By Heather
Shan wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:23:04 pm
Sara wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:11:37 pm
Sara wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:03:41 pm
That was within the first few days of the game, I can check exactly when cause I made mention of it in my confessionals. 
Episode 3

Update: Evvie burned my gay Kings Xander and Abe, they had a heart to heart about being LGBT and she just took all that info and fed it back to Heather and Shan, proving there is no line she won't cross to get ahead in the game. That is not someone I can let get to merge/swap. So Evvie, you gotta go!

During this interaction is when Abe had the conversation with me about potentially leaving because it was all too much with him etc. etc.

Ignore the fact my strategy blew up in my face hahaha 
This is untrue. Evvie told me NOTHING personal about Abe, I can’t remember exactly what it was but it was game related only, which made him flip out about how Evvie was the only one outside his family who knew he was LGBTQ or something and how hurt he was that he couldn’t trust Evvie. I remember I said “is this your first org?” because it seemed like such an amateur freak out lol. Rounds later I found out the hard way that everyone viewing the game can read ALL one on one convos, so I immediately asked Abe if he knew that due to his panic with Evvie knowing things his family didn’t. And he said he did know that, so the whole situation was even more confusing after that. 
He’s clearly a fucking looney tune. Everything I knew about Abraham’s personal life was information he choose to share with me. Nothing from a second hand source. Even if, it’s clear this is just another one of his lowly tactics. He’s such a scumbag 


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By Shan
So my understanding is that Abe was telling me that Evvie had so deeply betrayed him by telling me something game related, because he told them super personal things that his family didn’t even know, meanwhile he’s telling other people that Evvie had told me about being LGBTQ, which is an out and out lie? Yeah I’m done with Abe. That’s crossing a line for me. 
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By Deshawn
Am I the only one who feels like he's going to actually bow out and hand the win to Xander? Once he reads all our questions and realize the general mood/opinion going around, along with the fact that he's on a trip, I feel like he might just give up.


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By Jaime
Deshawn wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:36:48 pm Am I the only one who feels like he's going to actually bow out and hand the win to Xander? Once he reads all our questions and realize the general mood/opinion going around, along with the fact that he's on a trip, I feel like he might just give up.
I might have given him any fuel he needs to keep going I didn’t personally have a bad experience with him so I was pretty nice but I do plan on questioning him more about these idols when he responds to me because everyone has labeled him as an anxious player

And if he’s an anxious player, he wouldn’t have sat on two idols the entire game, unless the anxiety was all an act


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By Deshawn
I really didn't have a bad experience either to be honest. I had nothing but positive things to say until I came to the jury and heard from everyone else. He never went off at me about anything, we always just talked through stuff and figured things out, he didn't ice me out etc. I knew his social game in terms of jury management wasn't as good as mine because I knew some of the things he was saying / doing or not doing but I didn't know 80% of the stuff people seem to have experienced.
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By Jaime
Jean-Robert wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 4:39:20 pm I’m not trying to convince y’all but a quick reminder that Abe won 5 immunities and had 2 idols lol
The 5 immunities may be impressive but that’s not enough for my vote the 2 idols on the other hand are but I’m still confused if they are real because why did he never play them after vocalizing he felt in danger many times and how could he have that much faith in people not to turn on him (as he was the biggest threat) math just isn’t mathing
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By Shan
Jean-Robert wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 4:39:20 pm I’m not trying to convince y’all but a quick reminder that Abe won 5 immunities and had 2 idols lol
A quick reminder that that doesn’t make anyone owe him anything. 😘♥️ He might have five immunities and two idols, but if you forget that you’re dealing with nine humans then what have you really accomplished
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By Jaime
Shan wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 5:02:29 pm
Jean-Robert wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 4:39:20 pm I’m not trying to convince y’all but a quick reminder that Abe won 5 immunities and had 2 idols lol
A quick reminder that that doesn’t make anyone owe him anything. 😘♥️ He might have five immunities and two idols, but if you forget that you’re dealing with nine humans then what have you really accomplished
Shan I would love to biggy back and also add that I find someone who barely won any immunities and didn’t really have secured safety in the game and still being able to make it into the end is equally as impressive because Xander had to rely on his social connection to get him to where he is and I find him getting JR to vote out Deshawn was a BRILLIANT move had he not done that he wouldn’t be here 
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By Heather
Jean-Robert wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 4:39:20 pm I’m not trying to convince y’all but a quick reminder that Abe won 5 immunities and had 2 idols lol
5 immunities, (allegedly) 2 idols yet he was shit at arguably one of the most important elements of this game which is jury management. You can play a hell of a game yet still lose because you failed at fostering good relationships with the people who determine whether or not you are deserving of the win. 
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By Heather
Stranded is as much a social game as it is a competitive. Failing to foster and maintain good relations with your competitors in social games often outweighs the amount competition wins collected. 

