-- 8th Place - Voted Out 7-1 --
Interesting final result to the challenge, no? Anyway... we are at Final Fourteen! Things are cooking up now. Have fun with another challenge tomorrow!

  1. Ancha, you decided to take the advantage for next immunity challenge and give Kallpa the night off by booting Danny off. Do you agree or not with this? Think you got favour from the Incan Gods?
  2. That deadly sins challenge. How do you feel about who got assigned which sin, especially the one you got? Accurate or not? Tell us who you think each sin is truly represented by.
  3. Who are your current targets? Do you think your targets match those of who the overall tribe might target soon?
  4. How important are things like idols and advantages to you in a game like this? Have you currently searched for any yourself?
  5. Let's see some trust rankings, a tier list of your tribe so far. Where would you rank everyone at currently from top to bottom?

Dean Kowalski

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Abraham thinks we took the easy route by getting rid of Danny. I agree with him in that the team wanted immediate satisfaction with the advantage that would be provided in the next round but, personally, I didn't care either way. 

Deshawn assigned the sins in Alphabetical order. I believe I was gluttony. I don't believe any of the seven deadly sins concretely fit any of us other than our sacrifice, Danny, who is very clearly sloth. 

Sara is my current target and from the conversations I've had she appears to be the team target. Apparently, the guys think she's too 'intense' further proving to me that I was right to downplay elements of my own personality with how I communicate with them.I'm still nervous that I may be a target as I'm not proving to be much of an asset in challenges which is why it is important for me to maintain good relationships with my team members. 

I'm hoping that after Sara's gone, I can pin the target on Xander. He's a nice guy and I really like him as a person but it's either him or me. Hopefully, it won't come down to that as the other team is doing horrible in the challenges. Seriously, I'm not sure if we're just that good or if they're just that bad. I think they're just that bad. Tragic. 

I've been doing some minor snooping around for a hidden immunity idol but I'm not entirely sure where to start or look. It's not super important to my game especially since I'm in that Big Brother/Isolated mindset of just floating my way through but it wouldn't hurt to have it especially since I know Abraham is looking for it and may have already stumbled across it.  

Trust Ranking:
- Evvie 
- Abraham (I think I'm high on his trust list which I really shouldn't be since I'm kinda sorta plotting his downfall but, regardless, he's someone I think I can trust for now)
- Xander
- Shan (I really like Shan but I don't communicate with her as often as I'd like
- Deshawn 
- A 1987 Malibu Chevy
- The Gods


- Xander's puppy
- Abraham's wife 

- Danny
- The evil lady that lives in the apartment below me 

- A random man in a trench coat

- Trump, with nuclear launch codes 

- Sara

Yup, a pretty accurate list of my trust ranking
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