-- 8th Place - Voted Out 7-1 --
This is the first officialday of your journey in Stranded! You'll have the weekend to get to know your tribe better, I suggest bonding well with each other over the coming days. There were questions in the pre-season confessional, but let's give a couple more.

  1. The Tribe Leader is an intriguing position... what do you think it means? Would you want to be it or not? How do you feel of who gets it?
  2. People are chatting it up today, so give us the deets: who are you vibing with, who are you more mellow on, etc?
  3. Any plans for the weekend? Both in-game or out of it?
Trust me, when we say this game will get real intense and fast once the challenges begin to start after the weekend, we mean it. Good luck! And as always, feel free to type or speak whatever you want in here.

Dean Kowalski

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So Deshawn is the tribe leader...not what I was hoping for. I wanted the person in that position to be one of the people I had been talking the most with as we have some sort of rapport but looks like that went out the window. I think the only person I spoke less with than Deshawn was Danny and his ass didn't even show up. 

Here's to hoping that whatever decision the tribe leader has to make doesn't screw me over. 

So far, everyone's okay. I've been talking to Shan the most and I guess you could say we have an 'alliance' but it's mainly just a confirmation of having each other's back. She's fun to talk to and we vibe well but idk how she's going to fair in this game and I don't think it would be in my best interest to share too much with her too soon as I don't think she's approaching this game as strategically as I am.  

I'm hoping I can build a friendship with Evvie and maybe Abraham. They seem a bit more levelheaded and like they can hold water. I think it is in my best interest to align myself with those two. Xander as well. 

I need to keep an eye on Sara. She's charismatic and someone who presents incredibly likable. She could be a possible threat to me so I need to either align myself with her or get rid of her. It all depends on how she performs during challenges. 

I just need to work on maintaining good relationships with the majority of the tribe to insulate myself in case we don't win on Sunday and have to go to council. I don't want to play too hard so early but securing my safety is a top priority after winning Sunday's challenge. 

So, as of right now, I putting on my best, sweet nice girl team player performance and making sure my relationships with everyone on my team are solid. Current strategy: Never say how I feel outright. Wait for somebody else to mimic similar sentiments and then pounce. 

Unfortunately, I have eight-hour training sessions on both Saturday and Sunday so I won't have much time for communicating with my team as I'd like but I've accomplished more with less. Fingers crossed!


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Congratulations on the challenge! Amazing team effort! Enjoy your night off from tribal tomorrow.

Please share your thoughts on the challenge with your avid lurkers.

1.       How did the challenge planning talks go down tonight, any surprises there?

2.       How do you feel about your own challenge performance?

3.       As you’ve been getting to know your fellow tribe members, are any working relationships forming?

Susie Smith

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The team communicated effectively and efficiently in dividing up the roles for the challenges. I feel like there was a clear method of attack, especially with everyone going with the task of what they felt most comfortable. Shan was the real MVP. She pulled out that win while I was still struggling with a few of the pieces. As Sara was also struggling as well, there was no way we would have won without Shan.

Evvie and I chatted for a bit earlier today. Though I'm happy my team won, there may still come a day when we lose and have to vote somebody out who isn't Danny. I haven't had any serious game talk with anyone prior to this point but it would be foolish to assume that those conversations aren't happening and, if you're not a part of it, you can be seen as an easy target for elimination.

I thought of the possibility of an all-guys alliance. If the guys haven't aligned themselves together then I would be surprised. If the roles were reversed and the guys outnumbered the girls then I would rally the two other girls to target a boy for elimination. 

Evvie dissuaded me from this train of thought as I have nothing other than a hunch based on nothing but opinion. However, we seemed to be in agreement that there's a larger possibility of Deshawn and Abraham working together. We both have similar conversations with the two where they primarily just chat about their general excitement towards the game and nothing deeper. Abraham and Deshawn both seem too smart to not already be planning for future events and it would be odd if neither had any allies as of yet. 

Evvie and I decided that we would try and have more game-related conversations with her focusing on Deshawn and me on Abraham. Hopefully, we'll be able to gain their trust and get a better sense of what's going on with the tribe.

We've informed Shan of what's going on but I think I may have been a bit too direct and wish I had gone about it more subtly. However, I'll take it as a lesson learned and hope my directness in my conversation with her isn't something I regret later down the line especially since I'm not entirely sure if I can trust Shan or not. I guess we'll see. 

Evvie seems to want Sara out. I did too prior to my thoughts about the possibility of the guys working together. A four-person alliance would be perfect as we'd have the majority. However, I don't trust Sara nor have any attempts at making a friendship/relationship with her as I have with Shan or Evvie been successful. As I stated earlier, certain aspects of her personality will most likely prove to be a disservice to me so it would be best for her to go. 

The only issue with getting Sara out first could be the possibility of her being allied with Deshawn and Abe as Evvie told me that they both speak with her a lot. If so, we'd have the hope the guys aren't working together because then Xander would be the deciding vote. 

I'm happy that I'm finally talking strategy, Trying to be subtle just wasn't working with people who have similar strategies as yours so I had to change how I was going about things. Regardless of if this all blows up in my face, at least I making something happen. 


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