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By Evvie
Sara wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:11:37 pm
Sara wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:03:41 pm
Deshawn wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 2:56:16 pm Do you remember when that was? I have no memory of that at all and it's crazy with how much Abe and I talked every day. 
That was within the first few days of the game, I can check exactly when cause I made mention of it in my confessionals. 
Episode 3

Update: Evvie burned my gay Kings Xander and Abe, they had a heart to heart about being LGBT and she just took all that info and fed it back to Heather and Shan, proving there is no line she won't cross to get ahead in the game. That is not someone I can let get to merge/swap. So Evvie, you gotta go!

During this interaction is when Abe had the conversation with me about potentially leaving because it was all too much with him etc. etc.

Ignore the fact my strategy blew up in my face hahaha 
Here's from my confessional that round:
I think before I answer questions, I should try to explain what I was just blindsided with via Abraham all of 45 minutes ago?
First, he hits me with the 'we need to talk' and I was transported back to feeling like I was in a relationship and I was about to be broken up with.

"So Shan was saying that you and her are each other's number 1 and that you guys have had these deep conversations and I just feel really used by you. Like I thought we had something special that went outside this game and I'm just super upset. Like I told you I was LGBT. My family doesn't even know that. Only my wife and some close friends. I just don't know where we really stand now"

I respond with:

"Why are you upset by my relationship with Shan? I thought I was supposed to be working on getting closer to her like you shared for me to last round? I'm actually blindsided by your feelings because I've been faithful to our alliance and to our friendship. I legit spend my whole day talking to you right now lol"

"But then why did Xander tell me that you told him that Shan said that you and Xander had a F2, Like I've been super upset and panicking all afternoon now"

---> let me insert here that this is what Shan told me this afternoon as we were having a check-in this afternoon and here is the conversation at 12:42 PM:

[you have abraham freaking out a little bit]
[he thinks i'm closer to the women than the men, abraham and i have been super cool but trying to quell his anxiety is not easy]
[he thinks you're super tight with xander he said something about you guys having a F2. i'm not sure if he heard that or is assuming that, but someone else said something to me about you and Xander too. i need to scroll back some convos bc i don't want to tell you the wrong name and i can't remember who it was]
[i'm definitely super close to xander but we do not have a final 2 (LOL WE DO BUT!) i can confirm that with you]
[i mean, the f2 thing is like.... you can't really fault someone for having a f2 because how can you say no to someone asking you that yk lol]
[legit, like you never say no!]
...the conversation continues of course but I want to pivot back to Abraham's freak out on me.

"That's what she said to me and I dispelled that. Don't we need her NOT thinking me and Xander are close OR me and you being close?"

"I honestly don't know anymore. I just feel super upset by this whole thing. I'm considering just pulling myself from the game"

"Don't pull yourself from the game! Not on account of this, I really think you have this confused lol do you need me to copy paste our whole conversation for you to prove that you really don't have anything to be concerned about?"

"So let me try to explain it all."

He shares a lot of personal information about his experience with ORGs and making friendships like he used to and then goes "But now this whole thing with Shan makes me think I'm being emotionally manipulated again and it's bringing me to a dark place I used to be in and I think I need to remove myself from it And so I explained to Xander my situation and then he told me that he told you about being gay and then now we both wonder if you just got us to have super emotional conversations to manipulate us into aligning"

BITCH WHAT? LOLLLLL LIKE YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME. Like I would use personal information to try and manipulate people to being on my side. Like, a game is never that serious enough to me to do that + I'm not that type of person. I'm more inclined to quit a game if I feel like my allies are in a tough spot and I don't want them to go over me so for him to throw that out there REALLY got me twisted. Like, after you just spent the last few days telling me I've been reassuring and a rock for you? BABY I AM NOT LYING TO YOU. The Spiral Squad (the new name for the Stoners Alliance) is my main alliance and who I'm riding it out with. Even before Shan. But I need to have that relationship with her for my own protection. So for him to kinda blindside me with all this has left a really sour taste in my mouth and of course I'm speaking to Xander about it and he's like I HATE THAT THIS IS HAPPENING ETC and of course I hit Abraham with the full monty of got this all wrong. 

"I appreciate you sharing that background information with me regarding your ORG experiences and I totally get what you mean about the ORG world having a really weird love/hate relationship for you. As far as the relationship that I have to Shan, I don't think that you should feel threatened by it because it's not like I would choose her over you or over the alliance that Xander and I have created. I know we don't *know* each other very well yet and are getting to know one another, but I would not use someone's personal conversations to manipulate them for my game. I'm not that type of player at all. I'm not that type of PERSON at all. I appreciate ya'lls safety with me to tell me about your real life and I've been honest in return with you all. I'm not sure what more you want me to do. I've always put our alliance first."

