By Danni Boatwright
The podcast that I did was me talking about the art of manifestation and using candles in order to manifest your dreams and get your energy settled. I did it as a guest spot, but I have my own podcast that I haven't recorded for all fucking year. I need to do better with that.
Do we think Evvie is like, one of those people who truly believes in the power of manifestation? I'm not talking like kaitlyn herman, I mean full on *believes in the secret* kind of manifestation?

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By Danni Boatwright
Hey Sara! Thanks for calling out that rule break to Xander immediately, that was pretty awesome.
Susie pls don't support being a narc (even though she didn't narc and someone was just reading her arrowchat but my point remains!!!!!!)

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By Danni Boatwright
I promise that I will respond to these questions tomorrow, but for now, I am going to celebrate the epic move I orchestrated tonight. Everything went to perfection, I got out my target, got Erik to vote Frosti so the two of them don't come together against me, and Frosti didn't even show up, so he'll be grateful that I even decided to keep him in the game. Going to have to buckle in and consider longevity moving forward, but for now I'm just so proud of myself for leading the charge on the first major blindside of the season. My intuition was correct that I had utter command of my tribe and I will use this momentum regardless of whatever twists are thrown at me. Good night, everyone. 😈
Just saving this one for posterity. When JR realizes Leslie and Jamie bamboozled him, I want to revisit this moment.
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By Danni Boatwright
 We just need to try to separate ourselves from JR because he is imploding. Idk why she decided to go to JR and tell him he needed to fix bonds with Kallpa. That shows me that she has more loyalty towards JR. Because otherwise why would she say that I am trying to distance myself. UGH. Distancing does not equal voting someone out. That was probably the most frustrating conversation I have ever had other than talking with JR who said well Im going down swinging, like okay, but can you not be stupid please? This is not "creating a divide" it is making you the target, and we need to lay low and have them decide to take shots at each other. UGH.

Lol I'm loving the yellow tribe mess. I completely get what Leslie is saying about wanting to find cracks and distance herself from yellow to try to become a useful number for OG Green, but at the same time i really think it is in the best interest for everyone on yellow to preserve their numbers as best they can. It's a tricky spot but the last thing I would want in this situation would be to embolden the Ancha majority to stick together. Rather than infighting, JR/Leslie/Jamie/Erik SHOULD be working together to form cracks if they can't outright find them.

anyways leslie is gonna be the last yellow standing whether she wins or loses. that's how i see it playing out at least.

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By Danni Boatwright
Y'all it's 6am and I've been tossing and turning about this vote since 4:30 lol.  I just can't decide what the right path for me is.  Sticking with Ancha and pagonging Kallpa is boring af, plus then what?  If we pull it off and get down to 7, then what happens to me?
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By Danni Boatwright
Heather started flipping out and saying she was going to 'Xander' herself (lmao, the fact this is a verb now is incredible) to prove her innocence. We had to basically beg her not to as she would make the vote even closer. 
LMFAO I love when a season starts to develop their own lore. Whoever reads arrowchat religiously should keep an eye out for any Xandering 

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By Danni Boatwright
1. Since Loser JR blew up my game, I have no choice but to stick with the OG tribe.
Wish i had seen this side of Heather before i submitted my fan favorite rankings lol. her little feuds are so entertaining to me

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By Danni Boatwright
Heather - 8 of Swords - spends her time putting herself in cages that she can free herself from, a lot of the time the issues that she's run into are situations that she's accidentally created or something another person has put on her and by the time she realizes that, she's back to regular Heather that I know and love
Sara - 5 of Wands - miss dick swinging contest 2023

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By Danni Boatwright

lmfao LISTEN. She's playing from behind and I get it! I hear she was an alternate so she's making the most of this experience, I'm not mad at her! But of course she can't just sit here and be quiet with it, she has to be aggressive and it's like girl, no one is going as ham as you...pump your brakes!
What's so funny about this to me is that I would rather have a cast full of Sara's playing hard and swinging their dicks around. More potential for chaos and drama because a player like Sara will always have strong opinions and is blunt enough to tell you you're being stupid. What's boring to me is players like Evvie who just let the dick swingers dictate (pun intended) who goes home because they don't want to rock the boat.

also speaking as a former alternate, this kind of slander will NOT be tolerated!!!!!!
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By Danni Boatwright
I am playing an awesome game. If I lose its because these Ancha heads are sissies. I'm going to play it until the buzzer. Invite me back for all-stars or something if I'm booted next.

LMFAO THE CONFIDENCE. This is why i regret not rating him #1 on my fan favorite poll. definitely moving up next round.
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By Danni Boatwright
  • This is my first season of something like this, besides Tengaged when I was a kid that moved at a lot faster of a pace.
JR being a tengaged kid is the least surprising thing I've learned this season LMAO

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By Danni Boatwright
Day 19 - Morning

WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU GUYS!? I know fucking eeeeeeverything that goes on in this game. Shan just admitted to me that she was the Xander vote. 
Remember last night when he was going in on Leslie and JR calling them liars because he accused them both of being the Xander vote?!?!?! Just me???? Guess he fucking told us he has no short term memory.

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By Danni Boatwright
Abraham wrote: Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:09:10 pm Image
It's becoming clear to me that Abe has absolutely no idea what Leslie is up to in this game. He has absolutely no idea about her relationship with Shan as far as he's told us, and just assumes she was close with Erik and JR based on OG tribes because apparently that's all his BIG BRAIN TM can think of.

god i really hope someone blindsides him good, but every single Ancha seems to think he's their bestie so i dont think its gonna happen :(
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By Danni Boatwright
Xander: how do you tihnk we are gonna fair?Jul 3, 2023 2:52 am
Evvie: i don't think we have that much of a shot against him lmaoJul 3, 2023 2:52 am
Xander: I agreeJul 3, 2023 2:54 am
Xander: but its all about the journey hahahJul 3, 2023 2:54 am
Xander: im gonna eat dinner be back soonJul 3, 2023 2:54 am
Evvie: ok lovelyJul 3, 2023 2:56 am
Xander: But I'd rather lose to Abe or you than Leslie and JR
posting these arrowchats in here because honestly Evvie and Xander are the absolute worst kind of players in ORGs. the ones who can see their loss coming from a mile away and don't give a fuck. fucking cowards. if they let Abe coast to the finale without ever attempting to make a move all season, i will spend the rest of my days as a stranded host making sure they don't get asked back for a returnee season, even if it's Flopstars.

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