-- 10th Place - Voted Out 8-1-1 --
Second week, congrats on surviving thus far! Things will only get more hectic as we get smaller in numbers to the end. We finally had our first Challenge and Tribal Council in one day... successfully (thanks Danny), and it definitely won't be the last time that happens. Buckle up.

  1. Since we are in the second week now, are you afraid of anything which may happen or pop up during it?
  2. What are some red flags to you in this game when talking to people? What is something that someone can do/say which starts to make you cautious of them?
  3. You've seen members of the other tribe online here and there, and you've now seen them in public a few times during the live challenges. Do you have any impressions or speculations on individuals or the overall dynamic of the opposing tribe?
  4. Code Breakers! It seems like Abraham beasted yet another win for Ancha, and all of Kallpa flopped again with another challenge. How do you feel about all these things in the long term, for merge? You intimidated, or feeling at ease?
  5. That was an interesting tribal council, the first time it was not a unanimous vote. Can you explain what happened (or what you think happened) and how you're feeling about the results?

Dean Kowalski

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1. It's always possible but I wouldn't be shocked if you all want to just watch us keep getting decimated 😂

2. It's hard to know because there's no body language to read. You've just got to figure out what the other person's best interests are and propose something that's in line with them. And then hope for the best.

3. They're cocky, as they should be. I'm sure there's a hierarchy, but it's hard to know what it is. I'm looking forward to the merge and trying to work my way into their dynamic.

4. It might be best for us to keep losing at this point. The less threatening we are at the merge, the better. Having said that, I could get voted out next.

5. Fuuuuuck well not sure what to make of that vote. On the one hand I was blindsided, but on the other I was protected by my new alliance and the person coming for me was voted out.

It's a net positive overall but I don't know why they think I wouldn't have voted Aaron with them. I'm trying to play it cool and chill but obviously I'm less trusting of JR and the girls now than I was before. 
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Erik wrote: Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:52:00 pm  I'm trying to play it cool and chill but obviously I'm less trusting of JR and the girls now than I was before. 
Hey Erik, big fan 😘

Can you let the viewers know where you rank each of your tribe mates in terms of trust? 

<3 Kisses

Danni Boatwright

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Hard to say, they're all equally sketchy to me at the moment! Everyone's acting all "yay we're such a tight four", and yes they did save me, but at the end of the day they all voted together and I was on my own.

Jaime is currently overcompensating by spewing word vomit at me about future scenarios. This is after Frosti called her a goat in his dramatic exit speech.

So if I have to rank them I'd say:

1. JR
2. Leslie
3. Jaime

But yeah they're all equal bottom at this point


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