By Catalie
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Evvie, ugh I am sorry I meant to write a blog this season at the board but just never had the time or focus and when I did I was in the Discord chat instead of putting font to forum, sorry. But I have to say I have always been #gamebotadvocate for you and the way you played. 🖤

Loved you to death in this! And for what it's worth, I do not and will NEVER judge you or anyone for sticking with your alliance til the end, yes it got you 3rd place but it happens. There is more I can say, but I am not typing a novel here~
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By Sara
Jeff Probst" wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:20:08 pm
~2nd~ Place
Played by Iamlost4815 - 29 Male
Poody wrote:"I initially thought you were a dud, but your gameplay grew on me. It was sometimes bordering on cruel, but I can't hate hte player. You gave Abe a real run for his money here, and I think you did play a good social game. I think next time you should consider playing a bit more aggressively to get the W, but you have the makings of a fantastic player."
Loveita wrote:"Okay so I'm writing this before votes are in, with no idea if you win or lose, but the first thing I want to say is that you put out a really solid FTC. Not perfect, but solid. You probably need a perfect one to win? You aren't a goat or a 0 vote finalist, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend you played well or that I enjoyed watching you from the merge on (no complaints premerge - loved you. Ke$ha tattoo stan here all the way). I love the personal and genuine bonds you made in your first ORG experience even if we as viewers hated what it did to the season. When you go back and read some of the blogs, including mine <3, you might need this playing in the background: "
Nofo wrote:"You were my winner pick. Have a great summer."
Danni wrote:"Look dude. You're a nice enough guy, and your first ORG is always the toughest because the relationships feel so raw and real and important. But watching you throw away your great positioning to be an extra vote for Abe and Evvie was tough to watch. Then, as you're finally playing for yourself and telling the truth about Abe's paranoia and his terrible social game during final tribal, you let him attack you in DMs and talk you out of poking holes in his game!!! If you decide to dip your toes into ORGs, it would serve you well to expand your horizons beyond loyalty and integrity, and start looking to play a more self interested game. God knows both of your allies did that to you this season. IF YOU WIN, it will be because Abe tanked his game in front of the jury, and you were just there."
Dean wrote:""Genesis 22:10

Then Abraham reached out his hand, and took the knife to slaughter his son."""
Susie wrote:"As a newbie (if that's true, lol) you kept up with the ORG vets admirably. Some of your game moves were hard to watch, but they did get you to where you are and may have gotten you the win, so I can't beat on you too much. You've got incredible potential in ORGs, hope to see you play again! "
Tyler wrote:"Hey Scooby Doo! You had me at gay boy in cannabis. Then you double had me at double Libra. I dig your personality, and I am a fan of the stoner three. Honestly, this is the kind of alliance I would try to form myself and I commend you all for getting to the F3 and yourself to the final 2. You played a really great game for your very first time and I think, had you had just a scosh more experience, you could have possibly turned this one into a W. You were that close and should still be proud AF. I definitely didn’t do as well as you did my first game…"
James Lin wrote:"Your game was very "new to ORG's" in its style. Nothing wrong with that, I see lots of parallels with how I played when I was in my first org (and I say that as someone with still very little experience). You seem like a great guy and you swung real hard in FTC... I just wish you would have hit a few more home runs before that point."
Dean quoting scripture😍


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By Donathan
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number one #XanStan here to say congratulations on an impressive first game!! i'm glad you had fun! take a few days and smoke more than a few joints to decompress before you go back and read everything 
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By Tommy
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Leslie wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:19:39 pm
Dean Kowalski" wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:15:25 pm Final Nine is my trigger word
You are telling me... I really should have tried to get Shan to flip, but I just was so caught in my head about JR.
Congrats to the f3 for sending everyone to jury before they realized they were on the bottom.  That is a legit accomplishment.  Jury, raise your hand if you regret hanging on to the bottom as soon as your hit Pondy and then talked shit about those at the bottom not making a move.  The hypocrisy really got hard to stomach from some, as well as the JR shit talking.  Make a move next time...for us.

Fun season all!
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By Xander
Donathan wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:22:56 pm number one #XanStan here to say congratulations on an impressive first game!! i'm glad you had fun! take a few days and smoke more than a few joints to decompress before you go back and read everything 
LOVE YOU DONATHAN! You were always my biggest cheerleader
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By Dean Kowalski
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Sara wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:22:52 pm
Dean quoting scripture😍
I'm not even religious, you just said one thing on your way out and it got the stoners so triggered by it along with Heather (? or someone else) saying it after their tribal, and it caught on lol Sara you a trendsetter
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Dean Kowalski

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By Evvie
Thank you to all the lurkers/viewers and for the perspective. I was dreading reading what you all had to say because I was not really happy with the way my game panned out + definitely regret not listening to my gut more! I made note of that quite often in my confessionals as well, especially as I mentioned in a few of them how mentally I was disconnected for the majority of the game. The reason why I still play these and wanted to try this out was to see if I had the skills to stack up in a random situation like this - it's been a while. I appreciate you all and am grateful to be a part of the family. 💗


