By Danni Boatwright
HEARTBROKEN TO SEE YOU HERE LESLIE </3 You have been an absolute pleasure to watch this season. You and Jamie were the queens of the premerge, and watching you learn to navigate the game without your second half has been quite the ride. But at every point along the way, you were gracious and your excitement about the game in your confessionals was always so refreshing. Sad to see you leave so very close to the end, but SO grateful to have gotten to watch you this season.

NOW ENJOY JURY VILLA! Can't wait to see what you bring to the final tribal.
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By Tyler Frederickson
UGH! Well that was real. Sorry to see you here, Leslie. You had a killer early game, and as The Last Kallpa Standing, and as someone who was never immune and pretty consistently received votes at council, you clearly had a difficult road to get as far as you did. Despite challenging odds, you never gave up and tried everything you could to find the Ancha cracks, fighting until the very end, and honestly, I love that. I hope you enjoyed playing the game and enjoy your continuing jury role!
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By Jeff Probst
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An absolute star from day 1. You stumbled early in the merge, which was frustrating to watch, but you ended like a class act and deserved the last kallpa standing/robbed goddess slot. 
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By Loveita Adams
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I was praying for you to win immunity tonight so hard girl, but it wasn't meant to be 😭😭😭

You played more game in the premerge than any Ancha member in the entire merge and should be SO FUCKING PROUD. 

I think you'll find Ponderosa more enjoyable than...maybe all of your merge experience. So sit back, relax, and laugh at the F2 reveal ❤️
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By Michael Snow
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A tragedy. Since the first post you ever made I saw so much of myself in you and have been one of your biggest supporters. You did such a great job making it to the final four! Be proud of yourself! That’s real! 
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By Jaime
LESLIE I missed you sooo much I am so fucking proud of you for making it so far I am your number one fan always and forever 

I literally cried when I got voted off not because I was out but because I couldn’t talk to you anymore you were what got me through all those loses on Kallpa playing this game with you was amazing and watching you play was even better! You were the only person I told EVERYTHING to in this game and I wouldn’t have wanted it anyother way

We had such an amazing pre merge game and post merge it got away from us and were separated on day one 💔 but you persevered and made it as far as you possibly could with those jerkoffs and it’s a good thing they got rid of me because we would have destroyed those fuckers if we were together 😈

Welcome to Ponderosa💛
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By Dean Kowalski
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Leslie!! Back on Kallpa, you were my favourite of the tribe, and for a couple rounds fave of the entire cast. You were a STAR there!!! Ever since you lost Jaime in merge however, it's been a struggle to see you try to find your stride but you never got back into it. I'm crushed you were the vote tonight.

I take solace in the fact you're in Pondy now, can read the praise you were given here, and you can reunite with your Kallpa bestie ❤ thanks so much for playing~
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By Jean-Robert
Leslie, you’re a really impressive person and I’m really grateful that we got to play this game together and be on the same side of things. Super upset to see you fall short, but you were a really intelligent game player and an even better rock for me during my harder times in the game. Lots of love for you!
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By Shan
Jean-Robert wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:32:55 pm Also gonna pretend to not be jealous that Jaime and Leslie were tighter than I was with either of them 😂🥺
same 😭😭😭
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By Deshawn
Leslie!!! Really putting the 'angel' in 'fallen angel' huh?

I'm so sad to see you here tonight. You had such a positive attitude and energy through the merge. I never knew how "that's real" had been missing from my life but now I do!
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By Jaime
Jean-Robert wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:32:55 pm Also gonna pretend to not be jealous that Jaime and Leslie were tighter than I was with either of them 😂🥺
I still cannot believe that we pulled that off like how did no one put together that we were besties I cannot believe we did that 

I knew EVERYTHING when you gave her the password to the group chat I even got the password myself to look at the messages 😂😂 I remember when Leslie came up with the plan to get a group chat with the three of us and we decided to make you believe you were the glue that held me and her together 

JR I love you man but she was my number one from day one and we told eachother everything and I just played stupid the entire game when I was called the goat by frosti it was so satisfying because I knew it was working then I tried to use that to make ancha want to keep me around thinking I was on the outs and not a threat well that didn’t work to well for me clearly 😂
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By Jean-Robert
Did she also tell you I was traveling in Europe all of pre-merge? Lol. Challenges and tribal councils at 3-4 in the morning were interesting.
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By Jaime
Just want to add Leslie I’m sure ponderosa is gonna be very overwhelming there has been so much talking and shit talking it’s gonna take hours to read but I promise it will be worth it. lots of entertaining content in this bitch 


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By Jaime
Jean-Robert wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:40:18 pm Did she also tell you I was traveling in Europe all of pre-merge? Lol. Challenges and tribal councils at 3-4 in the morning were interesting.
YES SIR!!!!! I was shocked because when you said you were at the beach and from the NH area I just thought you were in jersey 😂 then she told me that and I had to be so careful not to slip up and ask you about your trip because that would have exposed us 🙊
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By Leslie
OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! I definitely wish I hadn't been so worried that people wouldn't see JR and I as different people, but it was SO much fun and I am so excited just to breathe a bit haha! You all are so amazing, and I am for my first ORG I am super proud of how far I made it! Maybe one day I can play again and see what could happen! This has been WILD, and I have loved every moment. ❤ Pre-merge was no joke and I definitely got a bit lost when there were so many people and I hadn't known many of them. Seriously such a good experience though!


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