Day 6 - Pre Challenge
I can feel that blood pressure already! The impending challenge doom always gives you the shakes, I swear. I know I've set myself up in a great position but I still have all the anxiety and paranoia of someone actually in Survivor. Only way to quell that to make more bonds!
I talked to Shan a decent amount about working together. She's finally opening up more and more. I'm going to guess this is turning into F2 territory. She's a great secret bond for me and I'm so down to keep it for as long as I can. She discussed how much she likes Evvie, but not really anyone else. I can see that I was correct in assuming that Evvie was trying to make that bond for her own long-term success. It's good that I've probably surpassed her now and have Shan in my pocket for the eventual Evvie vote-out. It also sounds like after Danny, Shan is perfectly fine with Heather or Sara going. This is perfect.
I talked more game with Xander, as usual. We discussed more possible idol locations and we both agreed that we should be looking for some sort of password forum. I think I was really stupid here, but I told him about the list of password phrases I had to maybe figure out what the idol password could be. I don't know why I do these things...but if he's playing on the same level that I think he is, he probably has something similar. I mean, no one else has been checking past season forums like him and I are.
One thing I didn't mention regarding my conversation with Evvie. It kind of slipped to her that I was LGBT. Maybe something about her alias being Evvie or her telling me about her brother...I don't know, I just had to tell someone. I'm constantly struggling between wanting Evvie in my game until F3 and needing her gone before we get close to it. I know I won't be able to beat her in the end. She's just so likeable. Everyone I've talked to absolutely loves her. I also don't want to lose her friendship in voting her out as well. I need to block this out until later in the game or it's just going to eat me alive. *IGNORING IGNORING*
With Deshawn it was just more talk about Sara or Heather. I mentioned that Shan thought it was dumb for anyone but Danny to go, so it looks like the whole master plan is going to go on the back-burner until Danny is out. We also talked about Heather's potential girls alliance sans Sara. We're unsure how real it could actually be considering Evvie told us about it before it was even a thing. We ended on basically waiting for the challenge results before doing anything further.
Heather FINALLY talks some game with me...but it's such basic stuff. I like this person, and this person, and I don't know about this person. Oh my god, you have no idea how fast this game is moving. She mentioned something about how if you don't hear about alliances then you're probably not in them. Hit the nail right on the head my girl. I really want to start this whole Sara vs Heather war, but it needs to come at the right time. Danny, you need to go dude.
Day 6 - Post Challenge
Wow we actually pulled off another win. Talk about a nerve-wracking challenge! I was ready to go to tribal when I saw us 3 points down...but then all of a sudden it clicked that Deshawn might have helped us out by putting the answers in reverse-alphabetical order. I think it was Shan once again who came up with a solution that won us the challenge. That girl is so damn smart. She's becoming a bigger target more and more as the game goes on. Her and Evvie as an alliance would be insanely dangerous. I think I've done enough work to be on the upper end of Shan's loyalty. But I need to continue to foster that relationship long-term if I ever want to *sniff* take Evvie out.
Ancha, you decided to take the advantage for next immunity challenge and give Kallpa the night off by booting Danny off. Do you agree or not with this? Think you got favour from the Incan Gods?
A part of me wanted to just tell Kallpa to get fucked, but Jeff mentioned that the advantage would be huge. Did he say huge? *Goes back*
Large! We ended up taking the advantage and agreed that we could probably crush the challenge again next week. I'm always thinking of the impending tribe swap, so I was more worried about them retaliating in some way when that time comes. The tribe swap is probably my biggest worry in this game. I have a feeling it's coming at round 4 or 5. Something like 3 tribes of 4 and then merge at 10? And I do not want to be in a situation where I'm 1 Ancha vs 3 Kallpa. All in all, it's probably the right decision as the Stranded Gods only bless you when you do something nice...or I guess Jeff said Inca Gods.
That deadly sins challenge. How do you feel about who got assigned which sin, especially the one you got? Accurate or not? Tell us who you think each sin is truly represented by.
