By Jeff Probst
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Immunity Challenge #4 - Deadly Sins
Overview: There are seven deadly sins : Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, Sloth

Earlier today, your leaders have each assigned seven of these deadly sins to players on your tribe. 

The leaders may not disclose their answers to their team members, or you will all be disqualified. Your challenge is to figure out who the leaders have assigned to each sin.

So here is how the challenge works. You will strategize with the rest of your tribemates (obviously not with the leaders). We will begin asking who the tribe thinks is assigned to which sin one at a time.

We will post the sin and an explanation of that sin that was given to the leaders. You then have one minute to respond with the person you think the leaders assigned to the sin.

If you guess incorrectly, you must continue guessing in the 2nd round. However, if you correctly match the person to the sin, then you may move on to the next sin. The two tribes that finish matching their tribemates to all of the seven sins FIRST win. That means in the least amount of rounds. A new round begins after each answer is given.
• Only 1 guess per round. If more than 1 person makes guesses in that single round, only the first answer is accepted.
• No sharing of information between the tribe and the leaders.
• You only have exactly 1 minute to post your answer so you should be prepared before I ask.
• If you do not make it within the minute on the dot, it will not count and will not be specified whether or not you have guessed correctly.
Required Number of Players Per-Tribe: 2+

Jeff Probst

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Anger - This is the tribemate who has the lowest temper of anyone on the tribe. They are often volatile, and rarely judge situations fairly.
Envy - This is the tribemate who is the most jealous of other tribemates. They typically have low self esteem and long for the qualities of other tribemates.
Greed - This tribemate has no desire to look out for other's interests. They are the most selfish. They are likely to want the most alliances, yet value them the least.
Gluttony - This castmate is most likely the heaviest outside of the game. They can never eat enough food. They horde the food.
Pride - This tribemate thinks extremely highly of themselves. They believe they are smarter than everyone else on the tribe. They desire to be the best at everything
Lust - This is the tribemate that is most easily seduced by other tribemates. They are more gullible and easily manipulated.
Sloth - This is the laziest of all tribemates. Rarely making appearances unless prompted, they do not go out of their way to help the tribe.

Jeff Probst

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Ancha, who was the angriest. Kallpa, who was the most Envious.

Ancha - 
Kallpa - Anger (Aaron)

Anger - This is the tribemate who has the lowest temper of anyone on the tribe. They are often volatile, and rarely judge situations fairly.
Envy - This is the tribemate who is the most jealous of other tribemates. They typically have low self esteem and long for the qualities of other tribemates.
Greed - This tribemate has no desire to look out for other's interests. They are the most selfish. They are likely to want the most alliances, yet value them the least.
Gluttony - This castmate is most likely the heaviest outside of the game. They can never eat enough food. They horde the food.
Pride - This tribemate thinks extremely highly of themselves. They believe they are smarter than everyone else on the tribe. They desire to be the best at everything
Lust - This is the tribemate that is most easily seduced by other tribemates. They are more gullible and easily manipulated.
Sloth - This is the laziest of all tribemates. Rarely making appearances unless prompted, they do not go out of their way to help the tribe.

Jeff Probst

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Ancha, who was the angriest. Kallpa, who was the most Envious. Ancha will be solving for Anger still, while Kallpa will move on to Greed.

Next Question at 8:19:00.

Ancha - 
Kallpa - Anger (Aaron), Envy (Leslie)

Anger - This is the tribemate who has the lowest temper of anyone on the tribe. They are often volatile, and rarely judge situations fairly.
Envy - This is the tribemate who is the most jealous of other tribemates. They typically have low self esteem and long for the qualities of other tribemates.
Greed - This tribemate has no desire to look out for other's interests. They are the most selfish. They are likely to want the most alliances, yet value them the least.
Gluttony - This castmate is most likely the heaviest outside of the game. They can never eat enough food. They horde the food.
Pride - This tribemate thinks extremely highly of themselves. They believe they are smarter than everyone else on the tribe. They desire to be the best at everything
Lust - This is the tribemate that is most easily seduced by other tribemates. They are more gullible and easily manipulated.
Sloth - This is the laziest of all tribemates. Rarely making appearances unless prompted, they do not go out of their way to help the tribe.

Jeff Probst

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