By Abraham
  1. Who is the biggest finale goat? Heather
  2. Who is the biggest challenge threat? Shan
  3. Who is the most likely to win the game? Deshawn
  4. Who is the most likely to return for an All-star Season? JR
  5. Who would you trust with your life? Deshawn
  6. Who do you hope to never interact with again after the game? JR
  7. Who is most likely to stab you in the back? Sara
  8. Who mistakenly thinks they are in control? Sara
  9. Who is the most likely to be voted out next? Heather
  10. Who would you most like to be stuck on an island with? Xander
  11. Who is too irrelevant even to be answered for a question? Leslie


  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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