-- 8th Place - Voted Out 7-1 --
The first Tribal Council of merge, it is never an easy one. Jaime was evicted and is the first member of our jury. Always keep in mind, Jurors are people who can potentially be that one extra vote you need in order to win the game!

Most of you are great with your confessionals. But for some of you, try to update the viewers with what your true thoughts are as new situations develop and arise throughout the day. You don't need questions to post in your confessional! Anytime something comes up, just write in here like a personal diary so the lurkers can keep up with you. We can see your chats, but we can't gather what your true thoughts are about some things going on since you're all having your game faces on when talking with other castaways, and the lurkers are always wanting to know if your words to someone may be true or not, before a challenge or tribal happen! Now, let's get into the questions.

  1. As said above, we are also in the jury phase now. Congrats on making jury! Let's ask the big question everyone in this phase gets asked: How important do you think jury management is for you?
  2. What would you say has been the most difficult thing about merging into one tribe?
  3. For some of you, that was your first tribal. For others, this was like any other round. How did you feel about this particular tribal council? Was Jaime leaving the right call for your game, or would you have wanted someone else first as the merge boot? Were you nervous or excited with all the many whispers going around at Tribal?
  4. Are you having fun with your Stranded experience? What are some of your favourite highlights so far?
  5. Could we get an updated trust rankings with all of your new tribemates included? Top to bottom

Dean Kowalski

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1. Anyone who’s answering this saying they’re trying to do good judy management is lying. Everybody’s jury management is shit, self included. Should I have been as direct in my good bye to Jaime? No but I think she’s a lot madder at others than at me. I’ll try to take it into consideration but I’m mainly focusing on trying to see how far I can make it.

2. Alliances have clearly shifted and I have three new votes I clearly can’t rely on. I’m not bothering with making connections with the other tribe because there’s literally no point, not even with Jury votes. 

3. I knew I was going to be a target going into this so I wasn’t really concerned with whether or not getting rid of Jaime was best for my game. I just was focused on being with majority. My strategy has shifted as my game was blown up so I have to go with the majority until a bigger threat arises. Unfortunately, that bigger threat is Abe losing and Abe is who I need to survive in this game. Obviously, I would have preferred if tattletale JR left and maybe I should have pushed for it more but seeing as I wasn’t really sure I could trust my alliance anymore I’m glad I didn’t. The votes could have split then I’d be the one gone and not her. 

4. Scheming is fun ngl. Honestly, I’m playing stranded like it’s a big game of Among Us and I’m the imposter 😂

5. Trust Ranking

 1. Shan (I wish I had more faith in her at the beginning. I want her or Abe to win)

2. Abe



5. Deshawn (it makes me nervous that Evvie wants to work with him but he hasn’t given me a reason to distrust him)

6. Xander

7. Sara (how the tides have turned)



10. Evvie (it’s funny she calls me the wild card when girl you’re the real wild card and you think you’re slick. Girl, I see u for who you are)

11. The rest
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  • Jury
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Heather wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:41:08 pm 1. Anyone who’s answering this saying they’re trying to do good judy management is lying.
pour one out for all the Judies managing out there, but specifically my favorite

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Danni Boatwright

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So it’s pretty obvious that Evvie is working with JR. But idk who else they have aligned themselves with in an order to succeed. An alliance like that would only work if they had other people to rely on. Shan says that Evvie wants to work with DeShawn and Abraham and that she doesn’t trust me. That means that I’m first on the list to get out. 

However, that’s just a theory that I’m not a hundred percent set on about the alliance extension but Evvie and JR is a for sure thing. Obviously, I need to get both of them out if I want to make it far in the game but I’m unaware of the actually likelihood of it happening because of the outside factors. My only bet would be to convince Abraham that he can’t trust Evvie but don’t I’m unsure if thats entirely possible. Worth a shot. 


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