By Dean Kowalski
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We do love a last minute jab like Jeff said.

Sad to see yet another Kallpa here! At least you won't be alone in here, and you'll be getting company pretty soon as this week moves on by quickly. You can get even more jabs in that way (hint hint, Ponderosa fights plz). Glad you could play this game even with that timezone difference!
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By Erik
Just to be clear I came to play and especially during the tribal part of the game I was very much playing as I'm sure you could see. But the way they completely shut me out combined with the timezone challenges made it hard to stay motivated. 
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By Jaime
Erik my heart is so sad to see you here but also so happy to have a friendly face with me 

Ancha also shut me out they could have at least pretend to blindside me like Leslie and I did to Aaron it’s honestly pathetic and Ancha is full of pussies 

I also felt like we weren’t threats I SUCKED at challenges and you were never on that much(due to the time zone difference but you definitely were on more than I thought you would be) 

either way they are playing a safe game and it’s so frustrating they are ruining my favorite game I do think Leslie has a chance to make it far but I dont know about JR I think he will be joining us next 

Do you have any tea you would like to share ☕️☺️


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By Erik
I also sucked at challenges haha.

Supposedly Shan is on the outs and was willing to vote with us. I had one chat with her and she was complaining about the way they were playing but that was it. JR sent me this whole elaborate plan and I was like "yeah sure I'll go with whatever you want" which was clearly just to make sure I wouldn't try anything.

I do think if I could've made it one vote further they would've been more willing to use Leslie and me to do something. We'll see if they're willing to do that with JR of if it's just a full pagonging.


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By Jaime
Leslie and I have been together since day one she told me EVERYTHING and I did the same with her Shan approach her the day of merge wanted to work with her to get Sara out but she is to scared to actually make the move and go against Ancha 

Leslie told me Shan told her Sara wanted me(Jaime) out and all of Ancha just went with it not sure what the reason was 

JR told me he was working with Sara and Xander not so sure that is true anymore I tried getting with Abe Deshawn and Evvie those three are tight and playing the middle it seems Shan and heather are a duo but at the bottom and Sara and Xander are a POWER duo. 

Deshawn told me he didn’t want to pick off Kallpa one by one so I tried to use that and got close with him gave him alittle Info I’m hopes to get him to work with me he kept making it seem like he wanted to work with me but wouldn’t let me in on votes that’s how I knew it was gonna be me Deshawn and Evvie are FULL OF SHIT 

that’s my tea sorry it was so hot 🥵


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By Jaime
Leslie and I have been together since day one she told me EVERYTHING and I did the same with her Shan approach her the day of merge wanted to work with her to get Sara out but she is to scared to actually make the move and go against Ancha 

Leslie told me Shan told her Sara wanted me(Jaime) out and all of Ancha just went with it not sure what the reason was 

JR told me he was working with Sara and Xander not so sure that is true anymore I tried getting with Abe Deshawn and Evvie those three are tight and playing the middle it seems Shan and heather are a duo but at the bottom and Sara and Xander are a POWER duo. 

Deshawn told me he didn’t want to pick off Kallpa one by one so I tried to use that and got close with him gave him alittle Info I’m hopes to get him to work with me he kept making it seem like he wanted to work with me but wouldn’t let me in on votes that’s how I knew it was gonna be me Deshawn and Evvie are FULL OF SHIT 

that’s my tea sorry it was so hot 🥵


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By Loveita Adams
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Boo!!!!!! Hate to see you here and I definitely see it as a case of everything in the game acting against you (timezone disadvantage, numbers disadvantage, etc). But I'm really excited to see your commentary now from Ponderosa!
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By Erik
Susie Smith" wrote: Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:37:15 pm Thanks for playing Stranded Erik! How did it compare with your expectations of an ORG?
I really enjoyed it, especially in the pre-merge. I think I expected people to be way more willing to make moves just for fun because aren't we here to have a good time? I guess that's what happens when you play with super fans who know the "rules" of what you're meant to do. I'm glad I made the move I did in the last vote before the merge and didn't just go with the guys, even though the others ended up leaving me out of the vote they did save me so can't be too unhappy.

I appreciated the effort that was put into making it happen, and feeling like people were enjoying watching. I don't think I'll rush into playing another one anytime soon, at least not one that takes place over such a long period of time. I'm definitely glad I did it though!
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