By Susie Smith
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Well, hello Pachamama! You're looking so fresh!

The game has taken some thrilling twists and turns in the past couple days: Aaron was blindsided, Frosti melted, Deshawn and Jean-Robert emerged as tribe Ambassadors, and Abraham and you won immunity. But the best news is that you've made it to the merge!

Let's dive into the questions.

1.       Are you planning to stick with some or all of your OG tribe? Who do you hope sticks around?

2.       Or, now that the tribes have merged, are you considering a change in allegiance? Are you concerned that delaying your decision could result in being betrayed first?

3.       What has the fallout been, good or bad, from the screenshot situation?

4.       Abraham and you won the aMazing Race challenge. What are your thoughts about that? Were you hoping to vote off Abraham?

5.       What do you want to tell your fans that we haven’t asked about yet?

We also have bonus questions from the lurkers!

Lurker Michael asks, “With the merge, how do you plan on using your new connections to your advantage?”

Aurora wants to know, “Do you think there will be a Pagonging?”

From John, “You will no longer be able to rely on tribal immunity, how do you plan to win the game?”

Susie Smith

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By Xander
Sorry y'all it's been a crazy day in Xander land. 
  1. I am totally planning on sticking with Abe. I'm on the fence about Evvie after the recent craziness. Sara seems to be sticking close. I entertained the idea of JR but he's a total hurricane of chaos. I really hope Abe sticks with me after the screenshot incident. 
  2. I am worried that I will be left out in the cold on Deshawn and Evvie. I will not really work with Jaime or Leslie. Jaime left an awful first impression. 
  3. At first I was really worried about the screenshot thing. I still am really. Every keeps trying to say it's fine but I don't buy it. Heather is throwing my name out like I knew she would. Fucking Judas Heather. 
  4. I would never vote off Abe. I envision this question being asked to everyone with my name instead of Abe 😂😂. If I didn't win Immunity last night I think I would have been voted out tonight. I keep telling Abe and Sara that I'm perfect goat material cause no one is gonna give me the win. At least that's what I want them to think. 
  5. That's a hard question! I would say that I may be down from this screenshot thing but I'm not out. I'm gonna fight tooth and nail to stay in. Otherwise ask me the weirdest questions you want. I love answering them. 
I'll record a video confessional tomorrow so ask me some good questions! 


  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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