By Jeff Probst
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Immunity Challenge #10 - Rack'em Up
Overview: There are three bricks - yellow, purple, and green. For easy access, they are now the first three emojis on the forum. In your confessional, you will build a tower. Starting with a post that has just an yellow brick, you will follow that with a post featuring the purple brick on top of the yellow brick, followed by a post with the green brick on top of the prior images, and continuing in that pattern throughout. The posts should look something like this: 
Post One:

Post Two:

Post Three:

Post Four:

The person with the highest tower at the end of the challenge will win immunity. However, there are a few wrinkles. 

First, you will only be able to build for thirty minutes starting from the time of your first post. Any posts or edits made after time expires will not count toward your total score.

Additionally, you may only post additions to the tower at the :X0 or :X5 second marks - should you post on any other second mark, a gust of wind will knock your tower down and you'll need to begin rebuilding. 

To be completely clear, missing a 00 or 05 second will not knock your tower down, only posts on an X1, X2, etc. timestamp will collapse the tower.

You can take as much time as you'd like between any two posts and can stop building short of the 30-minute mark if you're satisfied with your progress. If at any point you post the wrong image on top of the last, your tower will come crumbling down. If you do not catch this and begin rebuilding, your total will be counted as 0. Additionally, your score will likewise count as 0 if any image in your tower was added on an improper timestamp.  

  • This is an individual challenge, no helping
  • You only have 30 minutes after posting your first brick.
  • You must post the bricks in the correct order
  • You must post on a timestamp ending with 0 or 5

Deadline: 7c/8e on Sunday with Tribal Council to follow at 9:00c/10:00e.

Jeff Probst

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By Dean Kowalski
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Evvie wrote: Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:07:47 pm so we only get 30 min total to do this and try to stack as many as we can, even if our stack ends up falling within the 30?
Yes, when you do your first post for the challenge, your 30 minutes start. If your stack falls, you can build it back up again, but the timer will still be going from when your first post was.

Remember to double check the rules again before you begin your challenge everyone!

Dean Kowalski

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By Abraham
I just noticed Jeff's explanation is different from the picture example.
Starting with a post that has just an yellow brick, you will follow that with a post featuring the purple brick on top of the yellow brick, followed by a post with the green brick on top of the prior images, and continuing in that pattern throughout.


  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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By Abraham
So do we follow what Jeff said in his word explanation:


Or do we follow the picture example:



  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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By Susie Smith
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Jeff's instructions: "Starting with a post that has just an yellow brick, you will follow that with a post featuring the purple brick on top of the yellow brick, followed by a post with the green brick on top of the prior images, and continuing in that pattern throughout."

The image is an example and not an exact depiction of the pattern, "The posts should look something like this."
Xander, Abraham liked this

Susie Smith

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