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By Evvie
Thank you to all the lurkers/viewers and for the perspective. I was dreading reading what you all had to say because I was not really happy with the way my game panned out + definitely regret not listening to my gut more! I made note of that quite often in my confessionals as well, especially as I mentioned in a few of them how mentally I was disconnected for the majority of the game. The reason why I still play these and wanted to try this out was to see if I had the skills to stack up in a random situation like this - it's been a while. I appreciate you all and am grateful to be a part of the family. 💗
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By Leslie
Jean-Robert wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:21:03 pm I was so salty at you and Shan not going to lie, but all I could do was play it cool
LOL 1000% reasonable. My bad. 😅 I was sad to find out even if I had flipped with you Xander would have voted out Sara. But, yeah 12/10 my worst move.
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By Davonne
Good job Xander I know what it’s like to get second place in stranded!! So close 
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By Heather
Tommy wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:23:28 pm
Leslie wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:19:39 pm
Dean Kowalski" wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:15:25 pm Final Nine is my trigger word
You are telling me... I really should have tried to get Shan to flip, but I just was so caught in my head about JR.
Congrats to the f3 for sending everyone to jury before they realized they were on the bottom.  That is a legit accomplishment.  Jury, raise your hand if you regret hanging on to the bottom as soon as your hit Pondy and then talked shit about those at the bottom not making a move.  The hypocrisy really got hard to stomach from some, as well as the JR shit talking.  Make a move next time...for us.

Fun season all!
I tried but too little too late 🤷‍♀️
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By Jeff Probst
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Played by RedSeven4 - 31 Male Stranded Superfan
Poody wrote:"Oh Abraham... this is not going to go the way you think it will. Your neuroticism was something impressive... I never knew someone could go that far into insanity. You played a great friggin game and no one can take that away from you. hell you freaking WON. You will always have that. While it wasn't pretty to watch you got there. Really and truly one of the most frustrating things to watch was both your manipulation and how others easily fell for it. But I have to tip my hat to you. Good game. "
Loveita wrote:"I wish you were my research assistant during my dissertation instead of Frosti. Your dedication for this thing was seriously impressive. Concerningly impressive. I love passionate players, but you turned this from passion to a point where I was a little worried about you. I got over that though, because your obsession also made you treat the other players, the hosting team, and especially yourself like shit sometimes. You're going to hear a lot of negative things post season, and you should take that at your own pace. I wish you had the confidence to own the game you actually played this season, instead of concocting elaborate stories and making fake idols to look even MORE impressive. You're lucky no one in the jury truly caught on. Congratulations if you win, I guess? I hope it was worth it to you, but I also hope it's the people and experiences you take away from this, not the win or loss. "
Nofo wrote:"You are extremely frustrating but I commend you for being unapologetically authentic in the most annoying way imaginable. Well, except for two inauthetic things, huh? Also, you are not the blueprint. In fact, the city should burn those plans."
Danni wrote:"lol my dude. I have played and hosted games with some crazy people, but you were a whole new level. Strategically? you were pretty great. You structured your alliance in a way that made you basically untouchable. So naturally we were all rooting against you. And then the paranoia, gaslighting, and insanity started and I couldn't look away. It was like watching one of those NASCAR drivers who purposly crashes into the final turn to catapult themselves to the finish line. I think you're going to win, but if you don't it will be your own fault for how you treated the jury members. In my opinion you should lose for those fake ass idols alone, but apparently your jury is too dumb to click on the links and see you uploaded both images on the 4th of july, well after you're claiming to have found them"
Dean wrote:"Okay. You seem like a very sensitive guy, one of the most I've ever seen play in my few years in this community so I'll start with compliments. You were the most defining character of the entire season and made it what it was. I think you had the best confessionals this whole season in terms of format, length, and content. But listen... from getting freaked out thinking Evvie outed you, you being the main force of wanting a Kallpa pagonging, your hypocrisy of not wanting others to share info the same way you have, your smug gamebot ways, you straight up lying in your FTC speech, and outright hinting at hosts rigging things... that’s the tip of the iceberg on why lurkers aren’t your biggest fan. We went from being intrigued by you, to love-to-hate you, to... well, much worse. Maybe things can be different in the post-game, idk."
Susie wrote:"Definitely the star of this season, you're all anyone could talk about - good, bad and bitter. Steel yourself for the reaction. You took many of the game elements to a new level, the practicing, the research, the fantastic charts. It was the perfect game for you to rule with such a frenetic yet firm grip. I can't see your social game surviving when swaps and other tribe configuration changes are involved, but it worked for you here and you have my admiration for the commitment to the game and Stranded that you showed all season. "
Tyler wrote:"Your dedication to this game was truly off the charts. Like insane amounts of research and thought and sweat and tears--and even a couple of fake idols. You gave it your all and nobody can say you didn't. You were a confessionalist after my own heart with your detailed charts and considerable deliberation, and I can respect how much you CARED about performing well in this game. Your sheer dominance made me watch to see if anyone would be able to stop you from getting to the end. Then I watched to see if anyone would catch your faux idols. Some tried and others came close, but nobody did. So congratulations on a phenomenal game, for better or worse, and know you will not soon be forgotten."
James Lin wrote:"My Winner Draft pick! Your preparation for the game was insane... like insanely good but bordering on insanity. It served you well in some points of the game and is definitely what got you to the end. Your anxiety might have got the best of you at some points of the game; and it may have definitely hurt your social game but you are definitely one of the main characters of this season. Being your one and only lurker cheerleader while you overplayed almost every day in the end game was difficult but congratulations to you... if you win! P.S your confessionals were great"

