Episode 08: The Quartering of the Andean Condor
A hunting technique where a bird flies slowly just above the water or ground in open habitats. It appears that birds wishing to take advantage of quartering flight fly at low elevations, particularly over the water, where air pulsations are caused by wave motion of the water. As shown by airplane experience, the air becomes quieter with increasing elevation.
Late-Ass Question (Day 15)
Were there any surprises on who guessed who in the Numbers challenge?
Not really, pretty standard. I think the whole intention of the challenge was to see where each person stood in the game, but Sara did a good job of masking that by getting me out first after all the Kallpa. It allowed for people to see that Sara and I aren't actually close. I was pretty happy with how it ended. I answered this a long time ago, the hell is it doing here now dawg?
Day 18 - Post-Tribal
Okay so we were able to get 8 votes on Erik and he went home without issue. BUT, the votes don't line up based on what taglines we were told by everyone. Deshawn received the taglines for JR and Leslie, who apparently voted with us. I heard taglines from Deshawn, Evvie, Xander, Heather, and of course I know my own.
So far, this is what I was able to gather:
- Sorry dude, wish we had a better chance to talk more. - Abe
- You’re a threat to me, therefore, you have to go. - Evvie
- You’ve all sucked the life out of this game. Aren’t we here to play for fun? - Erik
- I am so sorry, it looks like this is the only way I can stay. - Leslie
- Ugh this feels wrong, but it was either me or you pal - JR
- You’re a nice guy, it’s nothing personal. Take care, mate! - Deshawn
- Nothing personal mate. - Sara
- …No hard feelings. - Heather
- No comment - Xander
So does this mean Shan voted for Xander? Are we being messed with in some way? Xander also received a message from Leslie right before the vote saying she would vote for Heather and that Erik would vote for Xander. So is that the truth? But if so, how did Leslie and JR BOTH know what someone else's Erik vote taglines would be before tribal? Is Deshawn messing with us. GOD WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAVE TO HAPPEN.
Anyway, questions!
Why did you vote the way you did tonight? How does that tie in to your overall strategy to win?
It was just another Kallpa vote to get us to the end. Evvie wanted Erik gone over JR and she had been feeling down about her game lately. I didn't want Evvie flipping to another side that didn't involve me, so I made this that this vote was orchestrated correctly. I had Shan think this plan was good and that way I could go sell the vote as her idea. Shan told Evvie about the vote and then I told Deshawn about it. Deshawn told JR who told Leslie, and Deshawn also told Heather who confirmed with me. I told Sara the vote had changed to Erik as well and so she was already stuck pre-voting and threw it in early. Xander knew the vote from when we first talked about it during the spiral stoners meeting last week. You'll get a better write-up on this from my previous round confessionals.
Anyway, this vote just continues to fit in our long plan to get the Spiral Stoner crew to the F3. I'm hoping that next vote we can now go for Shan if she continues to mention Xander's name instead of Sara. I think keeping her in this game any longer is going to be a lot of trouble for us.
Many of you have made some close bonds. With whom do you enjoy solving Stranded mysteries the most? What mysteries have you solved together in the game so far? Are your fellow mystery-solving players also the ones you have the highest level of trust in?
I think I have a pretty good relationship with a variety of people that can help me with solving mysteries.
Xander I bounce a lot of ideas off of the most. He's been my sounding board since Day 1 basically and I could leave him 100 messages and he'd have answers for me when he gets back online. I think without him, I would have lost my mind by now. He's been helping me mastermind the Sara alliance and manage my worries with Evvie. He's been a good fake enemy for the people who aren't as close to him (Shan, Leslie, JR). Just all around a great guy and I'd probably be screwed in this game without him.
Deshawn is another great person to work with. I think he believes we're solid to the end, so he provides a lot of information and is great to bounce ideas off of. He can be a little guarded at times and doesn't give me the honest truth right away, but I think he's pretty solid regardless. He also does a great job at giving alternative ideas or plans when I'm not sure if I'm on the right track. I don't really like how he's been defending Shan lately however, and I think his relationships with Kallpa are a little too jury-management heavy. Like it's obvious he's trying to get votes from every area. He'll never go to the end with me, unless I want to lose to Mr. Nice Guy That Everyone Loves and is Happy Sunshine and Rainbows 24/7.
Evvie is great to reason with. She's very smart and has been loyal up until now. I've had my qualms about the way she messages but after our discussion tonight (see previous round last confessional I wrote) I think I've had Evvie pegged completely wrong. She's been trying her best to keep up with me on the game front and it might be hard to match my energy, so maybe I'm seeing things that aren't there sometimes. She helped orchestrate this last vote. She was there for basically every plan we've had. I just need to keep her reassured and I can continue to figure things out in this game with her.
Shan has been figuring out stuff with me for a long time now. I see her as my number 1 threat to win at this point in the game, and it's because of how smart she is. She's been figuring out vote ideas, flips, tribal council analysis, figuring out alliances - you name it, we've tried to solve it together. I think keeping her around any longer than we have though is a huge problem and I need to see her gone sooner rather than later. The way people continue to want her safe is starting to freak me out and I really need to pull all my closest allies together to get her out of here. I think this will be a true test of the relationships I've made at this point in the game.
What’s your best move next round? How likely do you think your chances are of getting to make that move?
Definitely getting Shan out. There's a plan for Sara to go next by a blindside. Shan is trying to orchestrate this vote by joining with the 2 remaining Kallpa. I'm really hoping Sara wins immunity just so she targets Xander specifically. Even if Sara doesn't win immunity, I'm going to see if I can spin it so people think Shan is going to vote Xander. Whatever gets her out of the game. So if we're talking chances right now, I'd say 40% Shan goes, 60% Sara goes.
If this is your first season, tell us how it’s going for you. What have been your biggest surprises about the player you turned out to be? If this isn’t your first season, tell us about your first game. What sort of player were you then? How does that compare to now?
My first season, I was playing the ol' Russell Hantz game of backstabbing everyone without thinking about the people still in this game. We're talking decades ago however, so of course I've definitely changed my play-style. I'm hoping that now my game revolves around making genuine relationships and everyone thinking I'm their secret number one person in this game. I think I've done a good job to set myself up for the long-haul and that there's no area of the game right now where I wouldn't hear about my name coming up. I mentioned in my pre-game confessional and in my application interview that I really respect and admire the game of Sarah Lacina. I'm going to continue to work towards that level of gameplay. She was right on every single vote, she was everyone's number one ally, and no one ever wanted her out. I want this to be me. I get chills just thinking of how amazing it would be to play a game like this, and I hope that I'm doing my best to get to that level.
John asks, “How do you think the jury will respect your game if you continue on your current path?”
There is no 'current path'. No one can see the path I'm taking to the end and no one can predict how I get there. I can't even do it myself. But I hope at the end I'm able to explain it all and reason with players that love this game as much as I do. I think the quote from this episode title is the words of someone on the outside looking in. There's no way they're going to feel like quitting the jury or not voting for me once they see the bigger picture of it all. There was no predetermine route, or an easy Pagonging. There was just me, the game, and the way I maneuvered around it. Sure, jurors are going to be salty as they head off to the jury. However, a group of three will make it to the end, and they'll have no choice but to respect one of those people by giving them the win. I hope with the amount of effort and determination I've put into this game, that person will be me.
Mike wants to know, “Who on the cast would you like to call a fat cunt?”
I respect everyone in the game, regardless of how gross they are, so I don't really need to say this to anyone. However...
Mike, you're a giant fat cunt for this question.