-- 12th Place - Quit --
This is the first officialday of your journey in Stranded! You'll have the weekend to get to know your tribe better, I suggest bonding well with each other over the coming days. There were questions in the pre-season confessional, but let's give a couple more.

  1. The Tribe Leader is an intriguing position... what do you think it means? Would you want to be it or not? How do you feel of who gets it?
  2. People are chatting it up today, so give us the deets: who are you vibing with, who are you more mellow on, etc?
  3. Any plans for the weekend? Both in-game or out of it?
Trust me, when we say this game will get real intense and fast once the challenges begin to start after the weekend, we mean it. Good luck! And as always, feel free to type or speak whatever you want in here.

Dean Kowalski

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I just noticed this so I will answer the questions posted now:

1. At the start I really don't think the leader position means much, as we are all just trying to feel everything out. Later on though I think it would mean he gets final decisions in team splits, team transfers, or other opinion based decisions like that. possibly

2. I am vibing with Aaron, Erik, and JR. But i really enjoy talking to Lesli. Jamie is also really fun. Denise and I chat a little but I feel we dont communicate well together as our conversations always just stop abruptly. nothing against her though

3. nope, storms and hail all weekend
Loveita Adams liked this


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Great effort on the Puzzling challenge tonight. Please share your thoughts about the challenge and tomorrow’s vote with your avid lurkers.

1.            How did the challenge planning talks go down tonight, any surprises there?

2.            How do you feel about your own challenge performance?

3.            Who is being talked about for a potential vote tomorrow night?

4.            As you’ve been getting to know your fellow tribe members, are any working relationships forming?

Susie Smith

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