-- 4th Place - Voted Out 3-1 --
The Survival Sequences challenge was a bit of a blur, with Shan emerging as the winner! Everyone seemed to agree to send Heather packing, and just like that we’re down to 7! 

1.      That challenge was a doozy! Did you have any particular strategy for Survival Sequences? How’d that work out for you?
2.      Was voting out Heather YOUR idea, or did you go along for some reason? If it wasn’t your preference, why did you go along with it?
3.      Do you have any true ride or dies at this point? Do you think you’re theirs? Who thinks you’re loyal to them, but you’re not?
4.      Who do you think is the biggest threat to your torch right now? What will you do about that?
5.      Who do you think is most likely to give a bitter jury speech?
6.      Have you made any big moves so far this season? What were they?
7.      What would your fellow tribemates find the most surprising to learn about you? 

Bonus question! Please share some insight into why you feel it’s important to differentiate your game from Jean-Robert’s game.

We've been loving all the confessional videos that so many of you have been making! If you haven't already, we encourage you to record a shortish video on YouTube, mark it as 'unlisted,' and share it with us! You can talk about your thoughts on the game and share your answers to the confessional questions.  If you need some inspiration, here’s a reaction video Cakes did after making the merge in one of her ORGs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLHZ9YH_HJE 

Susie Smith

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1. That challenge was a doozy! Did you have any particular strategy for Survival Sequences? How’d that work out for you?
I was going to write down the sequence but they picked me first and I havent been feeling well the past day or so, but I am feeling a tiny bit better today.2. Was voting out Heather YOUR idea, or did you go along for some reason? If it wasn’t your preference, why did you go along with it?
I don't mind because like I said as long as Heather was out before I was I am fine, but I do think yesterday was a good shot for Abe, Deshawn, or Xander. 3. Do you have any true ride or dies at this point? Do you think you’re theirs? Who thinks you’re loyal to them, but you’re not?
I am not sure if I really have any ride or dies. It would have been Jaime, but they voted her out so RIP. I really would like to work with Shan, and the past few days JR has kind of calmed down a bit, so if he keeps it a bit less crazy, I would like to continue working with him.4. Who do you think is the biggest threat to your torch right now? What will you do about that?
I think Xander, Deshawn, and Abe are. Especially Xander and Deshawn. It really seems like there is something going on there. I would like to see one of them or Abe out tonight.5. Who do you think is most likely to give a bitter jury speech?
heather6. Have you made any big moves so far this season? What were they?
I am not sure. I feel like being able to use information from Aaron and JR in order to flip Aaron to voting Erik instead of Jaime was good for us. I think that getting Sara out was good for me because she never gave me any information and kept her cards really close to her chest.7. What would your fellow tribemates find the most surprising to learn about you? 
I am not sure. Bonus question! Please share some insight into why you feel it’s important to differentiate your game from Jean-Robert’s game.
It is probably a pride thing. I dont like feeling that people won't share ideas with me because they think they can't work with me because I am JR's vote. I feel like us being on different sides for that one vote will hopefully be enough to solidify the fact that I am my own player and they can trust me/come to me to help them make big moves.


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At this point I feel like the four of us left realize that we need to go after one of the three. I don't think any of them are unaware enough (Heather) to actually do a stupid vote that won't count. If it doesn't work out fine, but I really think we should be good. Either way that is where my vote is going. Because I couldn't trust Sara or Heather to stick with it. I think we should be good this time.


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