By Susie Smith
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Well, hello Pachamama! You're looking so fresh!

The game has taken some thrilling twists and turns in the past couple days: Aaron was blindsided, Frosti melted, Deshawn and Jean-Robert emerged as tribe Ambassadors, and you and Xander won immunity. But the best news is that you've made it to the merge!

Let's dive into the questions.

1.       Are you planning to stick with some or all of your OG tribe? Who do you hope sticks around?

2.       Or, now that the tribes have merged, are you considering a change in allegiance? Are you concerned that delaying your decision could result in being betrayed first?

3.       What is your perspective on the Xander screenshot situation? Has it influenced your inclination to align yourself with him, either positively or negatively?

4.       You and Xander won the aMazing Race challenge. What are your thoughts about that? Were you hoping to vote Xander off?

5.       What do you want to tell your fans that we haven’t asked about yet?

We also have bonus questions from the lurkers!

Lurker Michael asks, “With the merge, how do you plan on using your new connections to your advantage?”

Aurora wants to know, “Do you think there will be a Pagonging?”

From John, “You will no longer be able to rely on tribal immunity, how do you plan to win the game?”

Susie Smith

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By Abraham
Episode 06: The Maintenance Behavior of the Andean Flicker
Also, comfort behaviour. The name given to any behaviour or activity which a bird uses to maintain its plumage and soft parts: preening, bathing, anting, sunbathing, stretching, scratching, and other such activities. Roosting is also often considered to be a comfort behaviour. The phrase is sometimes used more inclusively, to describe all life-sustaining activities, such as feeding, drinking, predator avoidance, and locomotion, and even involuntary biological processes, like moulting.
Day 13

...Jeeeeesus Fuuuuuuuuck.

The merge is here! And with it, comes drama like never before. Fucking JR man. This guy makes me want to blow my brains out. I started to write this at like 11 something and now it's 1am because of all the drama. Let's just do this through the questions.
Are you planning to stick with some or all of your OG tribe? Who do you hope sticks around?
That is the plan for now. I created the group OA so that all the original Ancha can talk about the vote. I even set up a strawpoll so we could have a fair vote for who should go. Looks like Jaime is our winner.

The plan is to now vote out the Kallpa one by one and hopefully make top 7. But keeping these guys together and not flipping is going to be so goddamn hard now. AND THEN it got even harder when JR started outing Heather. Apparently Heather told JR that Sara or Xander would be a target and it started going around to everyone. I heard it from Sara, then Xander, then Deshawn. I even made up my own line about JR telling me something just to cause a little chaos as well. Heather started flipping out and saying she was going to 'Xander' herself (lmao, the fact this is a verb now is incredible) to prove her innocence. We had to basically beg her not to as she would make the vote even closer. To add to this, Sara was starting to consider JR's proposition to vote Heather or Shan out because her name came up. The amount of fucking damage control I had to do with Sara just to convince her not to go with that snake is insane.

Now with that out of the way...the plan is still the same for now. Xander and I are trying to get to F2 and have a F3 with Evvie, F4 with Sara and Deshawn, F5 with Shan. I'm guessing we'll need to lose Heather early due to this whole JR situation and I don't think Sara will be comfortable until she's gone. Heather said she's going to try her best to repair that relationship, but Sara knows this is the third time that Heather has tried to plan her demise. I'm guessing when we can get out JR after Jaime, we could do the Heather vote. I just don't want to do it too early and then we have some sort of weird flip.
Or, now that the tribes have merged, are you considering a change in allegiance? Are you concerned that delaying your decision could result in being betrayed first?
Oh I know I'm going to get betrayed the further I go on in this game. I've won tribal immunities on my own, I've predicted challenges before they've happened, and now I won the first individual immunity by a huge margin. There's no way people are going to want to stick with me late game. The only way I make it far now is through my social game. I'm hoping that by being a person to lean on for Xander, Evvie, Deshawn, Sara, Shan, and Heather, I will luckily hear about a plan to get rid of me somehow.

