By Danni Boatwright
Congrats on a great game Evvie!! It's always brutal being this close to final tribal and having it ripped away from you, but hey. That's survivor. Hope you enjoyed yourself out there, and are ready to relax for a few hours before the real game begins..... grilling your alliance mates in FTC 👿

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By Jeff Probst
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You gave us great confessionals. Do I wish your game was more exciting? Yes, but I think you'll hear enough of that from these guys. All in all, a good social game and a solid run to the finals. Well played.
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By Dean Kowalski
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Wear protective gear when walking through ponderosa with this jury, haha. At least you got the Fallen Angel title this season, you were so close to the end. Loved seeing your social position in the early Ancha days. Good game!
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By Loveita Adams
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Evvie I absolutely loved you at the beginning of this game and thought you had some of the best awareness in the cast. But a big blindspot and a lot of denial can ruin all of that and is definitely why you came up JUST short here!

Kind of glad you're the person of your three that gets to see Ponderosa early because...out of you, Abraham, and Xander, I think you'll be the best sport about it ❤️ 
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By Leslie
I am sure that you're going to have a lot of things to hear, but I just wanted to say that your connections were impressive. I feel like a lot of us felt close to you and while you could have done some spicy moves, I get being loyal to your people. I couldn't have voted out my people either. As you are reading things, remember that ultimately a big part of this is outlast and you did that. You outlasted all of us in here and you should be proud of yourself. I figure you're going to hear a lot, so just remember that. ❤️
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By Evvie
As I have said multiple times in many a confessionals throughout this game, I should have gone with my desire to make moves that benefitted me instead of a group but I had a really shitty experience in the last game that I played flipping on my majority alliance and getting voted out the same round...and that colored a lot of my movements in this game. That + I would feel this immense amount of guiltiness every single time there would be a round where Abe would be up for grabs and I was trying to blindly remain loyal, even though I should have realized he was eliminating targets and I would be his last one. I literally had a nightmare about the final 5 round last night before I did the challenge so I knew my ass was grass even before I completed the challenge.

Thanks for following me along in confessionals, hosts + viewers + lurkers. It's weird to be here, I'm kinda glad this is over and tbh I really didn't start "playing hard" until a week or two ago so joke's on me because I let my own personal anxiety get in the way of my better judgment. 

I know I have left many of the jury with a sour taste in my mouth and I apologize if I've done anything to personally offend anyone. That's all I got. I'm definitely not a fucking happy camper.
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By Heather
Yeah, yeah, all that nice crap. Good game, blah, blah, blah. First of all, who the fuck do you and Xander think y’all were fooling? He literally told me how much he loved you early on pre-merge and never gave any indication that he wavered from that. Idk bout the rest of these muthafuckas but y’all being close was no secret to me. 
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By Sara
Good game Evvie, we never really clicked in the game but respect to a good competitor, even if you did get steamrolled by Abe in every challenge like all of of us
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By Evvie
Loveita Adams" wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:29:08 pm Evvie I absolutely loved you at the beginning of this game and thought you had some of the best awareness in the cast. But a big blindspot and a lot of denial can ruin all of that and is definitely why you came up JUST short here!

Kind of glad you're the person of your three that gets to see Ponderosa early because...out of you, Abraham, and Xander, I think you'll be the best sport about it ❤️ 
LOL right, Xander is a newbie and has never played an ORG before and Abraham is like coming out of retirement after hella years and I've been around for almost a decade so it's just another game I lost underneath the notch for me. Definitely had a lot of blindspots and I'm sure for you all, it's like seeing a car wreck getting ready to happen in front of you and not being able to do much about it. 
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By Evvie
Danni Boatwright" wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:29:55 pm Also, a message from loyal lurker and #1 Evvie stan Donathan!!

Thank you Donathan for encouraging me to make video confessionals as well and for encouraging me not to give up after I fucked up the damn challenge today.
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By Jean-Robert
I know everyone is gonna come in with warm welcomes, but I need to be real with you. One of the realest conversations I had in this game was with you about how the root of why I was after Deshawn and Abe was because when working with them, I felt like I was treated like a second class citizen, it was what they wanted, and I was simply lucky enough to be brought along. You’re encouragement and relatability in that conversation drew me to you, but after reflecting on it, I feel like you took the place of the people I was complaining about and it makes me a little glad to watch you fall short. I really like you personally, but I felt like you saw me as in your pocket and didn’t ever actually want to work with me. I get that it’s a game, but was still a bit sour over it, just being honest. Would love to hear how you see it in your perspective because I want to like you, but I felt like you used me until you didn’t need me anymore.
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By Evvie
Heather wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:33:47 pm Yeah, yeah, all that nice crap. Good game, blah, blah, blah. First of all, who the fuck do you and Xander think y’all were fooling? He literally told me how much he loved you early on pre-merge and never gave any indication that he wavered from that. Idk bout the rest of these muthafuckas but y’all being close was no secret to me. 
Never knew that or was aware of that because I never gave that inkling to you. I only knew of Xander's close relationship to Sara and that was part of the "plan" - everyone get close to someone else outside of our 3. I wasn't completely keen on how other people thought of me and Xander together but I would continually downplay it. Most of the time, people lumped me in with Abe and Deshawn when it was actually Xander I was taking most things back to. 


