stop people from whispering - particularly Jean-Robert! 
  • The next MAJOR EVENT is TONIGHT! DAY 15 - THURSDAY, with an immunity challenge at 8C/9E
Confessional Quotes
Abraham is finally having some conversations with Kallpa to add to his connections and let Sara take all of the blame for keeping the vote on Jaime:
As the vote drew closer, I spoke to some of the tribe about our plan. For some reason, the Jaime vote still wasn't sitting right with me. I put out some feelers about it and found that Evvie and Deshawn were also feeling bad about voting for Jaime. Deshawn eventually said that he would champion a change for JR and see how it goes. I did the same by talking to Shan, Evvie, Sara, and Xander as well. Shan was having a tizzy about the vote being changed. I guess she's not going to handle all the changes that come around closer to tribal - which is probably good news for me. Evvie was down for the change to JR of course, but wanted to make sure we actually had everyone on board. Xander didn't have a vote, but expressed that he didn't think changing the vote was a good idea. Sara was the biggest opponent of the idea. She said that JR was useful for when we wanted to get someone out later as no one else really wanted to work with him. She also said that if Jaime has the ability to change our minds like this using emotions, it's probably a sign of what she can do in this game. Hey, that's a pretty fair assessment.

So unfortunately, I had to tell Deshawn to give up on the idea and we quickly had to get everyone on the same page to vote Jaime.
Deshawn has a few more short videos from pre-tribal talking about the merge in general (8 minutes total?). He doesn't want a straight pagonging, but was fine to take out an original Kallpa first, and doesn't plan to let any of them to make it past final 6/5. 

Erik thinks Jean-Robert needs to go next so that he and Leslie can work together for OG Ancha to use. Abraham, Sara, and Deshawn made appearances on his trust ranking though, unlike any of the other OG Ancha:
Honestly I'm finding it hard to be fully into the game because of my timezone. I wake up each morning and get caught up on what's been happening but I can't really be actively involved in what is happening. I can only really hope for the best and then try and clean up any mess after tribal, which isn't really the best time for making moves.
Evvie is feeling out where they stand now that merge has happened and is okay letting everyone else spin circles while they stay a little calmer for the time being, feeling guilty for sitting so pretty:
I don't know who to trust or who I want to trust honestly, all my relationships are shifting the deeper we get into this game and I find myself in this state of perpetual aggravation because idk who I can trust...hell, if I can even trust myself to make sound decisions right now. I've been in positions before where I followed the status quo and the one time I was trying to go and do something different was the same round I was blindsided by my whole original alliance. I'm not trying to go through THAT again, and need to be quick on my feet if I want to survive going forward. Juggling all these conversations is proving to be cumbersome - ya'll were NOT playing about the intensity of this game.
Heather is sticking with OG Ancha and feels like the blow up with the Jean-Robert situation put her on the outs when she used to be part of the inner circle:
I was NOT going to start a plan to internally target Sara. My plan was to tell JR that Sara was the target to make him feel confident that no one from his former tribe was being targeted. Then, I was going to tell him ten minutes before tribal council that the target had switched to Jaime and I didn't want him to be on the wrong side of the vote. I was trying to gain his trust because I wanted to have someone outside of Ancha in case things went bad. Again, NEVER WAS TARGETTING SARA FOR THIS WEEK. 
Jean-Robert has changed his tune about Shan. He's going to do everything he can in this game to survive and make it past the Ancha roadblock
Normally, I would say jury management is very important in this game. In my case, however, I kind of have to disregard it in order to stay alive in this game. I think these people are smart enough to recognize that if I somehow find my way to the end, I deserve to win this game. Obviously other players are playing strong games, but I don’t anticipate losing votes because of my jury management to this point.
Ancha still seems to be really united, at least for now. Coming into the merge with a 7-4 disadvantage makes it nearly impossible for me to control my way to the end. I have to improvise and work hard just to survive. While I admit it’s fun to scrap, there are moments where I wish the game I was playing was a bit less stressful.
Leslie has lost her number 1 and is hoping Shan might be able to take Jaime's place as her new biggest confidante. But she'll throw as many hail mary's as she can to survive (that wasn't supposed to be a Christian joke when I started writing it):
I am just going to pull a idk what else to do and tell Evvie that Erik dropped her name. Idk what else to do to maybe make it so I am not next. I was the one who had a vote. IDK HOW JR DIDN'T GET A VOTE. I am so sad Jaime is gone. Like we could just talk for real and about game and it was wonderful.
Sara has been "awarded" the credit for voting out Jaime and is using that momentum to plan the rest of her game, starting with Leslie out next:
Ill give you my current road map to 8 right now, 

Tomorrow: Leslie does not win immunity, JPGR, The Core 4, Fantastic 4, The Beatles, 4's company, The 4 Seasons, whatever you want to call us, "Us" being myself, Abe, Xander and Deshawn, (Abe and Xander I feel closest with, I feel close with Deshawn but I view him as #4 in my own personal view.) + 2 other people, probably OG Anchas vote Leslie out.
Final 9: Things get funky, The Core 4 pulls in one other member, whether that be Shan, Erik, or JR (3 most likely candidates) and we vote out Evvie. Evvie scares me just cause she gets along super well with pretty much everyone and I could see her getting pulled by the remaining kallpas and if she does make it near the end I think she'll talk her way into a victory no problem. Beyond that its our 4 with a tie at worst case scenario, and if it comes down to that, I think my big strong challenge beast Abe will be a nice shield for me...
Shan wanted to make a move here but didn't have enough information to take the plunge, not knowing there'd be a thrown vote. She also posted her first video confessional before the vote, and although it's 15 minutes, it is a GREAT summary of her current positioning struggles. 

Xander took a backseat last round, not having a vote, and is still a little worried about how the Screenshot mishap will affect him long term:
At first I was really worried about the screenshot thing. I still am really. Every keeps trying to say it's fine but I don't buy it. Heather is throwing my name out like I knew she would. Fucking Judas Heather. 
I would never vote off Abe. I envision this question being asked to everyone with my name instead of Abe 😂😂. If I didn't win Immunity last night I think I would have been voted out tonight. I keep telling Abe and Sara that I'm perfect goat material cause no one is gonna give me the win. At least that's what I want them to think. 

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