By Heather
The reason she has ‘more on her resume’ is because, prior to the merge, Ancha never lost a challenge and was never forced to make any really game moves other than insulating themselves with allies. She shined because her hand was forced. Props to her.

However, despite her moves prior to the merge, she’s done nothing other than fall in line. If that’s what she needs to do to preserve her game then cool but let’s not make it out to be something other than what it is. There’s a reason she was voted most irrelevant just like there was a reason I was voted the goat. It is what it is. 

And, as far as jury management is concerned, everybody is doing a horrible job. You said it yourself. Could I have a done a better job? Definitely. However, did you want a fake ass, “Hey, girl! Love you so much after 48 hours! Please vote for me!”  🤷‍♀️
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By Jaime
I do appreciate the honesty and realness for sure.

All I know is right now I think (from my perception) JR and Leslie have a leg up on everyone else since no one was really made big moves yet but that can all change tonight 

I also agree with the fact Leslie is just following right now to survive and I’m hoping the energy I saw back at kallpa comes out because if it does she will be unstoppable 

So let’s see whos light will shine and who’s will start to dim


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By Heather
Agreed, let’s watch and see who will be left when the dust settles. I’m rooting for my girl Shan but, lets
be real, she’s probably following behind if she doesn’t pull out a win. 
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By Loveita Adams
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I'm so late to this thread, but GIRL were you fun to watch!!!!!! 😍😍 they took you out just when I feel like you were hitting your stride and I'm loving your energy in jury!!!
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