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By Evvie
Jean-Robert wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:36:28 pm I know everyone is gonna come in with warm welcomes, but I need to be real with you. One of the realest conversations I had in this game was with you about how the root of why I was after Deshawn and Abe was because when working with them, I felt like I was treated like a second class citizen, it was what they wanted, and I was simply lucky enough to be brought along. You’re encouragement and relatability in that conversation drew me to you, but after reflecting on it, I feel like you took the place of the people I was complaining about and it makes me a little glad to watch you fall short. I really like you personally, but I felt like you saw me as in your pocket and didn’t ever actually want to work with me. I get that it’s a game, but was still a bit sour over it, just being honest. Would love to hear how you see it in your perspective because I want to like you, but I felt like you used me until you didn’t need me anymore.
UGH I WANTED TO WORK WITH YOU SO FUCKING BAD!!!!!!!!! And honestly Abe and Deshawn kept bringing up trying to vote you out but I kept trying to pivot the vote off of you whenever I could because I really did enjoy having you around even if that bothered the rest of them lmao. In my mind, I thought that I would have flipped at the final 5 and honestly, I didn't even have you as my original vote that round. I had changed it right before the deadline because I wanted to stall and hadn't made up my mind yet about how I wanted to go. In all honesty, I tried to flip the vote to Leslie in the whispers that night and voted for her but I couldn't get them to flip with me. That doesn't necessarily mean much now though. 

I'm sorry that you felt sorry about it and appreciate your honesty. I know I'm not the most popular person here and was expecting everyone to not be voting for me even if I did make it to the end because I was aware of how my lack of looking out for those that I was closest to before sending them to the jury could look. I didn't get to have the agency I wanted or thought that I had and it's definitely difficult to realize because I fucking know better than this and got caught up in trying to play this 'noble' game when like...this is not miss America and I don't know you all from a can of paint lmao.
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By Heather
I’m not about to sit here and fake kiki with you. You did me dirty and watching you get so close to just miss is incredibly satisfying. You have no one to blame but yourself for your loss as, had you evicted Abe one of the several times you had the chance, you most likely would have won especially has you evicted him at final 4. Haha.

I felt incredibly close with you early on and you were someone I was loyal to. Never said a bad word about you UNTIL I found out that you did not have my back the way I had yours. The fact that you couldn’t even honor the friendship I thought we were building enough to, at the minimum, tell me I was on my way out tells me all I need to know about you and your character. 

JR, the person I literally couldn’t stand since I met, had nicer things to say to and about me in the end and had the decency to not ice me out unlike you who I thought was, if not my ally, my friend. 

You are a snake. Period point blank. 
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By Heather
But don’t worry. No hard feelings on my end since you’re sitting here in Ponderosa with me watching from the sidelines 💋❤️


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By Jaime
Evvie ,

The short time we played this game together you were very kind to me and I felt we made a true connection (not sure if that was real) I really thought you would be a key contender for the win because I felt you were well connected with everyone and everyone loved you

BUT THEN at times at tribal I felt you being in a power position being in that alliance you were in went to your head and you said some things at tribal that really rubbed me the wrong way I didn’t like the way you presented yourself at times it was very disappointing 

With that said tonight I am seeing the person I met. You are clearly very self aware of the situation and being very honest and direct with not only yourself but everyone here and I respect that I also respect your loyalty even if it did get you third 

Welcome to Ponderosa 
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By Sara
Well since everyone else is doing it...

I felt iced out by you from the start, it never really seemed like you were interested in working with me, maybe part of that was my fault but you just seemed indifferent from me from the start. I was definitely threatened by your social connections to whom I thought were my allies Xander and Abe, so you were definitely the ideal boot at 9 in my stead. But then watching the rest of the game from the sidelines I had no idea what your plan was...stick with Abe and then just continue to get rocked in every challenge? I think you had 3-4 solid chances at getting him out but you just seemed to placate and continue to appease him like a coddling part of that can be attributed to your previous game like you said but still to try and play the loyal game to someone who was a fuckin nutter butter and also a complete and utter challenge beast is boggling to me...enjoy your brief time here.
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