I think how we've planned the betrayals will work out for us. Having Heather go before F7 which she hopes to make, having Shan go before the F5 she expects, and having Sara go before the F4 she expects. The nice thing about the F3 Spiral Stoners is that we each have someone that thinks we're in a F2 with them. At the same time however, I've gone above and beyond the F3 Spiral Stoner plan and made genuine connections with Sara, Shan, and Heather. So I think we have the correct plan to prevent getting betrayed before our targets get us. 
What is your perspective on the Xander screenshot situation? Has it influenced your inclination to align yourself with him, either positively or negatively?
Oh god, the Xander screenshot. We're so goddamn lucky there wasn't anything incriminating on that chat log for others to see. The funny thing though is, this allowed Xander to rely on me for support. I spent a lot of time reassuring him overnight and today and it only drew him closer to me. Like I've said countless times before, my game hinges on Xander, so I absolutely need him to stay positive and not let this small mistake get him down. And of course, to not make the same mistake again.

Also I love the jokes that have come out because of this. We talked about how 'Xander' could be the name of a new social media app where you share a screenshot of your phone every day. "Bro did she really Xander a pic of her onlyfans revenue page?" "Oh my god, did you see that Xander post today. Why does he have so many notifications?" "No one: *Posts Xander with 1% battery in the screenshot* "

You get the idea.
You and Xander won the aMazing Race challenge. What are your thoughts about that? Were you hoping to vote Xander off?
The Anxiety Bros pulled off the first immunity win! It's nice to have individual immunity, especially with how many people there are to navigate through. But I really shouldn't have showed how good I am at these challenges once again and so early in the merge. I'm guessing that I'll have to try my best not to win the next 4-5 immunity challenges to kind of throw off that air of me being unbeatable.

Also voting off Xander? This question wasn't meant for me clearly.
What do you want to tell your fans that we haven’t asked about yet?
I just don't want to be hated by the lurkers man. That's really all there is to me. I wanted to write confessionals for you guys and make sure you were enjoying what I've been putting into my game. That's all I really want. I was an extremely unlikable person in all my early ORGs and didn't have good self-awareness. Now I have this complex about people hating me and I just try my best to not let that happen. Which is obviously impossible to be liked by everyone...but anxiety does crazy things to ya. 🙃
Lurker Michael asks, “With the merge, how do you plan on using your new connections to your advantage?”
Yikers, so far not so well. I already severed ties with JR by telling him I'm not playing his mindgame and that I don't really have any intention to continue to talk with him. I know how he's trying to stir shit up, and I'm not buying what he's selling. I did enjoy talking to Leslie and Erik, however pretty brief. Jaime seemed nice enough, but all we talked about what how Heather's 'chevy malibooboo' group chat felt like kicking them when they were down. She said she appreciated that I didn't participate in that so...+1 jury vote?

That's basically it, I just want these Kallpa members gone. They'll only complicate things for us. I'm going to keep communication lines open (not JR) and try my best to have a good enough relationship with the Kallpa members (not JR) before we send them packing....yes JR.
Aurora wants to know, “Do you think there will be a Pagonging?”
Yes and no? It really depends if I can reel in Sara a bit and get her to leave Heather off the table for now until we feel more secure. I think starting this train of voting off Ancha members is going to start a bloodbath and I'd rather keep things as close to my plan as I can. However, if I need to give some slack to gain some, I'm going to allow Heather to be voted out to keep Sara happy. She'll only last 2-3 tribals after that herself anyway.
From John, “You will no longer be able to rely on tribal immunity, how do you plan to win the game?”
That's a good question. I'm hoping I can use my social game and strategizing with Xander/Evvie to get myself to the end. I know for sure toward the end I'm going to have to pull out immunity wins. There's no way people want to take me to the end - I'm not blind to that fact. I just have to hope I can really rely on Xander and Evvie to some degree. You never know what people are capable of in this game. Lying and backstabbing are what made this game popular. It's why you guys love watching us do it in an online game. I just have to do my best to continue to trust in my process, keep my relationships up to par, and always work my hardest to win when I need to.
Happy Merge, Tired Player. I'm gonna go pass out now.
John, Donathan, Tommy and 1 others liked this


  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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By Abraham
There's no way I can trust someone from Kallpa in the long term. Allowing a Kallpa to make it deep in the game is basically giving them 3 free jury votes. If I had to pick someone to stay the longest out of them, maybe Erik since he's unlikely to build anything with the time difference.


  • Pachamama Tribe

    Pachamama Tribe
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