By Susie Smith
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Sara wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:24:29 pm No way Carolyn played Stranded! That's so awesome!! Do we know of any other stranded to real Survivor/BB players?
Cakes hasn't played Stranded... yet. This was from another ORG she did. She posted the videos when she returned from filming 44.

Susie Smith

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By Sara
*yawn* another boring ass tribal, no whispering, no hard hitting answers. What am I supposed to be gleaning as a jury member from all these answers??


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By Jaime
I’m assuming Leslie JR and Shan thought Xander was gonna vote with them and he didn’t. Yet another swing and a miss 
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By Sara
Seems like a fumble from Xander, if that trio is as ironclad as it seems he's on his way to 4th bar a crazy immunity run
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By Jaime
I knew this trio would dominate. That’s why I tried to get on their good side come merge I thought it would save me (I was wrong clearly lol) but I figured they would ride the middle till they had the numbers to start picking people off one by one and thats what we are witnessing here tonight 


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By Shan
Jaime wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:30:59 pm I’m assuming Leslie JR and Shan thought Xander was gonna vote with them and he didn’t. Yet another swing and a miss 
once again JR *SWORE* he had people he did not 😂  I think every round since merge he's insisted he's had the numbers and it's fallen through every time.  I decided to risk it because I'd rather get 7th than 4th.  

Honestly did not expect Xander's vote to be so fucking mean though, that fat cunt
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By Heather
Jaime wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:30:59 pm I’m assuming Leslie JR and Shan thought Xander was gonna vote with them and he didn’t. Yet another swing and a miss 
Xander overestimates how tight he is with those three. Tragic. I can’t wait to see when they betray him. 
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By Heather
So…there’s a large possibility that Abraham is going to win the challenge. If he does, I think Leslie may be the next one out.

She proved herself untrustworthy to them by taking the shot at DeShawn so they’ll do away with her unless she’s able to convince them otherwise. JR’s like a cat with nine lives and I think the trio will hinge their bets with keeping around longer than her. Plus, I think they’ve assessed that you all have a preference for Leslie on the jury.

Though I’m rooting for him, let’s be honest, JR’s kinda like one of those supervillains who always has this masterplan that never really comes to fruition. You know like Doofenshmirtz. I think they’ll up Leslie’s threat level over his after last tribal council. 

Lucky, Xander. He may actually get 4th after all. I really hope the trajectory of the game changes cause it’s too predictable. 
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By Heather
Abraham or DeShawn probably won.

I want Leslie to win it because, if she does, there’s a possibility the trio may target Xander as they may view him as a bigger threat than JR and, with their last number gone, they’d be forced to turn on each other.

However, I think Leslie is most likely to join us tonight with JR a close second.  Tragic. 


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By Jaime
Heather you described what will happen next to a T I couldn’t agree more it’s unfortunate but true at this point I want to vote for JR to win I love his unhinged style even tho it drove me CRAZY when I was in the game as a spectator I LOVE IT

Im leslie #1 fan so I pray to go it’s not her but I really do think it will be JR or her 😞 it’s so unfortunate


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By Heather
I feel like either you all have converted me to a Leslie supporter or if I’m just rooting for the underdog. Either way, I want Leslie to stay and I hope she’s able to pull off a stranded equivalent of Dan’s Funeral to save herself and flip the votes on Xander. Xander getting eliminated after having two opportunities to shift the tide would be amazing. 
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By Jaime
Heather wrote: Sun Jul 02, 2023 8:52:52 pm I feel like either you all have converted me to a Leslie supporter or if I’m just rooting for the underdog. Either way, I want Leslie to stay 
You made my heart so full 🥹


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