Well we all know now that Deshawn assigned them by reverse alphabetical, so his choices didn't mean anything. I can tell you what I would have probably done with honest answers:
Anger - Sara
Envy - Abraham
Greed - Xander
Gluttony - Deshawn
Pride - Shan
Lust - Evvie
Sloth - Heather
Who are your current targets? Do you think your targets match those of who the overall tribe might target soon?
My current targets personally are Heather / Shan. If they get wind of what Xander, Deshawn, and I are doing to get Sarah to go after them, it's game over for us. Even Evvie knowing is a little risky now because she's going to realize (if not already) that Xander and I are playing a lot harder. We have to reduce everyone's options as much as we can while making our own options better. I think the main targets in the tribe right now are Sara and Heather, but I can also see it being Myself. With how hard I've been playing, I'd be surprised if I didn't come up in someone's mind as a potential target.
How important are things like idols and advantages to you in a game like this? Have you currently searched for any yourself?
They're incredibly important. I don't think anyone has been looking harder than I am (maybe Xander?). I've gone through every location Xander mentioned to check. I don't even think I checked most of the spots he told me to because I was already there a day or two ago. I've looked through the page source, I've inverted banners, background images, etc. Can't find anything. I've even tried guessing forum numbers (example, if this thread I'm typing in is viewtopic.php?f=
384 then I've tried
385, 386, etc. I even went through all the user groups to see if there was a user named idol or something. NOTHING. From listening to the Stranded podcasts, I remember a line Poody/Jeff said about how some idols are so hard to find, you won't get them until the 3rd clue. I confidently said "yeah right, I'll figure it out". I'm looking pretty dumb now. I'm thinking that eventually one of the locations I've been checking is going to spawn some sort of clue or the idol forum itself. Then I can start hammering away with passwords.
Let's see some trust rankings, a tier list of your tribe so far. Where would you rank everyone at currently from top to bottom?
TOP TIER: Xander - If he screws me, my game is over. EVERYTHING I've built hinges on him. If he's not true to me, I don't make it to the end.
HIGH TIER: Deshawn - Deshawn thinks of me as his F2 and main partner. I just have to make sure he continues to think this and that he doesn't figure out otherwise from Xander.
HIGH/MID TIER: Evvie - I need to trust her right now for a lot of our plans to work, but I feel her slowly slipping down the rankings. I've known from the very beginning that I will one day have to get her out, it's just tougher and tougher the longer we go through
MID TIER: Shan - She also thinks of me as a potential F2. I think I have her loyalty more than Evvie does now like I mentioned above. I just don't think I can beat her in some of the more puzzle-esc challenges during the merge.
LOW TIER: Sara - A pawn. She's playing an important part in the game for us, but she has no chance at end-game plans with us. Xander doesn't trust her, Deshawn doesn't trust her. She has no ties really.
Hey...that actually might make her useful late game.
BOTTOM TIER: Heather - Dead woman walking. An easy target for our master plan.
Speaking of master plan...
Alliance Round-up
I thought it would be helpful to just give a round-up of alliances and where I think people stand as the game goes on. it might help me to see something that I might have missed.
Formerly the stoner alliance. We all agreed to rename it to this as I mentioned that I always spiral around challenge/tribal time and we try our best to stop each other from spiraling. i think it fits a lot better. Also I guess I just snuck a Jersey Shore reference into the game? I'm not sure if that's amazing or disgusting.
Started calling Deshawn and Myself this. I thought maybe naming our alliance to him would make him trust me more or think that this is a real thing. I kind of need him to as I think he's perfect to be in F3 with. Also revealing how strong this connection is by naming it at the end of the game will probably get me jury points for people who had no idea.
Just a dumb name I came up with for the Xander and Deshawn group alliance. We're using this group to plan the Sara vs Heather war. I thought of it while studying the Andes Wikipedia page one late night pre-game and just couldn't stop laughing at this in the first line for the pronounciation of 'Andes':
The rest is history?
And of course the updated graphic that everyone seems to be enjoying:
That's all for now (that's I didn't just spend hours writing all this). Hopefully everything continues to go well for us!