By Danni Boatwright
Immunity Challenge #6 - NUMB3R5


Overview: Please sign in after this post, we will go in order of arrival.
All participants will be assigned a different random number. You will then take turns attempting to guess each others' numbers in rounds. If your number is correctly guessed, you are out of the challenge. Each round, you will select one of your competitors and attempt to guess their number. If you guess correctly, they are out and you will get to guess at someone else’s number. If incorrect, it is then the next person in the order’s turn to guess at someone’s number.

Here’s the catch: You cannot guess your own number under the penalty of elimination. That means, anytime someone incorrectly guesses your number, they are narrowing down the list of numbers you are NOT. Likewise, by guessing this number, you can deduce that they are also not this number. Thus also narrowing down the list of numbers that aren’t theirs.

You should be prepared to guess ahead of time. I will either confirm or deny whether someone has guessed correctly. The next person will then have exactly 1 minute and 30 seconds to make their guess.

Finally, there will be one more number than there are players. This dummy number will be assigned to no one.

The last person standing wins.

• You are not allowed to disclose your number to anyone
• You can not guess your own number in an attempt to throw anyone off
• You have 1 minute and 30 seconds to guess after I confirm/deny the person before your guess.
• This time limit is suspended if you guess correctly since you did not have time to prepare for your next guess.

Order: Shonee Fairfax (#2), Danni Boatwright (#4), Kimmi Kappenberg (#1)

Shonee: Danni , are you #1?
Jeff Probst: Danni is not #1. Danni, you’re up.
Danni : Kimmi, are you #1?
Kimmi: Nope! :P
Jeff Probst: Kimmi is in fact #1. Danni, please make another guess.
Danni : Shonee, are you #3?
Jeff Probst: Shonee is not #3. Shonee, you’re up.
Shonee: Danni, are you #4?
Jeff Probst: Danni is #4, Shonee wins Immunity!!
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Danni Boatwright

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