Then the backpedaling came about it being his fault and being brought to tears about it. I don't want him to leave the game but like, there's nothing for him to be worried about. Like, all this feels like it's being blown way out of proportion and it's leaving a really sour taste in my mouth. Like I know that Abraham reads as a little intense and cares a LOT about the game and is always like doing the most when it comes to game preparation but like...where did this come from? And then to try to accuse my character? Bitch.
I hope this helps shed a little bit more light to that round and gives context to the conversation that was had.
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By Shan
Thank you Evvie. That is the insanity I was referring to as well. Although I know that I never told Abe that you and I were each other’s number ones, that would have been suicide with Abe lol. I’ll  have to look back at mine to see what i actually said.  


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By Deshawn
This is pretty heavy stuff. If anyone did feel *that* strongly about events happening in the game then I do genuinely feel for them because that's just not what any of this should be about. 

On a different note, Evvie, I love your final tribal questions/comments. 
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By Evvie
Normally, I would not copy/paste a whole section of a confessional but since the situation being brought up had to deal with me and is relevant to this FTC, I thought I would give all the context from that round that I remembered. All I know is in the midst of it, I was not a happy camper lmao it was never *that* serious to me which is why I've been looking back at how everything shook out and it has me feeling emotionally used and with my slip falling. Which is why I asked those questions about what was real and what wasn't.

Shan, I have no idea how he got that information unless it was something that Xander portrayed and passed onto Abe. I think they both knew that I was much closer to you but of course, I was trying to prioritize those bobbleheads because I promised them first 😭

Thanks, Deshawn. 💓 I was over here thinking I was being extremely verbose and asking way too much but it took me forever to come up with my damn response soooo they're gonna get what they're gonna get.

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By Evvie
Jaime wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 4:56:37 pm
Jean-Robert wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 4:39:20 pm I’m not trying to convince y’all but a quick reminder that Abe won 5 immunities and had 2 idols lol
The 5 immunities may be impressive but that’s not enough for my vote the 2 idols on the other hand are but I’m still confused if they are real because why did he never play them after vocalizing he felt in danger many times and how could he have that much faith in people not to turn on him (as he was the biggest threat) math just isn’t mathing
The only reason WHY I can see Abe not choosing to share the fact he had idols was because he didn't want anyone else to know about their existence, or the confirmation of their existence at least. There was so much paranoia about idols going around and we definitely thought it was a back to basics season the whole damn time. For him to not say that he found any idol information and withhold it the whole time, I think in his mind, was to keep that portion of the game under wraps so he could be in control of all advantages and all idols. Let's be real - this is the same person that went through old Stranded forums to practice any potential challenges that could come his way to have a one-up on us or his competition. Respectable, but insane. It's giving Carson screenprinting all the challenges before going out to participate in S44.
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By Shan
Okay I posted the convo as screenshots in my confessional so here it is transcribed:

Abe: You said me and you were super close right
Shan: Yes 100%
A: Evvie said that you said I told you her and Xander were f2
S: I did do that, yes
A: Man lol I told you that in such confidence
S: Not to betray you.  I'm sorry.  I wanted to know if it was true and I wanted to know if she would tell you.
A: Well it seems like she's bugging out now
S: Because she swears up and down to me that I'm her #1 and I just couldn't shake the feeling that it's a lie.  And apparently I was right lol.  I'm sorry that I did that to you.
A: Dude... She said the same thing to me
S: Yeah  that's what I figured.  Regardless of how this turns out, I'm grateful to know that now at f14 instead of being surprised way later.  I figured that either she was being truthful and she wouldn't tell you, or she was lying and then we'd both know the truth
A: It's all good.  I just thought we actually had something certain.  But I don't blame you, it's how you play the game.
S: you and evvie or you and me?
A: Both of you guys.  I figured we would be like f3 situation
S: That's also what I was thinking
[personal info removed from screenshots]
S: Do you want to make a group chat and both of us confront her?
A: No it's okay don't worry about it.  I just have to think about if I want to be in this game anymore.

Then it goes on and on about how hurt he is and me trying to reassure him and convince him not to quit, and him telling me he didn't think he could be friends with Evvie after the game anymore and blah blah.  If anyone is interested I can transcribe, but it's also all in my confesh.


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By Evvie
Sara wrote: Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:54:55 pm
3. Evvie, I feel like I know the least about her game up to this point, and to be honest the constant use of Papa Jeff just gives me the ick. 
Good to know that my inside joke was turning you all off unintentionally -___- it's a reference to a character in one of my favorite TV shows and my way of trying to be endearing towards the host. MY BAD FOR TRYING TO BE LIGHTHEARTED.
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