Jeff Probst

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By Erika
Heather wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:21:37 pm Leslie, I was rooting for you so hard in jury after being a hater in game. Jaime def helped me see how great a game you were playing. You were the last player who had the full support of the jury and that says something. Nothing but love 💗
I actually wanted to briefly speak on this because your assessment on Leslie’s passive merge game were spot on.  I think Jaime influenced you based on their interactions in the game together, but most of us agree that your assessment on Leslie and many of the players were pretty accurate sd you will see that.

Not trying to pick in Leslie at ALL but I think you might’ve been influenced to believe certain things that you didn’t see before.  Just my two cents.
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By Leslie
Susie Smith" wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:23:53 pm
John wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:16:49 pm Leslie + Jaime pre merge gameplay >>>> everyone else's gameplay combined 

For real. Jaime was the only person I felt like I could completely spiral with in the game. When I didn't have that I for sure got a bit lost.
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By Catalie
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Xander are amazing!! You doing a dabs on video! Bee still my stoner heart. 🖤 Also, loved your FTC but I said that already. Incredible showing for your first time. Said that already too, whatever.
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By Xander
Sara wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:22:52 pm
Jeff Probst" wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:20:08 pm
~2nd~ Place
Played by Iamlost4815 - 29 Male
Poody wrote:"I initially thought you were a dud, but your gameplay grew on me. It was sometimes bordering on cruel, but I can't hate hte player. You gave Abe a real run for his money here, and I think you did play a good social game. I think next time you should consider playing a bit more aggressively to get the W, but you have the makings of a fantastic player."
Loveita wrote:"Okay so I'm writing this before votes are in, with no idea if you win or lose, but the first thing I want to say is that you put out a really solid FTC. Not perfect, but solid. You probably need a perfect one to win? You aren't a goat or a 0 vote finalist, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend you played well or that I enjoyed watching you from the merge on (no complaints premerge - loved you. Ke$ha tattoo stan here all the way). I love the personal and genuine bonds you made in your first ORG experience even if we as viewers hated what it did to the season. When you go back and read some of the blogs, including mine <3, you might need this playing in the background: "
Nofo wrote:"You were my winner pick. Have a great summer."
Danni wrote:"Look dude. You're a nice enough guy, and your first ORG is always the toughest because the relationships feel so raw and real and important. But watching you throw away your great positioning to be an extra vote for Abe and Evvie was tough to watch. Then, as you're finally playing for yourself and telling the truth about Abe's paranoia and his terrible social game during final tribal, you let him attack you in DMs and talk you out of poking holes in his game!!! If you decide to dip your toes into ORGs, it would serve you well to expand your horizons beyond loyalty and integrity, and start looking to play a more self interested game. God knows both of your allies did that to you this season. IF YOU WIN, it will be because Abe tanked his game in front of the jury, and you were just there."
Dean wrote:""Genesis 22:10

Then Abraham reached out his hand, and took the knife to slaughter his son."""
Susie wrote:"As a newbie (if that's true, lol) you kept up with the ORG vets admirably. Some of your game moves were hard to watch, but they did get you to where you are and may have gotten you the win, so I can't beat on you too much. You've got incredible potential in ORGs, hope to see you play again! "
Tyler wrote:"Hey Scooby Doo! You had me at gay boy in cannabis. Then you double had me at double Libra. I dig your personality, and I am a fan of the stoner three. Honestly, this is the kind of alliance I would try to form myself and I commend you all for getting to the F3 and yourself to the final 2. You played a really great game for your very first time and I think, had you had just a scosh more experience, you could have possibly turned this one into a W. You were that close and should still be proud AF. I definitely didn’t do as well as you did my first game…"
James Lin wrote:"Your game was very "new to ORG's" in its style. Nothing wrong with that, I see lots of parallels with how I played when I was in my first org (and I say that as someone with still very little experience). You seem like a great guy and you swung real hard in FTC... I just wish you would have hit a few more home runs before that point."
Dean quoting scripture😍
Dean youre hilarious hahahhahahaha

NoFo i was convinced you hated me all season. Im gonna have the most bitchin summer now!
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By Susie Smith
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Dean quoting scripture😍
For those of you quoting scripture, why? For those that got those scriptures, what did you make of it?

Susie Smith

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