-- 10th Place - Voted Out 8-1-1 --
By Susie Smith
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Ancha won the challenge, your tribe sent the lunch lady home, and you made it past the first week! Please share your thoughts with your fans.

1.    Did the right person go home tonight? Should someone else have been sent packing? What impact will it have on the dynamics of the game moving forward?

2.    The HetDensa challenge scrambled more than just letters and tested your teamwork. Did each of your tribe members contribute equally? Any major gaffes? How well did your tribe perform as a unit?

3.    Surviving week one in Stranded requires social finesse, strategic prowess, and strong competition skills. Which of these skills was your strongest this week? How did you wield it to protect your spot in the game? Which area is your weakest? What will you do to overcome it?

4.    In the wild world of Stranded, emotions can run high. How have your own emotions influenced your strategic moves in the game?

5.    Please share an update (visually or in words) on your alliance situation or lack thereof.

Several of you have been making some pretty fantastic confessional videos. If you haven’t already, we welcome you to record at least one (reasonably brief) video on YouTube, mark it as 'unlisted,' and share the link here as your confessional response. You can express your thoughts about the game, share insights from your personal life, and discuss your answers to these confessional questions.

Susie Smith

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By Erik
Tonight's gonna be a fun one if we lose :)

JR and I are turning on the other dudes and voting Frosti out. We're keeping Aaron around because we think he's more likely to come back to us in a merge situation after being blindsided. Frosti will blow everything up.

I feel better about going forward with the girls. They're very loyal numbers and it makes us look less united, meaning the other tribe are more likely to use us as numbers for them to get each other rather than picking us off if it's all guys that have voted together every vote.

Best case we win the challenge though.


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  • Posts: 66