-- 11th Place - Voted Out 5-4-1 --
By Susie Smith
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Well, hello Pachamama! You're looking so fresh!

The game has taken some thrilling twists and turns in the past couple days: Aaron was blindsided, Frosti melted, Deshawn and Jean-Robert emerged as tribe Ambassadors, and Abraham and Xander won immunity. But the best news is that you've made it to the merge!

Let's dive into the questions.

1.       Are you planning to stick with some or all of your OG tribe? Who do you hope sticks around?

2.       Or, now that the tribes have merged, are you considering a change in allegiance? Are you concerned that delaying your decision could result in being betrayed first?

3.       What is your perspective on the Xander screenshot situation? Has it influenced your inclination to align yourself with him, either positively or negatively?

4.       Abraham and Xander won the aMazing Race challenge. What are your thoughts about that? Were you hoping to vote either of them off?

5.       What do you want to tell your fans that we haven’t asked about yet?

We also have bonus questions from the lurkers!

Lurker Michael asks, “With the merge, how do you plan on using your new connections to your advantage?”

Aurora wants to know, “Do you think there will be a Pagonging?”

From John, “You will no longer be able to rely on tribal immunity, how do you plan to win the game?”

Susie Smith

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By Jaime
This is probably my most depressing video yet im feeling really run down and defeated. I know i cant roll over and die but its so hard to keep playing when no one will talk to you. And if i didnt make it clear in my video i do believe pagonging is going to take place. I just hope im not the first one to go

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Jaime wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 1:16:34 pm This is probably my most depressing video yet im feeling really run down and defeated. I know i cant roll over and die but its so hard to keep playing when no one will talk to you. And if i didnt make it clear in my video i do believe pagonging is going to take place. I just hope im not the first one to go

Keep your head up babe! You've got this!
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Danni Boatwright

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By Jaime
Well the game is over for me. But now I get to start a new journey on the jury. Cant wait to see who joins me next. Its been an emotinoal rollercoaster for sure. Being on Kallpa was rough. Ancha doesnt know how to play this game. They are poor unfortunate souls. I hope they figure out how to play this game soon or else we are in for a boring season.

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Video confessional queen! I apologize, I missed your exit TC and felt weird posting late, but I do want to let you know how much I appreciated your game and especially your continued commentary here and in the jury. Your reads are spot on and you are definitely missed in the game. Thanks again for sharing your perspective with us!
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Tyler Frederickson

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By Jaime
I love how everyone is saying they wish they had saved me from getting voted out and they wish things were different it warms my heart to see so many people wish they had worked with me

i begged for that by the way and was shot down in the moment 😂 so this is also partially infuriating but I am so content with my game play I was so bitter for a long time being in 11th place I felt I did better than that and deserved better than that but seeing the connections I’ve made and how much people actually like me is better than playing a game like Evvie Abe or Xander sometimes getting to the end isn’t the only thing that matters 

I will say I was trying to work with Deshawn Evvie and Abe HARD I pushed hard for that and now I get why that didn’t work they were sitting pretty why ruin that so early on for me it was their first tribal so it all makes sense but I really think under different circumstances I would have KILLED IT 

so to sum it up I killed it and I’m super proud of myself even tho I did only come in 11th place 🤷🏻‍♀️❤️


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By Jaime
Danni Boatwright" wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:04:10 pm just teasing. you were a joy this season and have really been a killer mayor of ponderosa
All good my head definitely grew a size bigger after hearing what everyone had to say about my exit and their regrets 

I am loving ponderosa I was made for this part of the game I love talking and expressing my feelings toward people good or bad I just speak from my soul 

I’m extremely upset with how Abe Xander and Evvie have made people feel and treated people you can blindside someone and still be respectful and kind to a degree it’s a game I get that but these three have been total dicks in the most unjustified way  

the only thing they have done that has impressed me is how they kept their alliance tight and pretty lowkey till the end no many people realized how close they were with Xander and no one thought Deshawn was on the outs   the thing that makes me the most mad is none of them had to fight to be where they are they just sat back and chilled they had the numbers from the jump they didn’t do anything productive if they had actually made moves and worked to be where they are I wouldn’t mind the villain story but I pray they prove me wrong in tribal council

 because I do love a GOOD villain story but they have a shitty villain story from my point of view . So let’s hope They  have some good shit to say at the last tribal because if Leslie isn’t there and they can’t convince me they will have to watch me burn my parchment 🔥 📜 


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