-- 8th Place - Voted Out 7-1 --
By Dean Kowalski
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The past 24 hours, wow! And what a close vote that was, but Sara ultimately left. Let's just get into it and give ya a quick set of questions:

  1. The In Crowd is always a fun challenge... for us lurkers, anyway. It can show how some people on this tribe are truly perceived. Were there any shocking revelations or any predictable results when you saw the list, or when seeing anyone's answer for a particular question?
  2. After the challenge, it seemed like things got pretty spicy in the IMs for everyone. Can you recap it and tell us what went down and how you felt about it?
  3. Do you think trust is starting to change in anyone? Any allies becoming enemies, any enemies becoming allies? Or are things the same as it was days ago?
  4. Finally, how are you feeling after tribal council? Who did you vote for and why? Any regrets? Love or hate the whispering? Leave no detail behind!

Dean Kowalski

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By Mike H

This one's just for you. 

I was really tickled by you calling JR a ragamuffin earlier tonight. Could you please call all your remaining tribe mates unique insults in here for the entertainment of all the lurkers? Thanks and god bless.

The Otter

Mike H

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By Heather
Dean Kowalski" wrote: Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:24:24 pm The past 24 hours, wow! And what a close vote that was, but Sara ultimately left. Let's just get into it and give ya a quick set of questions:

  1. The In Crowd is always a fun challenge... for us lurkers, anyway. It can show how some people on this tribe are truly perceived. Were there any shocking revelations or any predictable results when you saw the list, or when seeing anyone's answer for a particular question?
  2. After the challenge, it seemed like things got pretty spicy in the IMs for everyone. Can you recap it and tell us what went down and how you felt about it?
  3. Do you think trust is starting to change in anyone? Any allies becoming enemies, any enemies becoming allies? Or are things the same as it was days ago?
  4. Finally, how are you feeling after tribal council? Who did you vote for and why? Any regrets? Love or hate the whispering? Leave no detail behind!
The In Crowd showed me where I stood in the game and put a lot of things into perspective. I'm tired of being a goat, a sheep, a cow, a Derek F, or whatever other barnyard animal lingo y'all can come up with or are calling me. I'm tired of going with what is best for other people's games. I understand that I may be fighting a losing battle but I'm tired of being viewed as a waste of a vote. That game showed me that I need to step it up and start playing the game instead of letting it play me. 

I don't remember exactly what went down in the IM's, I just know I was being included in a lot more conversations than I had been since my blow-up with Junior. The most interesting bit of information is what Abraham said to me in regards to Xavier and Shan which solidified to me that I can't trust him and that he can turn on you once it's convenient. He's the most trusted. He's everybody's best friend which means he's nobody's friend. Getting him out makes the most sense.

First of all, me and Junior are not allies. Our interests are aligned for the moment. Abe and Deshawn are threats. Period Point Blank. I can just sit back and idly watch while I have this information especially when an opportunity presents itself. Did Abe have my back during the JR debacle? 100%. However, it doesn't change the fact that he's everyone's biggest competition. Why would I sit around and hand the game over to him like everyone else is content with doing? I hope that those three votes against him pulled back the wool for everybody and that his alliance makes a play against him soon. Specifically, I'm talking about Xander. 

So I've been voted out and this is all my thoughts after. I'll give them nicknames then: 
Xander aka Mr. Irrelavant, seriously, there's a reason Jeff never has anything to ask him. 
I don't know if Xander realizes he's the odd man out of that alliance. I think they'll take Leslie to final four over him if he doesn't pull out a win soon.

Shan, Angel Baby, 
Shan, girl, I'm pulling for you but it's looking bad. She needs to talk to people and start rallying the troops. She's a threat to the power structure with her comp wins. She really messed up by not taking the shot at Abe when she had the chance.

Evvie, The Gank, 
It's funny that I was considered the goat but I'm pretty sure it's her. Next to Deshawn and Abe, her allies, she's not going to win and I'm certainly not going to vote for her. 

Leslie...what do you want me to say? Do y'all even care?

Abe, Baldie 
I've never seen someone so well isolated stress out so much. Seriously, there's no way this man has hair.

Deshawn, Future Winner
I have nothing bad to say and I respect the game. I hope he wins and he def has my vote.

While I regret nothing, I do wish I could have pulled it through for the people rooting for me. However, I'm done kissing ass and going along with the status quo. Besides, I think I was ten times more entertaining than whoever the eventual winner will be. 
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