By Dean Kowalski
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The past 24 hours, wow! And what a close vote that was, but Sara ultimately left. Let's just get into it and give ya a quick set of questions:

  1. The In Crowd is always a fun challenge... for us lurkers, anyway. It can show how some people on this tribe are truly perceived. Were there any shocking revelations or any predictable results when you saw the list, or when seeing anyone's answer for a particular question?
  2. After the challenge, it seemed like things got pretty spicy in the IMs for everyone. Can you recap it and tell us what went down and how you felt about it?
  3. Do you think trust is starting to change in anyone? Any allies becoming enemies, any enemies becoming allies? Or are things the same as it was days ago?
  4. Finally, how are you feeling after tribal council? Who did you vote for and why? Any regrets? Love or hate the whispering? Leave no detail behind!

Dean Kowalski

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By Xander
Everyone lies thru their teeth about " voting for you" for something in the last challenge. Leslie and JR told me they voted me for all stars and be stuck on and island with. How socially inept do they think I am. They obviously didn't. 


  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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By Xander
Dean Kowalski" wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:20:52 pm Ugh having to click "Watch on YouTube" cuz its age restricted 😔

Great to see you with the vid confessional though, finally! I was thinking we were going to get a full confessional from Danny again before you uploaded a video confesh
Thanks for the heads up. I removed the the restriction. 

Lol Danny showed up long enough to make a video? Damn. I do suck. 


  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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By Dean Kowalski
Group Posts Group Group Group
Xander wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:23:28 pm
Dean Kowalski" wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:20:52 pm Ugh having to click "Watch on YouTube" cuz its age restricted 😔

Great to see you with the vid confessional though, finally! I was thinking we were going to get a full confessional from Danny again before you uploaded a video confesh
Thanks for the heads up. I removed the the restriction. 

Lol Danny showed up long enough to make a video? Damn. I do suck. 
Hooray for unlisted *dabs*

Nah he didn't come and do a video, but that would be the biggest twist this season would ever see
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Dean Kowalski

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