First of all - quite a few of our players showed up before the game kicked off and wrote INCREDIBLE Day 00 confessional updates to introduce themselves and their strategy going into this. I highly recommend taking the time to check those out and get to know the players through their own words.
The Big Picture
- CHAT STATS: In the first 25 hours, players sent 486 messages through their tribe chats and 4117 private messages.
- All 16 players have logged in, but only Danny has not sent any messages or posted in his confessional yet.
- The first task was for each tribe to designate a leader. Deshawn and Aaron both volunteered.
- The Ancha Tribe is more focused on 1-on-1 conversations. Evvie seems to be the most universally loved by others, Danny hasn't made any connections, and Sara and Heather are the other two who are the most on the outs. Instead of the group chat, Ancha introduced themselves through icebreakers!
- A stoner's alliance headed by Xander and also including Evvie, Abraham, and Deshawn, might be forming.
- The Kallpa Tribe spent most of Night 1 in their tribe chat, with Leslie making sure to have everyone join in as they appeared online. Aaron's volunteering has put him in a good spot, but Jean-Robert's current travel plans and Sherea's lack of willingness to share personal information might hurt them both.
- I see a budding duo between Jaime and Leslie forming, as well as a tight trio between Aaron, Frosti, and Denise.
- The next MAJOR EVENT is not until DAY 4 - SUNDAY, when the first IMMUNITY CHALLENGE will be taking place.
Over on Ancha
Abraham sees the majority as including himself, Evvie, and Xander, and then Deshawn and Shan, with Sara, Heather, and Danny on the outs, but he wants others to make the groups and not be seen as the instigator:
right now I think my closest relationships are Evvie and Xander. I also had some great conversations with Shan and Deshawn but when it comes to being able to talk freely about whatever, it's been quite effortless with Evvie and Xander. We're starting to talk about a Day 1 stoner alliance, which I'm in love with.
Deshawn, however, feels closest with Abraham and Sara (the Canucks), and is more on the fence about Shan, Evvie, and Heather. His mom's birthday is this weekend! He also only volunteered for tribe leader because no one else was going to:
I was really torned on wanting it or not because being Tribe Leader definitely goes against my original plan coming into this game but it was becoming obvious that no one wanted it and I did genuinely feel bad dumping it on Sara and since we don't know what's going on with Danny, I decided to bite the bullet and step up for it.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little worried of the impact it can have but so far the reaction seems to be positive. I don't know if people are happy that I took it as much as they're happy someone took it because it was pretty obvious that no one wanted to do it. And hopefully it gives me some traction at the start of the game just by being in people's good graces.
Evvie's first pick for tribe leader wasn't Deshawn, but they don't mind being his faithful servant if they need to. Xander or Abraham would have been their preference, even if Shan is their favorite person on the tribe so far:
I'm vibing with Shan for sure, she just seems fun and my type of person with a sassy personality. IDK, there was an interaction we had and when she said "bitch you started it" as a response, I was like 'oh this is my type of person' and my walls were down.
Heather and Shan have already told each other they have the other's back, and she is building relationships with Evvie, Abraham, and Xander too, seeing them as the center of the tribe, even if Deshawn is tribe leader:
So, as of right now, I putting on my best, sweet nice girl team player performance and making sure my relationships with everyone on my team are solid. Current strategy: Never say how I feel outright. Wait for somebody else to mimic similar sentiments and then pounce.
Sara thinks that the tribe leader will get a target on their back and stayed away as a result. She is forming her own relationships across the tribe as well:
So far I like chatting with Xander, Abraham, Shan and Deshawn. Those are who I have talked to the most, and just get good vibes off the intiial convo.
Shan does NOT understand what people like Evvie see in Xander, but is happy that Deshawn stepped up and volunteered to be tribe leader. She's ready to stop the small talk and get into the game:
Some people truly enjoy and excel at small talk, and I am not one of them.
I am an introvert through and through, if it requires expending energy thinking of what to say to you then I probably won't say much lol. This is for sure a flaw of mine and something I struggle against in every org I play, and my success often comes down to how many people are like me or not. If I'm on a tribe with other "gamer" types who are ready to hit the ground running, then we band together and take out the non-substance players. But sometimes the majority of the tribe LIKES people like that and then I just look like an overplayer and end up at the bottom. Unfortunately I think this tribe likes the superficial chit chatters, plus we have an inactive, so these are the times I get myself into trouble by going too hard lol. I'M JUST IMPATIENT I'M SORRY!
Xander is full stoner team ahead and thinks Sara seems a little sketchy. He has a long confessional going through his impressions of each of his tribemates (with gifs!), so check that out if you want some fun reading:
I'm happy Deshawn took one for the team. Now Everyone is gonna want to get down on their hands and knees and unzip Deshawn. I guess i'll need to stock up on Chapstick and get in line myself. Did the other tribe even stay on long enough to elect their leader?
Over on Kallpa
Aaron feels closest with Denise and Frosti so far, and thinks Jean-Robert could be an easy first target. He quickly volunteered for tribe leader:
Honestly have no idea what being the tribe leader means, but in my mind I was like ok I want to have as much influence in the beginning as possible and I want to take risks. I think if I lay a solid quick social game, people will support me as being the leader and not someone who is just power hungry. I could tell off the bat that people were being a little hesitant about volunteering to the the leader so I was like hell let’s take the bull by the horns and do this. I feel like everyone has been supportive. No one wants to stick their neck out too early in the game I think.
Denise, likewise, feels closest with Aaron and Frosti. She's wary of Leslie for being too friendly though - is it fake?
I don't really know what to make of the whole leader thing because Poody decided to be a lil mystery boy and not tell us what becoming leader entailed. Overall, I'm pretty happy with our decision to go with Aaron. He seems like a very likeable person and someone I definitely plan on working with if the stars align.
Erik had absolutely no desire to volunteer for tribe leader, and is a little worried that his time zone will keep him from building strong relationships:
I might have to message a bunch of people now and let them know I want to chat later.
In the tribe group people seem to be interested in me. I told them about performing on stage with Green Day which seemed to go down well. I thought about lying about my job but I'm worried I won't be able to keep track of lies. We'll see how we go.
Jean-Robert is traveling through Greece, but making sure to make allies along the way and buddy up with Aaron as tribe leader:
Made some “allies.” Really doesn’t mean anything yet, just need to do this so I’m not the first target. Figured it would be smart to talk to Aaron, don’t know what power he will have, so I need to be on his good side for now. Leslie I actually do like, could see myself working with her, but still way too early to tell. Am hoping Frosti and some others who haven’t reached out do soon, I don’t wanna be too aggressive right now.
Leslie is our confessionalist for Kallpa, so keep an eye on hers throughout the season if you want live reactions and updates as things happen and change. Jaime is her #1 ally and it isn't even a close race:
Jaime - I LOVE HER! I feel like we 100% get along and are probably similar players. Definitely want to be careful with the information I share. I shared a bit about Aaron because that isn't huge. Curious if it will get back to him. A bit of a test to see if I can trust her. I don't want to let her know how much research I have done or too much information. She is definitely someone I could see myself going with until the end for the most part. I really think we are super similar. She is someone I would love to go along with as long as I can. I definitely couldn't take her until final three though most likely. Because we are so similar I want to try to get her to share the ideas so it seems like it is her idea. I definitely feel bad for not sharing everything with her, but it is definitely night one and I don't want to be stupid.
Sherea hasn't updated her Episode 1 Confessional yet, but her Episode 00 was a great (and short) read. Just
go read it.