Sara wrote: ↑Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:40:29 pm
Jaime wrote: ↑Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:35:42 pm
I was always under the impression Abe evvie and Deshawn are a trio Abe seems to be more connected to everyone than I thought and I feel you definitely put him on the spot tonight and blew his shit up (which I LIVED FOR)
Dude because he fucking blew up my spot HARD last night, JR was coming to me pitching an Abe/Deshawn blindside, and I, thinking I could trust Abe enough to tell him and not have him go running back to JR and tattle on me. Especially because he has been expressing how much he dislikes JR, doesn't want to work with him, etc. So I tell him and tell him not to fuck me over and tell JR. This is also after he had asked me not to share with anyone that I was the potential target tonight and I had respected that. (hindsight 20/20 I shoulda just gone and blown up his spot to Deshawn/Evvie but alas I am a loyal fool) So I honestly probably could have blown it up even harder and potentially saved myself in the process.
But then he INSTANTLY goes and tells JR (I mean instantly) and JR writes back like well now I know you told Abe, how can I trust you etc. And Abe basically says "it was an emotional play, blah, blah, blah" And then he just instantly pitches Leslie to weaken JR and im like huh? So it was right then and there I knew I was wiring his name down the following night deep in my heart of hearts.