- Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:13:25 am
Welcome to your first confessional!
We take confessionals seriously because we're genuinely interested in your story. We want to know everything you're thinking and, more importantly, what you're feeling. Think of it as free therapy. We will guide you along the way, asking you questions, provoking thought, and helping you think about things you otherwise might not have. Just talking through your situation can help you get a fresh perspective.
So, unlike in the actual game where you only communicate via text, your voice and video confessionals are welcome here! Please keep your videos and audio recordings to a reasonable length, but feel free to express yourselves here with whichever medium you prefer.
Only hosts and alumni, the lurkers, can view this space. Talk in these threads anytime to ask the hosts questions, let us know about alliances you have and which ones are fake or real, who you are vibing with and who you want out, or just nonsensical venting or goofing off. We love a good and active confessional and we want to see your arc evolve! We hosts and lurkers are excited to have you here.
After every Tribal Council, there will be a new confessional thread given by hosts to you with new questions to ask. But remember, this is YOUR personal sub-forum. Use it how you see fit, and make whatever topics or posts or replies you wish at anytime.
Here is a practice mini-challenge for you to work on if you want. It is a challenge that might appear once or twice throughout the season in a different form. While it will be easier to do in the actual challenge using a puzzle-builder, this will help you practice reposting images. Image posting is something that will pop up in multiple challenges and is a skill that you should perfect. Please refer to the guide in the Camp forum for detailed instructions on how to post images.
This particular challenge is a 4x4 16-piece puzzle. You must correctly unscramble the puzzle using the ORIGINAL image links. Meaning, you can't simply rearrange them in a photo editing program. You must use the original images by using the IMG tag. Fortunately, you are now able to just copy and paste the images direction from the challenge by highlighting them and selecting copy, and then pasting into the post editor. From there you can drag and drop them to rearrange your puzzle.
Good luck, please don't be afraid to ask us for any help or further instructions.
You will need to reply to this thread ahead of the season and sign the rules in order to avoid being replaced.

We take confessionals seriously because we're genuinely interested in your story. We want to know everything you're thinking and, more importantly, what you're feeling. Think of it as free therapy. We will guide you along the way, asking you questions, provoking thought, and helping you think about things you otherwise might not have. Just talking through your situation can help you get a fresh perspective.
So, unlike in the actual game where you only communicate via text, your voice and video confessionals are welcome here! Please keep your videos and audio recordings to a reasonable length, but feel free to express yourselves here with whichever medium you prefer.
Only hosts and alumni, the lurkers, can view this space. Talk in these threads anytime to ask the hosts questions, let us know about alliances you have and which ones are fake or real, who you are vibing with and who you want out, or just nonsensical venting or goofing off. We love a good and active confessional and we want to see your arc evolve! We hosts and lurkers are excited to have you here.
After every Tribal Council, there will be a new confessional thread given by hosts to you with new questions to ask. But remember, this is YOUR personal sub-forum. Use it how you see fit, and make whatever topics or posts or replies you wish at anytime.
Here is a practice mini-challenge for you to work on if you want. It is a challenge that might appear once or twice throughout the season in a different form. While it will be easier to do in the actual challenge using a puzzle-builder, this will help you practice reposting images. Image posting is something that will pop up in multiple challenges and is a skill that you should perfect. Please refer to the guide in the Camp forum for detailed instructions on how to post images.
This particular challenge is a 4x4 16-piece puzzle. You must correctly unscramble the puzzle using the ORIGINAL image links. Meaning, you can't simply rearrange them in a photo editing program. You must use the original images by using the IMG tag. Fortunately, you are now able to just copy and paste the images direction from the challenge by highlighting them and selecting copy, and then pasting into the post editor. From there you can drag and drop them to rearrange your puzzle.
Good luck, please don't be afraid to ask us for any help or further instructions.
You will need to reply to this thread ahead of the season and sign the rules in order to avoid being replaced.